Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 126 increases difficulty

In the sword, the sword is unparalleled to the side of the gravel, watching the crusters of the swords around the sword, but the brow is slightly frowned.

"Just the rock giant, what is it? Is it the test in Jianzheng?"

"However, if it is test, it is too weak. It is quite big, but it is too weak." The sword was unparalleled.

If the beautiful woman hears this, it will definitely be a half-dead, because this sword is guarding her personally arranged, and it is very confident before, and it is very miserable, and it is difficult to say it.

As a result, it is too weak by the sword.

The sword is unparalleled. This sword is guarded by him. It only used him as Jin Dan Xiao Cheng, so this sword is so weak, but the next time the sword is guarded. This is easy to deal with.


Suddenly appeared, the sword is guarded, although the sword is unparalleled, but not too much.

Next time, he is still alone in the quietness of those swords.

It is also in January.

Rumble ~~~ The sword is once again trembled.

With the last experience, this sword is shocked, and the sword is unparalleled is a quite calm.

And very fast, it is a large size of Jianzhao to defend in front of him.

"Shakes the last sword, just a month, that is, this sword, there will be such a rock giant every month." The sword is unparalleled, "I don't know this rock giant, than the previous rock giant. How much is it strong? "

Since the rock giant will have a respect every month, the strength will definitely improve, otherwise it will be the same as the first rock giant, it is too interesting.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with this rock giant.

A sword shaded directly toward the rock giants, and the rock giant was raging, and the sword was looked. Directly opened the air, and the powerful power broke out and retracted the sword.

"Well?" The sword was not double-colored.

As soon as the sword, the sword immediately found that this rock giant was easily killed by himself than a month ago, it was much more powerful too much, it was completely two different levels.

Before, the rock giant, he could kill easily, but this rock giant, he waved by the other party ...

"This is something that it means."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is close to the strength and no longer hiding, directly broke out, and fight with this rock giant.

The breath rolling, swords and unparalleled swordsmanship have also been completely played.

Not far from the empty, the beautiful woman looked at all with a strong man.

"I don't believe that he can easily arrange the swords of Jianzhao I arranged like it." The beautiful woman is cold.

"But the big sister, this sword is obviously not the opponent of the little guy." Strong and strong man.

The beautiful woman willow, she also looked at the battle in Jianzheng, although the sword was unparalleled without killing the rock giant, but it was a fierce battle, which was obviously the sword without double occupying an absolute upper.

"That kid, two months, his feelings of swords, it has been improved." Beautiful woman sighed.

Two months ago, the sword was unparalleled in the sword. When he drilled the sword, she can see the feelings of the sword unparalleled swords, but now in the past two months, the sword is unparalleled to the sword. Comparison, it is obviously two different concepts.

In fact, only the sword is unparalleled, these two months, his sense of enthusiasm is improved, but it is not a lot of enhancement, but there is a huge increase.

Two months, he has been in this sword, has been drilling the artistic conception of those swords, and the feelings of swords have been raised in an amazing speed, far more cultivation in the outside world, or It is also huge when the Dragon Palace is cultivated.

After all, whether it is in the outside world or in the Dragon Palace, there is no leaving the swords like a sword, and there is a sword mark left by thousands of swords.

Two months, his progress is already very huge.

call out!

A sword shaded out on the heavy sword of the rock giant, followed by the sword without a double long sword like a poisonous snake, and directly stabbed on the thick arm of the rock giant, so that there were many broken stones on their arms. Suddenly, then the sword is unparalleled with the sword, but the body shape of the rock giant is sinking.

"This rock giant, although the feelings of swords are very general, but his strength, speed is very terrible, more powerful than those who are full of golden Dan, the whole strength, I am afraid that it is worse than that. The sword is unparalleled.

Xiao Mang ... At the beginning, the sword has no double bit for a long time.

In front of you, this rock giant's skill, not ä, Xiao Mang.

If you do two months ago, the sword is unparalleled to defeat this rock giant, but now it is, but now ...


A sword is flashing, the speed is fast, easy to send from the rock giant heavy sword, tear the rock giant's whole arm, follow the long sword again, ,> Above the head of the rock giant.

Although the head of the rock giant is very hard, it also resists the sword with the sword, the sword, which contains the earth, when the whole head is bursting, and the gravel splashed.

Not far away, the beautiful woman saw this sword, the guards were once again killed by the sword, and it is still relatively simple to kill, her face immediately became cold.

"This kid, talent is good, two months, there is such a big progress?" The beautiful woman is cold.

"Progress is quite big." He nodded.

"Old 2, you will go to the Sword of the swords, and give him the difficulty." Beautiful woman.

"Is it difficult to add difficulty?" Hohns and strong man said: "Big sister, this little guy is just a Jin Dan Xiaocheng, let him treat him into Jin Dan, and it is very unfair to him, add difficulty. Have you done? "

"What? Do you do it according to what I said." Beautiful woman.

I have a strong and strong man, and I can only nod.

In the ancestral place, this beautiful woman is a big sister, everything is what she said.

The crisis in the sword is difficult ,/4 to some increase in the increase.

Of course, the sword is unparalleled to this, but he is uninformed. After he defeated the second rock giant, there is no much thinking, followed by continuing to enlighten those swords.

That Sword Sword is too big to help him.

His sense of feelings of swords, has always been raised in the amazing speed.


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