Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1256, One Emperor!

When I said, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is secretly shocked.

He just bordered from the fire. In his view, a domain made of an endless man, which is already very large.

Can be a goddess, but it is more than one thousand times more than one domain!

And the quantity of the world of the chaotic world is still a lot?

"Big, too big!"

"The ancient chaotic world, it is really too big." The sword was unparalleled.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, and asked: "The country is just the third level, the fourth level?"

The third level of the gods have been very vast, how will the fourth level?

"The fourth level, that is the most important thing of the world's chaotic world, but also the most the most vast top ten cultivation holy land!" Said the king.

"Ten !!!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Wancha Chaos World World, there is indeed a top ten cultivation of the holy land, but the territory of the top ten cultivation holy land is not big, far more than the territory that is not occupied by the country, but the top ten cultivation holy land It is the core place of the ancient chaotic world. It is more than half-metering there. Therefore, there are more than those of the gathered, "more than other places."

"From many gods, many domains, and even some top talents from the ancient circles, many of the top ten cultivation holy land."

"The sword is unparalleled, you are the core of the stars, and the stars have a big cultivation in the holy place." Said the King said.

"Star and one pulse, within one of the cultivation of the holy place?" The sword has no double.

"Not only that, the star is in the cultivation of the holy place, or the super power of the hegemony, and there is also Herhwei famous in the whole Outdoor Chaos World." You said: "You just bord from the green fire, the best way now It is a large number of resources to the Star, relying on a lot of resources, you can get the best growth, but it is a pity that you are now in this domain, and you are too far away. "

"How far?" The sword asked.

"do not know."

King shook his head. "I originally followed Lu Zhen Wang in the vast chaotic world, there were a lot of domains, but I didn't heard that Flying Snowdom, I can affirm this snow, I don't have a top ten cultivation. The surroundings of the holy place are likely to be in some inconspicuous corners of the vital chaotic world, from such a place to go to the top ten holy land, the middle of the road will be very distant, the time spent will definitely be very long. "

"Not only that, in addition to some domains, there is a lot of dangerous land outside the country, and there is a lot of dangerous land, and there is even countless thief, with your current strength, I want to go to the top ten holy land, it is not realistic! "

"So, you are the most important thing now, first in this big town area, the strength has made great breakthroughs, at least the first heavy reversal, really become a heavy heaven, you will do it again."

"I understand." The sword has no double nodding.

He also knows that he can't eat hot tofu.

With his current strength, one person wants to go to the top ten cultivation, it is indeed a luxury.

Only breaking through the world, there is a certain strength, then start.

The sword is unparalleled, and the intelligence of this big

The Dawei Domain, although it is just a common domain, but the territory is also extremely vast and strong, and these strong people are gathered in the land of the sword.

The number of forces in the Dagu field is also very much, and the most stronger, it is the four-part forces.

This four-party forces are each Dagu, hematitis, Jinyang Zong and Tian Shengfu!

This four parties, also known as a three hegemony!

One of them, refers to the Emperor Emperor of the Emperor!

From the name of the Dagu Palace, it can be seen that this big palace is the true controller of this big west star. The palace owner of the Dagu Palace is also recognized by Flying Snow, and he is also the whole The first strong person recognized by the Dagu star, the only three heavens in the Dagu star!

The remaining bloody island, Jin Yangzong and Tian Shengfu are the three major hegens in the Dagu Star. They are also deeply rooted in the big , and the strength is unparalleled.

The Sword of the sword is unparalleled before the fire community. It is from the Shenglifu, or the core of the Shengfu. Now there is a curse of the curse of the Townah in the sword. At the core disciple, the other party certainly knows that he once killed the people.

"This day, the Holy Government, the strength is not weak."

The sword is unparalleled to see the information of the Holy Government that day.

Tianshengfu, a total of four house owners, the four owners are all two heaven, and the Master of the Townaek seems to be one of them.

As for a heavy heaven, there is also a matter of 20 in the Holy House, one of which has also attracted the attention of swords.

This is a heavy heaven, it is Qingyang Dynasty!

Qingyang Dynasty God is the first day of the Tian Shengfu, it is said that it has been said that it has been a heavy heaven, and its combat is said to have reached a heavenly peak.

"Before the woman died before, his master is a house owner of the Shengfu. His brother is the first day of the Tian Shengfu, and I haven't worried it yet, but now it seems that now, I am troublesome, I am not a big big. "The sword didn't double.

Although he said, he is also comparable to a heavy heaven, but a heavy heaven is also a first, higher, and peak.

His battle, top more, is a heavy height, even if the stars secret surgery, it is only in ten breathing time, which is barely has a strong strength, this strength, in the Shengfu, can kill him There can be several.

Single Single Qingyang Dynasty, he is now counterproductive.

"It seems that I am very careful now, if it is targeted by Tiansheng, it is finished." The sword is unimaced.

Then he looked at another hegemony of the Dagu City ... Jin Yangzong.

"This Jinyangzong, the strength is even better than the Tianshi government." The sword has no doubles.

Jin Yangzong's gods, but more than 30, their principal, it is said that it is already close to the top of the top of the peak.

As for the strong, the strong is also countless.

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled, he saw Jin Yangzong's information on a strong person.

In the information of the strong, he wrote: "Golden Guo, Jin Feng!"

The Golden Guo, who was killed by him by him in the green fire industry, but did not expect this golden national owner, a strong person under Jinyangzong, and according to the introduction, this golden national owner The main relationship between Jinyang Zongzong is still very shallow, and there is a rumor that the golden national owner is the brother of Jinyang.


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