Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1255, Flying Snow, Dawei Domain

"The king, the rebellious robbery, what will then come?" The sword didn't ask.

"If it is normal practice, just reached the level of the world, it should still need a long time, the gods will come, but you are reversible, when will this, when I will fall, but the reverse repair is coming soon You will also feel some, you have no sense, then explain the reverse repair, you will have to come for a while! "

"Of course, if you do this, you can now prepare for the rebellion." Said the King said.

"Well, I understand." The sword is unparalleled. "

Next, the sword has no doubles, while continuing to ask a lot of kings about the gods, reverse repair.

No way, this reverse repair is the biggest robust that reversal, and he doesn't pay attention to him.

Time passed, a three-year time.

The boundaries of the boundaries in this boundless void were three years. In this day, the soul of the sword was finally seen in a huge land that appeared in a far away.

That suspension is vast, and it is not known for the green world.

"Is it going to the place of practice?" The sword didn't look at the huge terrestria in the distance, but the heart was secretly shocked.

Task, he has been able to use the spaceship in the use of the three years to drive this, how is the speed of the spacecraft of the boundaries.

If there is no boundary spacecraft, if he is driving the road, there is no hundreds of years to reach here.

When the Jien's unparalleled land, the sword has been in the world, and the land is floating, and there is not long before a city of the land.

Under the surroundment of a group of array, the sword is unparalleled, and it is impossible to force and pass through the city gate.

When I arrived in the city gate, the sword was unparalleled, and the long dragon that was inquiry in the city was queued. Every Long Longru had thousands of people queued.

"A lot of people, and the strength is very strong!"

The power of the sword is unparalleled, and the breath of these people is clear.

Most of these queues, most of the Tianzun level, and the number of bounds is relatively small, as for Dazun ... The road to queue here is less than the world, only a few people.

And there is no one.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to remember, you have left the green fire world to come to Wanchao world, here is different from the fire world, in the green fire zone is the top, can be in the world of chaotic world, Respect is the bottom of the bottom, and there are few quantities. Because most people are reaching the Tianzun level, they will choose to leave their hometown to the ancient chaotic world to sway. "Said the king said.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The old man is queued, and the vast chaotic world can be more focused more than your green world. If you are a powerful contest, you may not have to comply with the rules of this city, but you are just one now. That is awarded. "

The sword has shrugged, and he has to live in this queue.

Wancha chaotic world efficiency is extremely high, less than a time, it is unparalleled.

"Entering the cost of the city, a mixed chaotic crystal." Guardian guards Iceway.

"A mixed chaotic crystal?" The sword was shocked.

A chaotic crystal value in the green fire is coming to a whole family of a three-turn, but it is just a process fee.

"It's really expensive. The people in this city will at least be tens of thousands every day. One person is a mixed chaotry crystal. One day is thousands of chaotic crystals. The city of this city is really black." The sword is unparalleled, and it has been paid to a mixed chaotic crystal, and enter this city.

In the city, the people in the mountains, the sea, and the lively.

It is indeed the same as the King, most of this city, most of them are the most, and the road is respectful, and the respect is less.

As for the boundaries ... Use the King's words, the boundaries are placed in an ordinary domain, which is already the top power, and the number of bounds in a domain will not be too much. It is natural to see.

This city is similar to the city in the green world, and there are a variety of pubs and shops, just the obvious levels.

The sword is unparalleled to visit a moment in the city, and it also enters some shops, the treasure trafficking in the shop, it is obviously a few grades higher than the green circles.

After half a day, the sword was unparalleled in a pub.

He took a glass of wine and drinked with wine, just drank two, he frowned.

"The wine among the chaotic world is more than my hometown." The sword shook his head, then he looked at a waiter next to him, asked: "Is your pub trafficking information?"

"Of course." The waiter of this Tianzun hierarchy smiled; "I don't know what information do you need?"

"I have to have some detailed and better, the better, the more detailed, and there are so strong forces, even those who are so strong." The sword has no double.

"The most detailed intelligence, our pub has, but the price is expensive, it takes five hundred chaotic crystals." The waiter smiled.

General Tianzun, all of them are around 20 chaotic crystals.

There are hundreds of people in the world, and can take out five hundred chaotic crystals, less.

"This is five hundred chaotic crystals, you count." The sword is unparalleled to send a Qiankun.

The waiter's eyes shilly, carefully clearly, and also respect the road: "Adults, please wait."

Not long, this waiter will hand in front of the sword of the most detailed information in this domain, and the sword is not born, while licking.

"Dawei domain, affiliated to the Snow God?" The sword was unparalleled.

At this time, the king once opened again, "" The sword is unparalleled, the vast structure of the chaotic world, in general, can be divided into four levels. "

"The first level, that is, the lowest end, it is one after another, and the unmete the ancient world, like the green world, it is one of them, but the geographical location is more special."

"Second level, is the domain!"

"The domain, refers to a vast territory. This territory has a large number of people in the terrestrial, and there are lands that have gathered all over the ancient circles, and in general, each domain is a strong, or It is a strong power to control! "

"The third level, is the leader!"

"The country is composed of hundreds of three domains, a goddess, which is already very large, but in the vast ancient chaotic world, there are many days."

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