Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1261 Ovold Tasks!

The military camp.

The sword is unparalleled with the second god, and the fifth god will take the three people in front of the three people.

"The sword is unparalleled, you just arrived in the Jiuxing Sea, according to the truth, we should give you a wind, but since there is a mission, this is only waiting for the next time, now I first Tell you to the mission. "Lin Dong said.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The Daba collar is an extinguishing task." Lin Dongdao.

"Oil ?" The sword is unparalleled, "" Who is ignorant? "

"Red Water Alliance." Lin Dongdao.

The sword is unparalleled.

The red water alliance, he knows, after all, the Chiang Shui Alliance is also extremely strong in the Daguity area.

According to the unparalleled information, this red water alliance is more than three major hegens, but it is only the existence of the three major hegens, the red water alliance is the world, there is a lot of six, although there is no two The heavens are sitting in the town, but it is also extremely strong.

And now, do they go to the Red Solid Alliance?

How is this extinguishing?

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't be nervous, the red water alliance is indeed strong, but it is already in the past." Lin Dong smiled.

"Past style?" The sword was unparalleled.

Lin Dong is in a glance with Moqi, then I laughed: "Not long ago, the Chiang Shui Alliance was fierce in my bloody island and Jin Yangzong. Although it was incomparable. Injoking, but it was still found out by my hematitis island. Therefore, the Heart Island is anger, directly leading a batch of boundaries, killing the old nest of the Chiang Shui Alliance, and all of the high-level power of the Red Solver Alliance! "

"The six bounds of the Chiang Shui Alliance have all died, even some strengths are relatively strong, and they also kill a lot, and now the red water alliance, the highest level of power has lost, only some Directive, Tianzun, and our task, it is to pull this red-saving alliance that has lost the highest level of power, and take it over the territory of them. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

If the Africa Alliance is a peak period, then the three gods will go to the destruction.

However, after the highest level of war, the Chiang Shui Alliance said to their three gods in the future, it is not necessary.

"It is no wonder that the big wing of the general context said that this task is relatively simple, lost the strength of the highest level, although the Red Solid Alliance has a lot of respect, Dazun, but it is just an empty shell." Sword Unparalleled.

"Although the task is not difficult, the territorial domain occupied by the Chiang Shui Alliance is quite vast, we have to have a city of a city, and it is afraid that it takes a lot of time. Let's go, let's go to call people, this task, I follow The second army and the fifth army under the mid, there are other tasks can't be opened, and they can only let the seventh army of you will be dispatched. "Lin Dong said, but also looked at the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are now afraid that you have not greeted the seventh army sergeant with you? Let us take you."

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

He is the seventh god, and he will control the seventh army.

And after a long time, the sword was unparalleled in Lin Dong and the leadership of Moqou, and he saw the seventh army sergeant he controlled.

Just half a day, the sword was unparalleled, the second god put Lin Dong, the fifth god will be inseparable, and the sergeants of the seventh army have departed.

In blooditis island, the army has a size of 30,000 people.

And these 30,000 people, even the weakest is made up of Tianzun, and the general small captain is a boundaries.

That is, the complete army, consisting of 30,000 Tianzun, thousands of borders, and the lineup is in a million people, it is absolutely enough to scare the dead, but in the chaotic world, in this large world, Nothing is not.

After all, in the Dagu City, Tianzun is full, and the quantity is.

Especially Tianzun, it is the most worthless.

After half a month, the seventh army who was unparalleled by the sword has rushed to the first city of the Nakwei Alliance.

The vast army, stopped in front of the giant city.

"Here, we need to annihilate the first stop, but this city's cultivator is numerous. If you want to kill, how to distinguish what is strong, is it a red water alliance?" The sword did not have a double frown.

"No need to distinguish, but if you see the cultivator in the city, I will kill innocent!" Lin Dong shook his head, but it flashed a slap.

"What? Tucheng?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Seven God will seem to have just arrived until the vast chaotic world, I don't know much about the cruelty of the chaotic world?"

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, Lin Dong is a laugh with Moemou, and the two can understand.

When they came from their own hometown to the chaotic world, they were also shocked by the cruel gave of the ancient chaotic world.

"The killing of the ancient chaotic world is very crazy, far from our hometown, the seven god will, this point you want to adapt to it." Lin Dong said.

"The sword is unparalleled." When the voice of the king suddenly sounded, "When I was in the green world, I told you that the cruel chaotic world is the cruel, far from you can imagine, now just Tucheng, what is it? When I followed the Luo Zhen Wang, I saw someone who slaughtered one by one, and their slaughter did not have any purposes, all with personal preferences! "

"This is also light, more, directly slaughtering a square area, even a slaughter, that is all!"

"Swing a domain? Sword is a big God?" The sword is unparalleled.

A domain ... The Dagu City is a domain, and this domain is not only this giant land, but also the endless man of the number, how many people have?

This is the same, which is the leading country consisting of hundreds of thousands of domains?

"Dare to come to the chaotic world, all have psychological preparation, and most of them are covered with blood, after all, this is the strong manager, so the cultivator in the chaos world, no one is innocent!" "

"You are so weak, I don't want to slaughter, this can, but I don't know how to be eager to be indecisive. If I don't kill, even if I have a necessary period, I have to kill!"

"I understand." The sword nodded, watching the two gods next to it, "Two, don't do anything else, do you have any other way?"

Lin Dong took a look at Moqiang, and immediately laughed: "Seven gods will, you can rest assured, my bloody island is actually decisive, but it will not have the same as those evil generations."

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