In the case of the sword where there is no double in the ancestral sword, the Tianzong Dynasty is incomparable, and a bloody and rainy.

The anger of the Dragon Palace is very terrible, and the Dragon Palace retalies to the bloody ripples is also very rapid.

In just two months, the bloody piercing is in the crazy pungement of the Dragon Palace. He suffered an unprecedented huge hidden base, and was killed by the killer of the Dragon Palace.

At the same time, in the dark, there are still several strong perspectives, and they are also crazy for the Dragon Palace.

These two months, can be said to be the most tragic two months in the history of the bloody, the killers of the bloody ripple, just like crossing the mouse, try to seek hidden, at all, do not show up, as for those of them The killer task is even more completely stopped.

Shakes and desire, the bloody ripper of one of the three major hegens of the Tiansong Dynasty has already reached the rushing edge.

Just in all people think that the bloody house is likely to become a history, this smoke is disappeared, suddenly ... all the retaliation of the bloody ripple, in just a short day, all calm down.

Yes, so inexplicable all.

Dragon Palace ....

That secret is a strong strength for the dragon palace, but also.

In addition to some of the minority, some of the powerful forces who want to take the plane of the stone rendering Dragon Palace, the most powerful of the bloody ripples will stop.

It's almost the same day.

It's so fast that it will start reorganizing the banner.


Everything happened too suddenly, and suddenly the heavenly dynasty strong force is very wrong.

Suddenly, the crazy retaliation of the bloody ripple, and suddenly all the retaliations saved, so people were inexplicably.


Dragon Palace.

Many top pilots are already all back.

Inside the palace, the two palace masters and the number of several temples gathered together.

The White House is holding a pot of wine, drinking alone, but the face is cold.


"I am really unwilling!"

After drinking a wine, the White House is directly low.

The black palace owner next to and several other temples have chosen silence.

"It can't be used in clearly, you can pull the bloody rush, when you are biased this time, the person ordered let us stop, don't know, what is he thinking?" The White House is still there.

"Well, old white, you don't complain, since the Hall of the Temple, since personally ordered, there is naturally his intention, we just have to follow." The Black Palace sighed.

"Follow? Hey." The White House is holding a cold, although the bottom is still extremely unllowed, but he is helpless.

The palace is naturally the temple of the Jinlong Temple.

Dragon Palace, although it is the core of the Jinlong Temple, but it is still in the Jinlong Temple, and the Temple of the Jinlong Temple is the national king of this day!

The monarch is dedicated, and the strong people of these dragon palaces naturally do not dare.


Next to the manor stone table, Wang Yuan's eyes are scratching a letter to watch, the more ugly look at his face.

After reading, Wang Yuan is directly influential, put the letter in his hand on the table.

"Bastard, isn't it a bloody feather? I can't stand it?" Wang Yuan was born.

Next to him, Danjiu respects in a robe.

"Leight, the door, the door, personally ordered to let you stop, no longer deal with the bloody ripple, naturally there is the truth of the door, so ..." Danjiu did not speak, but found that Wang Yuan's cold eyes have been I saw him.

The heart of Dan is, I don't dare to say anything.

Wang Yuan is silent, and the long time will take a deep breath, low departure: "Since the father adults, I naturally follow, I will not deal with the bloody ripple, but I will deal with the old three, I will forced the third I can only choose the Lin Yun who jumped into the deep abyss, but he must die! "

"As long as you don't deal with the entire bloody rim, just one of the purple kills, it is not a problem." Danjiu point.

"That's good, then deal with this Lin Yun, it is best to give me catching him." Wang Yuan rushed.

"Yes." Dan nodded and then left.

"Old 3!" Wang Yuan is in the manor, but the eyes are looking at the sky, and the eyes are flashing. "You can rest assured, I will be boss, I will revenge you!"


At the same time, in a secret room.

Mage of several bloody hazags respectfully stand in front of the teenage.

"Gong him, actually ordered it to let me go to the bloody ripple?" Su Fu face with a cold, and the heart is also confused. "There is a bloody building in the district, and even the son will be jealous?"

"Forget it, since the son commanded, let's stop." Su Mou sighed, but there was a painful, "but unfortunately the third ..."

The Tianzong Dynasty quickly calmed down again.

And over time, the sword is unparalleled, and the sight of the power of the power of the parties.

The ancestral, the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to this Jianzheng. It has been enough for a year and three months.

At this year, I have been in the presence of those swords, and understanding the mystery.

At the same time, this year is six months, and there are also 15 swordsman guards, all have a respect every other month.

In this fifteen sword, the first must be weak, but from the second respect, the strength of the sword is universally strong, and one is more than one.

Sorctive sword is unparalleled in this sword, the swords, the feelings of swords are constantly improving, so they can kill all those swordsman guards all the swordsmanship, if he is in this year and three months I am afraid that as long as I have no progress in one month, I am afraid that I will be killed by the sword of the sword who comes out of this month.

At this moment, on the empty space of the sword, the sword is unparalleled, but in the hands of the sword.

A sword shadow continues to stab ...

"The wind is invisible, everywhere is not!"

"Fire is violent, it is very competition!"

"The wind is more fierce, the tight is more popular!"

"Blade Sword ..."

"Fire sword ..."

The sword is muttered, and the swordsman in the hands are getting faster and faster.

Outful, dazzling sword, straightforward and unparalleled burst, instant caves wear voids, tearing everything in the world.


Jian Feng stab in void, a flame ripples seem to have a hurricane, spread.

The wind sword, the fire is sword, two very different swords, but also in this sword.

The sword is unparalleled at this moment, and there is an unprecedented brightening burst.

"The wind sword, the fire is sword, combined with each other!"



PS: If the brothers feel good, ask for collecting, seek recommendations, and have the ability to reward.

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