"Lin Dong, although the leadership independence makes us give more opportunities for swords, but with his opponent in the sorrowful community, it is harmful to it."

Mo You Lin Dong looked over, "This is the first person under the Red Solid League, the strength, in the god of my blood, and the first god will be able to hold it with you. Sorps him, the sword is unparalleled from his own hometown, there is no experience in the invincible, and he is honored with the sorrowful community, and it is to find abuse. "

"This is not better?" Lin Dong is a laugh, "Just because he just came out from his hometown, he didn't encounter his own opponents before, so he needs to give him some lessons, let him converge himself The arrogance, after all, this is a strong chaotic world that is strong, we have just arrived, is not the same, is it grinded by the big collar? "

"Say it too." Mo Hao nodded, "Since this, let him be learned first, but we are still vigilant, I can't stand the sword, I can't help it, otherwise ... if it is one I accidentally let the sad world will kill him, then we can disaster. "

"Reassured, I am in my own," Lin Dong confident is very confident. "

Under Lin Dong and Moqiao, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been brushed into the city.

"Invincible". "

The sword is unparalled to the far-fusement of the farmland, and the eyes are long, "said that Lin Dong said is right, I have been staying in the fire world before, although I have also over the hands of the golden country. , But the knowledge of killing, it is indeed a lot of difference, it needs to be hone! "

"And this sorrow, although it is just a world, but his hammer law, there is also his own joining school, it is used to hone my sword, and it is barely."

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom has been decided.

First pressing its own strength, relying on swordsmanship, with this sorrowful fierce battle, after the abrasive is almost the same, they will directly pick each other.

Time, the sword is unparalleled, there is already the center of the battlefield.

"The hybrid of hematology is going to die!"

The sad world is scarlet, and the face is also terrible. His hands in his hand, the red hammer is crazy, and there are many people who have gratifying his seventh military circles. When the sword is unparalleled. When he is next to him, he didn't care, and the situation directly wishes.


The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the normal invincible world, the blood peak sword is directly shot.

There is also no sword surgery, so the simple one sword is hit by the red sledgehammer.


There is a bursting, and there is a red thunder in the red hammer, and directly bombards it on the bottom of the attic. The attic is shocked.

The sad world is still behind, and it will be stopped, and then he looked up again to see the sword.

"Invincible Temple?"

"You are the god of hematitis Island?"

The sorrowful borders stared at the sword and worsen, the eyes were cold, and the low there was low: "The six gods of hematitis island, I have seen it, no one, who you are?"

"Sword is unparalleled, the seventh god of hematitis is!" The sword is unparalleled.

"The seventh god will be?" The sorrowful community immediately understood that the sword is unparalleled, and it is a god, "I will have a roaring," a new god will also dare to fight with me alone, really looking for death! "

The voice falls, this sad world is slap.

Different from the seventh army of the prior to the previous, when I learned that the sword is unparalleled, this sad world is also revealed with his strength.

I saw that the sky was spread on him, and the atmosphere was full of fierce, and it was like a sword in the sword.

The pressure of this is absolutely sufficient to make ordinary bounds, even if it is a peak world, I am afraid it is very frightened, but the sword is unparalleled under this oppression, but it is very calm, when the murry is He also greeted it immediately.

"Kid, death!"

The sad world is full of killing, the red big hammer in the hands, but it is awkward for a red Thunder.

" The red shuttle voids appeared in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword has also turned into a streamless.


The two collided, and a shock shock was passed, so that the sword was unbeded.

"This is very good at strength." The sword was unparalleled in the heart, and the force in his hand was suddenly surprised, and he directly played his own strength.

A result ...

It is important that the sword is unparalleled, the three strongest swords are blended, or the royal god of the four-star peaks, his strength can be comparable to the general world without borrowing bloody people, but even if it is just One-round force, it is also slightly better than the ordinary invincible.


The sword is unparalleled swordsmanship.

The sad world is also quite horizontal, the red sledgehammerification in the hands is in order to thunder, and once again and again.

The two people collided with the most central crazy crashes in the city, and the terrible geostate spread, let the sergeant of the seventh army around, and the residual strength of the Chi Shui Alliance is very frightened, and it has long been avoided.

In addition to the city, I have been waiting for the Lin Dong to look at this scene.

"This sword is unparalleled, isn't it just from your hometown? Isn't he did not honor his hand with other invincible #" Mo Huan's horror, she is very clear, the sad world is more , Ordinary invincible, it is not the opponent of the sad world, she is not.

But now ...

"This sword is unparalleled, can you honor the battle with the sorrowful world?" Lin Dong frowned, "The strength of the sadfield is far more than the ordinary invincible, but the sword is unparalleled, but it can be hard with him. ? "

Lin Dong has also had experience with the sorrowful tribute, and it is indeed a better victory.

But that is also his speed, relying on skill to win.

The strength of the most good at this area, in this area, Lin Dong also knows that there is no such thing, but now the sword is unparalleled, and it dares to move hard with the sorrowful community.

On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the sorrowful community, the two people fought, but they have been spelling a feature.

And the sword has also found that this sorrowful community has already given his own unity.

"He has exhausted, but it is still unable to force me to make more powerful power?" The sword did not swear his head.

"Don't play with you, end!"

The sword is unparalleled.

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