Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1257 Invincible!

The information of the Golden Guo's owner, the color of the sword is becoming an abnormally.

"Good guy, I am so proving that it is not only a natural garden, even Jin Yangzong, I also enhance it, the golden national owner is the brother of Jin Yangzong, even if this rumor is fake At least the two relationships can also be explained that they are not shallow. If the golden Yangzong owner knows that I killed the golden national owner, I definitely chasing me like a crazy? "The sword was unparalleled.

Of course, he kills the golden country owner in the green fire industry, the fire community has the existence of the fire, completely isolated from the outside world, the golden country is absolutely can't kill his message, so As long as he does not say, Jin Yangzong should not know this.

"Although the chance is very small, I still have to prevent this for this Jinyangzong."

The sword is unlocking. "I want to be tied with the body of this big, the best way is to join a party, the big palace is high, even if it is incomparable, this is not I want. "

"And these three big hegens, it is often fighting, and even occasionally broke out, it is worth joining, and these three big hegens have a hatred with Jin Yangzong, which is that, then there is only the last last A big hegemony, bloody island! "

Heatitis island, the same is also a big hegemony in the Dagu City, and the overall strength is not better than Jin Yangzong, these years, the most fierce in the Dagu City, is the bloody island and Jin Yangzong, this Two big hegens, all the year round is in battle.

"You, come over." The wage waiter who did not have a blessing not far away.

"Adult, I don't know what to tell." The waiter came to come, respectful.

"I asked you, if I want to add blooditis island, what is the way?" The sword didn't ask.

"Add hematitis?" This waiter smiled, "Adults, the three major hegens of the Dagu area often fight, the fallen strong, naturally need a lot of strong people to supplement, so join these three big dominion The threshold is not high, as long as the strength is slightly good, it can be easily added, as for the world, it is easier. "

"If you don't want to master a certain power in these three big dominions, the threshold is relatively high, with your strength, you must add blooditis island, it is naturally easy."

The waiter smiled, he saw that the sword is unparalleled is a trip, so he will look respectfully.

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"As for adults, you have to join the bloody island, it is easier, because the city you are in this city is within the scope of hematology, in this city, there is a recruitment office of hematitis Island. Waiter.

"Oh?" The sword was unparalleled, but immediately took out a Qiankun ring, "I went to the recruitment, this Qiankun's chaotic crystal, it is you." "

This waiter glanced at the Qiankun, and immediately saw the twenty mixed chaotic crystals in Qiankun. After the eyes flashed, after the Qiankun quit, they respectd: "Adults, please come with me."

After the sword did not pay the money, he came to the center of this city in this waiter, and he did find the recruitment office of the bloody island.

The recruitment office is the same as the mountains, and a lot of people are in the row, and they are placed in two long dragons. It is obvious that there are many people who want to add hematitis.

"Adults, the recruitment office is respectively opposed to Tianzun, and you see more people in this area, and it is the recruitment of the recruitment. Adults You can go to the queue. "The waiter explained.

"Have you, go, go." The sword waved his hand.

"That is retreating in the end." This waiter fell in the sword, and then left.

The sword is unparalleled, there is an order to come to the recruitment office of the truth.

He also found that this is a simple way to recruit practitioners in this bloody island, but after the simply judge the strength, he will give it to the other party, so it is recruited, and the person who gets the giving, it is Go to the place where it is arranged.

And these are the leadership of the absolute hegemony in the ancient borders, but in this recruitment is extremely humble, there is no one for shelves.

Not long after, it is unparalleled in the rim to the sword.

"Your name, there is strength."

A white-haired old man who took the conclusion was a sword.

He saw the first eyes of the sword, and he saw that the sword is a strong breath, but he is not intended to be.

He is recruited in this recruitment, and it has been a lot of rewards, and the breath is stronger than the sword, and it is much more.

"The sword is unparalleled, as for strength ... Dare to ask strength to add blooditis island, what is the relationship?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Of course, there is a relationship." White haired old man said: "My bloody island has always been strong, the stronger your strength, the higher the position of the arrangement, the position in my blood island, nature will naturally higher."

"Is this?" The sword has no double smile, Shen Yichang will be good, open the mouth: "My strength is invincible."

"Invincible ..." The white-haired old man is also murmured, but I didn't care at the beginning, but the word 'word has not been exported, but he fierce it, and it is unparalleled with a horrified eyes. Come over.

In the long row of another Tianzun level next to the sword, there is also a touch of brush to the sword.

They have just heard the sword unparalleled to say the four words of 'invincible.

"You, what did you just say?" White haired old people looked at the sword unparalleled, "You are invincible? Are you sure?"

The sword is not blessed.

On the truly war, he is enough to be a heavy heaven, just he just stepped into the chaotic world, did not want to be too shocking, and he said that he didn't think of the invincible, but he didn't think of this white-haired old man in front of him, and The people around, the reaction will be so big.

The sword is unparalleled, but in the Dawei Domain, there is a lot of respect, and the few counts!

Even if it is a peak, in the Daxian area, it is nothing. If the sword is unparalleled, he is just a peak, then the old man will not have too much reaction, but the invincible is different. .

Invincible, that is very rare throughout the Dagu world, and even the world is scarce.

After all, invincible, usually need to create a shed, and in the level of respect, you can create a truly genius.

Even if it is the earth emperor, there is also the three major hegens, and it is quite attached to such a genius!


PS: Today is five!

Tomorrow is also five more, double back to the chapter owed yesterday.

In addition, the new volume begins, but also the journey of swords and unparalleled new, everyone supports ha!

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