Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1259 Chenshen God


Seeing your own style is actually broken by the other party, the sword is unparalleled.

Task, his wind wave moves this trick, since it is created, unless the strength gap is too disgusting, no one can defeat this trick directly, and the top can only completely stream this trick.

But now, this kind of arrogant is only the power of ordinary bounds, and he has not taken out his own sword, and it has fallen this recruit?

"Triple Wave!"

The sword is not a double eyeliner, and it is not anxious. After the Chenshen god, the blood peak sword in his hand is lightning.

clang! clang! clang!

The three impact sounded, and the kingdom gains and easily gave these three swords to the ground.

"If this strength, even the qualifications for me sword, I will take your strength, take it out!" Chen Dynasty god low.

The sound is transmitted to the sword, and the sword is not hesitant.



The sky is suddenly dark, and in this no darkness, a light is suddenly lit.

This is a sword light, this sword light seems to rise in front of the dawn!

The horrible power, broke out.

Seeing this sword, the flying featuring the feathers at not far, he has seen this sword and reached the level of the sheds.

And the world god, also showed a smile, "this is just like!"

When the voice came, he saw the Chenjie Shenba and the palm, and there were more scarlet swords in his hand.

Subsequently, the Chenjie gods a sword, and there was a slight sword, did not have any waves in the void, but the sword is falling, and the dawn of the rising in the darkness is, but it is a sudden disappearance. .

rub! rub! rub! rub!

The shape of the sword is also sudden and fallen, and the burst exits the foot and short step, and each step is left a heavy big pit on the ground.

Fortunately, the land space in this big is far more than the ancient circles like the fire industry, and there are more voids outside the land to be more stable. Plus two people deliberately control their own power, even if they handed hands, and There is no big damage to this recruitment office.


After the sword is unparalleled, it will raise his head and look at Chen's god, and there is no compassion.

"My dawn, I am also a scholar, but in his hand, he is just a sword, he will defeat my sword, and his understanding of swordsman, obviously far more. "The sword is unparalleled secret.

And the world gods also saw him, "Sword is unparalleled, is there any other means? Just just the sword, just to force me to pull the sword, but I can't let me show swords."

"Come again!"

The sword flashed in a buddy.

Although it was defeated by the other side, he was discouraged, but he once again raised the blood peak sword in his hand.


The sword is again swept again.

This time, the sword has no doubles, and it is the second style of his creation ... Nirvana newborn!


When it was obvious, it seems that there is an infinite hopes to come out when the sword light of the vitality, the eyes of the world are also bright.

"This sword is not bad, it is eligible for me to show swords."

Chenjie smiled and laughed. Subsequently, he saw his wrist whistling, a scarlet sword is like a spurious plug.


The two swords were collided on the front, and the result was that the sword was unparalleled by the wolf.

But because Chen Jian god has been paying, this sword has not given a lot of damage to the sword after defeating the sword.

In the recruitment office, a silence.

"The sword is unparalleled, let's here."

The flying featuring is coming.

The sword is unparalleled with Chen, which will naturally.

"Chen brother, how?" Feifei laughed and looked at Chenzhi.

"Very good, although the power is not moving, it is very common to respect the level, but his sword is good, the light is to create two kinds, and finally, the penetration, but also reached a first order. Higher level, the battle force, absolutely calculated is invincible, if the power can be strong, then in the invincible, it can be extremely terrible. "Chenjie god smiled.

I heard this, there is no double on the sword next to it, but the bottom is an abdomen.

Chen Chen thought he had all made all efforts, but it was actually that when he knew that the Chenjie was in the power of the power. When he only used ordinary inspect, the sword is unparalleled.

He is reversible, and it is still an immortal body that integrates the achievements of the three strongest swords, and it is the royal god of four-star peak.

On the power of power, he is more than dozens of times more than the ordinary boundaries, but he has just been suppressed, and the bloody will not be used.

As a result, Chen Zhizhi believes his strength, it is really only a common level.

As for the jewelery of Chen's God, it is the fact.

The boundaries of the world, divided into three sessions of the world, and also divided into three-order, three levels of joining.

In the two scholars of the sword unparalleled, the dawn is only a first-order, and the most ordinary, and Nirvana newborn is a first order.

"Since Lian Chenjie God believes that you have the war of invincible, this verification is naturally passed, the sword is unparalleled, from today, you are a member of Hezhang Island." Fei Yu Shi said.

"Thank you Chen Chen god pointed, I wonder the world of Fei Yu." The sword has no double-acting, and he has benefited more than the Chensheng God.

Fei Yu Dynasty showed his hand, continued: "Although my bloody island is one of the three hegens of the Dagu City, there is not much invincible, and every one is in the position, and the sword is unparalleled. Since you join my bloody island with an invincible boundary, then my bloody island naturally has to arrange the job that is suitable for your identity. "

"You come with this seat."

When I fate, I fate in the world of Chen and Chen, and I went with the black castle of the sword.

And his three people went, this recruitment office fried the pot.

"The idea of ​​just shot is the god of Chen Ding, the famous" of the bloody island. It's so powerful! "

"I heard the goddess of the world, it is a top-hoping power. It is the top of my top five in the top five, and the sword is extremely very good."

"Chen Dynasty is powerful, and the sword is unparalleled. It can force the Chenjie to take out the sword, and even the sword is also very good."

"The sword is unparalleled to add blooditis island with invincible, I don't know what positions can you get?"

"The invincible boundaries of hematitis is generally monitors or God, this sword is unparalleled, and it should be a supervision."

The numerous bounds in the recruitment office, the Tianzun discussed.

For them, the world is high, but invincible, that is also a big person, let them only look up.

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