Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1265, the last city

In the outside of Chi Shui, the sword is unparalleled, Lin Dong, the three gods, and many sergeants of the seventh army aggregate above the void.

Everyone looked at the giant city in front.

"This Chi Shui City is the last city of the Red Solid Alliance, and the old nest of the Chiang Shui Alliance is in this city, and the head of the blood island to lead the crowd within this city. In the absence of the high levels of the many red water alliances, but now, with our weeks, the rest of the red water alliance should have gathered in this red city, and look like to do the last one with us. Mo smile.

"The last fight? Hey, the arm is car." Lin Dong was cold.

"Two, you say that the League Lord of the Red Solid League will be in this red city?" The sword is unparalleled.

Three people do this, the task has been three months, plus the sword unparalleled strength is completely Lin Dong, Mo You 's recognition, the relationship between the sword is unparalleled with him is naturally better than before.

"Do you say that the ancient South?"

Lin Dong looked over, but the corner of his mouth was a smooth smile. "The ancient South is a good luck. When the island owner attacked this red water city, he just didn't be in this city, otherwise it will die. Now, the Red Solid Alliance is already over, and his League is also a famous memory. I have to escape far away, even flee it to other interfaces, continue to stay here, wait for death. ? "

"Indeed." The sword is unbeded.

The ancient South is just an unusual invincible, and there is a difference with the sorrowful community. He is carrying a big rising of the Red Solid Alliance again. If there is no absolute grasp, it should not be stupid to stay in this red water city.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Directly kill all the residual strengths of the Chiang Shui Alliance, complete this task, go back to celebrate the feast." Lin Dong smiled.

"Seventh Army, Hand!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the seventh army will be issued to the next order.

The sword is unparalleled, and these seventhiries sergeants are immediately in the same trend.

"The sword is unparalleled, it is already the last battle of this task, are you still in the past?" Moqhen is interested.

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "Take a look, if there is a suitable strong, I will shoot again!"

Mo You look at Lin Dong, and the two smiles, there is not much to say.

These three months they have been with swords without double, they also understand why swords are unparalleled to practice!

Yes, it is idioming.

In these three months, they lead the seventh army a city of a city, a strong person who went to the Red Solver Alliance, and naturally broke out numerous times. In these battles, the other party did not have invincible respect, so The three gods will, according to the truth, just wait outside the battlefield, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is often directly to fight.

And he will also participate in the battle, but he did not follow Lin Dong, but also to the Tug, Tianzun, but he can suppress his strength, relying on his own sword, but some of the other strengths. Some of the truths.

The boundaries of his choices are strong, and it is quite good in killing skills. Some are more in the move, although they have not created a scholar, but there is no double eye. Bright.

Three months, the sword has no double shot more than hundreds of times, each is a long-awaited battle with the other party, and only gives the other party to kill.

It is clear that it has the ability to kill the other party, but it is necessary to suppress the power to fight with the other party, as if it is in deliberate play.

At the beginning, this also made Lin Dong not cry with Moqu.

But later, with more and more times, they immediately understood the purpose of the sword.

They all seen, the sword is unparalleled with the other party, and he is purely to hinder the swordsmanship.

Even the other strengths are very low, but the sword is unparalleled, and it does not give up the opportunity to take themselves.


"This is a completely unable to cultivate the cultivation of the opportunity!"

The longer the time with swords and unparalleled contacts, they slowly feel that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, maybe there is no surface.

They will come out from this hometown, and they are not enough to practice, and they will not dare to read.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still in the city, and it is suddenly ...

"Heat island !!!"

A shocking, fierce, fried in Chuanguo, like a sunny look, breathing.

After the anger sounded, I saw a young man wearing a luxurious golden robes, surrounded by many red water alliances, and rushed directly.

"That is……"


"Red Water League League?"

The sword is unparalleled, Lin Dong, and the three people have also exposed the color.

They just felt that this less League is not likely to stay in Chi Shui, but now ...

"Haha, this lessleno master, it is really looking for death." Lin Dong was laughing.

"What is true?" The sword is not boring.

"Walk, we will go together, this lesslenow is." Mo You also laughed.

The three gods will all be brushed towards Chi Shui City.

And when I really entered Red Slit, the color of the sword was slightly changed.

"Two, we are afraid to have trouble." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is there any trouble?" Lin Dong showed the color of the doubts with Mowang.

The sword is unparalleled but does not explain too much, but his strength has been locked in a breath hidden in the bottom of them.

That breath owner is hidden very well, Lin Dong does not find it with Moquity, but the sword who wants to ignite the fire of the soul, but it is obviously unrealistic.

"All of you are, is it the three gods of hematitis?"

The sound of the anger is issued from the mouth of the ancient south of the League, and his body has also appeared in front of the sword. The eyes were full of grievances.

"Gongnan, you know that my bloody island will kill this red city, it doesn't escape, very courageous?" Lin Dong voice was also cold.

"Escape?" Guan smiled, said: "I am going to escape, escape the forces of the blood of the island, even escape from the big world area, but before you escape, I have to kill you three. Let Headitis Island know that my Red Water Alliance is not so simple to be destroyed! "

"Kill us three? If you rely on you?" Lin Dong disdain.

At this time, under the lock of the sword, the power of the sword is locked, the breath hidden in the bottom of the ground is raging.

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