Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1260 Seven God

Black Castle, Building a Hall.

The flying feathers are sitting in parallel with the world.

"The sword is unparalleled, my bloody island is invincible, usually only two positions can make you choose, the first is the supervision, the second is God will!" Flying Featings said.

"Monitoring is to monitor the territory of my hematitis island and some special land monitoring. This position is a dream. After all, it is the territory of our own control. My blood island said, natural nature is dare. The supervision of the defense is made, so becoming an inspection, it will be more comfortable, and there is also a lot of oil and water. "

The flying feathers did not hide.

The supervision of hematitis is made, and there are indeed a lot of oil and water.

"And God will go to the Jiuxing Sea, there is my horizontal island to control the edge of the territory, there is a lot of strong people there, and at the same time have contact with the golden Yangzong, Tianshengfate, and many forces. Naturally, there will be a conflict! "

"God will, for my bloody island to fight, relatively supervision, naturally have to be more dangerous, but the possibility of getting the chance is also greater."

"The advantages and disadvantages of these are yourself, I will give you three days, let you make a choice." Fei Yu commander said.

"No need for three days, I will do it now, become a god." The sword has no double.

"Oh?" Fei Yu's godside faces, and the two are a laugh.

They didn't feel unexpected.

When the sword is unparalleled with the Chenchen God, they have seen that the sword is unparalleled.

How can such a good person to choose the incomparable monitoring?

The fact is true.

The sword is unparalleled now, I want to find a chance to constantly hone myself, improve my strength, and prepare for the reverse repair.

If it is for any life, he will not choose to add hematitis.

"This is your identity, you hold it, go to the Jiuxing Sea directly to find a big wings, you listen to him." Fei Yu Shi god gave an ancestors to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, it will income in the Qiankun Ring, and the two borders of the two borders in front of the eyes are a gift, and then they left.

After coming out of the black castle, the sword is unparalleled to go to the Jiuxing Sea.

Jiuxinghai, is a huge waters, almost traversed throughout the Dagu City, which is also a border of hematitis island.

Heart island is one of the three major overlords outside the Daxie. It is very distant in the territory of the territory, and the sword is unparalleled. The air boat in the world can only rely on his own foot, it takes a long time for half a year, and he really rushes to the nine star sea.

One to the Jiuxing Sea, to the military camp of the bloody island, the sword is unparalleled to see the big wings.

The big wing is a big leader, which is the most powerful one of the island owners. He is stronger than the power, and he is colloys all the strong island in this nine star sea.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have seen it."

The sword is unparalleled in a palace, and he saw this high-definition leader.

He is buretable, close to three meters high, a loudly, the whole person looks abnormally, the body is also abnormal, as if a brown bear.

"You are swords and no pairs?"

The big wing of the Dormat is a sword. "Shortly, the Feifei is sent to me, saying you, I heard that your sword is good, even the high-level college entrance is coming out, under the use of the world, even Chen The world must take out the weapons to show swordsmanship to defeat you! "

"That is the Hand of Chenjie." The sword is unparalleled.

"You know it." Barbarian universal collar color, "Invincible", can create a scholastic in the world, it is indeed that the genius is not fake, but in these genius can become the world, but less And less, if it is a madness, it will inevitably fall below the robbery! "

"It will be understood." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, how long have you practiced?" The big wing of the big lead asked.

"How long does it take to practice?" The sword has no double, because of a while, he said: "Fast 10,000 years."

He actually cultivation is not more than five thousand years, but he is not as too guilty, so it is deliberately said that lonself.

"Fast 10,000 years? Is it not enough for 10,000 years?" The prince of the big wings is unparalphed. "Are you born in the Dagu area, or in the ancient world?"

"Wan Dujie, I just got from my hometown." The sword is unparalleled.

"I will not leave it shortly? That is to say, I have been spent in my hometown. In the ordinary people, I rely on my ability to rely on my ability, I have reached the invincible level, I really have "The big wings is dark," "This nine star sea, the gods under the collar will have six, and from today, you will be the seventh god of this union."

"Yes." The sword is unlikely.

"This is your identity, which contains a unique atmosphere, but the strong people in my blood can know that you will be God." The big wingdom of the big wings said, "In addition, this The leader is now just a task, but also a god will participate, you will. "

"This task is relatively simple. You just arrived in this Jiuxinghai, just practice your hand in this task."

"Come, go to the second God will evoke the fifth god!"

The big wingdom of the big wing is overbearing, and the time does not give the sword unparalleled inquiry.

Soon, the two figure came in.

"Meet the big collar."

The two men and a woman, the male face is clear, and the eyebrows are hidden.

The woman is a hot girl, although the girl is modeled, but the breath is abnormal.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will introduce you, these two are the two gods will be in Lin Dong and the five gods." The big wing of the big lead is simply introduced to the two sides. "This is the seven gods just added to my hematitis." Unparalleled swords. "

These two big gods will also have a double-point head with the sword.

"This task, they have already known, swords are unparalleled, you will ask them later." The big wings are rough, and they look at Lin Dong and Mohe two people. " It's more simple, you have more to take care of the sword and unparalleled, let him abrasive, know? "

"It will be understood later." Lin Dong took care of himself.

"Okay, go to prepare."

The big wing of the big wings waved, and the sword was unparalleled.


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