Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1264 for three months


The wind is masterpiece, the carrier is dense, the swords and shadings, and the time is full of sad circles.

"Wind wave!"

The sword is unblocked in the murder, a sword, and every road carrying a pound of soul attack, and the sorrow is full of envelopes.

If it is just a sword, and the sword is unparalleled, it is only a force, and the strength of the sorrowful community may be able to resist this trick.

However, the wind wave moves, but the sword and soul attack, the perfect combination!

Sword is just lit up, and the soul attack is already crazy.

The sword is unparalleled, the district is respectful, and the sorrowful community is still lost immediately. It is covered by the countless swords and shadows. It is too miserable to send a smashing.

The soul attack is quiet. In the outside world, the sadfield is clearly shrouded by the sword unparalleled swords, and can't be killed.

The sad world is dead, the residual power of the Cholla alliance in this city, no more than the ability to resist, soon by the seventh army sergeant to kill it.

The sword is unparalleled in the murder, and then returns to the city's void.

"Two, fortunately, not to humiliate." The sword is unparalleled.

However, Lin Dong also looked at the sword with Mo Yan, but quite a quite weird.

Previously, the swords were unparalleled with the sorrowful community, and they had been quite surprised to be surprised. But now the sadfield is really dead in the hands of the sword?

"The sad world is not good, even if I can only win him, I want to completely kill him, but I have to pay a certain price, but you will kill him alone?" Lin Dong slightly looked his eyes.

"I am lucky, I have been hard to fight hard with him, but I have just turned to change the sword, showing a sword at the speed, and the sadfield is obviously caught off guard, I can't resist it, this is killed by me. The sword is unparalleled.

"Is this?" Lin Dong looked at the face of Mo Hao, they all felt a little embarrassing death, clearly the two people spelled the feature, how suddenly, they were killed by swords.

After hearing the sword unparalleled explanation, they nodded slightly, but the bottom is still a little confused.

"Well, the sorrow is a dead, the Chiang Shui Alliance also got a countertop, only their League Lord Ganan, the ancient South is also an invincible, but its strength is far more than this sad world. If he dares to show, anyone of my three people have a grasp of him. "Lin Dong smiled.

The sword is unparalleled with Mo You also exposed a smile.

In less than half a day, the seventh army's sergeant will all exeted the residual power of the Cholla alliance in this city.

After that, the swords and two gods will take the seventh army again, and go to the Red Solid Alliance to control the second city of the territory.

The Red Solid Alliance, with the fall of the gods, I have already shaped the same virtue, the land of the earth, the large number of Zun Tianzun has already withdrawn from the Red Solver Alliance, only a small part of the people who are the Red Solid Alliance Center, but the quantity is not many.

These people, under the leadership of the sadfield, after the first city, it is difficult to organize the second effective resistance.

The next annihilation task is quite relaxed.

After the sword is unparalleled, after the city, I can't use an hour, I will kill the heavy power of the red water alliance, and then start again.

Time passed, soon the past three months.

In the Chiang Shui Alliance controls the core of the territory of the territory, this city is named Chi Shui City, the old nest before the Red Solid Alliance is in this red city.

At this moment, in this red water city, there is an incomparably hidden underground palace, two people sitting there.

"Three months, in just three months, the city of the Red Solid Alliance was controlled by the people of the bloody island, and only the latest Chi Shui City didn't come, and in these three In the month, those who are loyal to my Red Waterfriend Alliance, Tianzun is also empty by hematitis, almost few people escaped, even the sorrowful community, also died! "

"Betting! Bastan!"

"Heat island, damn bloody island!"

That name is smashed in the golden robe, and the face is handsome but unparalleled, the young man is holding hands, and it is hard to grow crazy.

His face has proved that it is full of hevacity.


I heard this young man's roaring, and the old man in the black robe of some camel is sigh, and the opening: "The blood island is big, the whole Dagu City is outside the Dagu Palace, but Jin Yangzong The Holy House can compete with it, although I have some bottoms before the Red Solid League, but it is still too weak in front of the island of hematitis! "

"Before, we should not be in the part of the interests, to the intention of physton island!"


This black robe is constantly moving.

"The matter has come here, what is this use now?" The young man drank.

"It is useless." The old man looked at the young man, "Leight, this big area we can't stay again, let alone, I have arranged it in that area."

"Leave?" The young man is shaped, "Lao Lao, when we really want to leave this domain?"

"This big is no longer there, we can only leave, and even if this, this bloody island does not come to the domain to chasing us." The old man said.

"Heath island!" The young man is very cold, "Okay, I am leaving, but even if I want to go, I can't walk so quietly. The bloody island wants to not pay a little price. Drop, that is a dream! "

"League Lord, what do you mean?" The old man came over.

"This time, the bloody island is coming to annihilate the red water alliance, is there three great gods?" The young man was clear and said.

"Na Lin Dong, Mo You can stay in the top of the island for many years, the famous arrogance is not small, as for the sword who just came out, although there is nothing famous, he kills the sad world alone Respect, strength is also the same, if it is possible to kill them in one time, even if he is the bloody island, it will be a lot of distress, after all, the rare level of God will be high! "

"Is the League Lord who want to kill the three gods?" The old man frowned.

"Yes." The young man nodded, "Of course, this matter has to be labor and old, after I have to get the blood, the blood is still not reacted, we will leave, the bloody island also takes us." no way."

When I heard this, the old people in the black robes went on a moment, and they immediately nodded. At that moment he nodded, he also had a powerful scenery.

This black robe is a contest!


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