Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1266 Chapter God?

"Lin Dong, Mo You, Retreat!" The sword didn't swear.


Lin Dong has some mistakes with Moqiao, but it is still a few steps behind the rear.

The three people have just retired, and a black flow light is fierce, and the three people have just hit the void, and this black light is extremely strong, or the sword is unparalleled can force the body to force the body to force the body. However, Lin Dong did not avoid it, I am afraid it is dead.


A big black robe also appeared in the place where the sword is unparalleled.

This is a black robum, and his pounds are rolling, and it is faintly with Shen Li. It is a cold.

"Is this, the world?" Lin Dong was very shocked with Moquity.

The world, that is, it has passed the robbery, completely crossed the top of the top.

Although they are invincible, they are in the invincible level in the world, and they can compare with the boundaries, and they have not been prolonged.

"How can it be?"

"Is the God of the Red Solid Alliance not have been killed? How is there any?"

Lin Dong will follow the two gods of Mo Paradise, but it is exposed to the color of the horror.

The ganan after the old paper of the black robe, but it was a laugh, and he told him: "Lao Lao, kill them."

"League owners can rest assured, these three people can't escape!"

After the old voice is cold, after the voice falls, the power of his body is immediately running! This black robe has a hole in the shape of a hole, just like a black flow of light, the sword is unparalleled, and the black bend in his hand is also released.


"Quick escape!"

Lin Dong did not hesitate to hesitate with Mo Qoushen. The first time turned to flee crazy.

They became the god of hematitis. The guild between the insights were not two times. They knew the terrible of the world. It was not what they had to compete. Even the three gods Will join hands, facing a contest, there is only a ruthless slaughter.

"Escape! Escape! Escape!"

Lin Dong has been crazy, and it is desperately escaping. It also discovered that the sword who was originally stood in parallel with them and did not move.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are still stupid to do what, hurry!" Mo You immediately sounded.

"The sword is unparalleled, are you crazy?" Lin Dong also made a big drink.

But when they see the sword, there is still no time, Lin Dong can only shook his head, "Hey, the end is still a lot of Shang Shang, too proud, too confident, that is the world, he thinks the world is the same ? "

"He just came out from his hometown. I am afraid that I haven't seen the general god before, I don't know how strong the strength of the world." Mo You also sighed.

"Forget it, we have already reminded that since he is going to find it, then we can't blame us, we now make it difficult to protect him, and it can't save him."

Lin Dong is not paused with the pace of Mo Hou, and it is crazy to escape outside the city.

As for the sword, they are unparalleled.

However, they don't know, the sword at this moment is unparalleled. When I see the appearance of this world, I didn't feel the accident and fear, the bottom of my heart, I gradually increased my excitement.


The sword is not born to the old people.

So far, it is only only to trade with the two worlds, and the Chenjie Shen is just to take the sword, it is not, the real killing is only one of the golden national owners, and now there is this in front of him. The old man is nature is the second.

"One heavy heaven, but I don't know who is compared with the golden national owner. Who is strong?" The sword is unparalleled, the blood peak sword appears in his hand, but the body is in front of this black robe. Go up.

This scene, the people around the world, it is entirely crazy.

A boundaries, see a world god killing, don't choose to escape, but take the initiative to welcome it, is this not crazy?

Even if it is the old man who is the old man, but the next moment, his scorpion is cold.

"Since you want to die first, then the old man is full of you."

The old people in the black robes made a pepper, but the black curd sharpener in the hand was a strange one, cutting the air.

A dark light appears in front of the sword.

After all, it is a contest. The sword is unparalleled, and it doesn't dare to use the Sorrowful Dizun as a force.

Now he, a breath is used to use foot 80%!

80% power, it is also not much better than the general world, as for the sword, it is very suitable.

The sword is unparalleled, just a trialful sword.

However, when the black light squatted with the black light of the black robe, the sword had no double feeling.

I saw the Wusu, who had been displayed in the black robe, was actually defeated with his hand, and it was defeated with the front, and even the body shape of the black robe was also shocked. Distance distance, Fangjing stopped the body.

"how come?"

The sword has no double shape in the void, frowning looks at the old people.

"I clearly only used 80% of the power, and the swordsman was also very casual, but the result was still suppressed him. He is really a world?"

The sword is unparalleled.

God, will it be so weak?


And the parasitic king in the sword is unparalleled, but it is laughing at this moment, "The sword is unparalleled, don't be too unexpected, you press him is normal."

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Simple, because this person in front of you, just just passing the god robbery, the power of the body is not fully transformed, now him, it is also a contest, but not the complete contest that has been fully transformed. God, although it is still much stronger than the world, but with the world that has been completely transformed, it is far more than that of the Golden Guo Lord! "

"You just used only eight-point strength, but even more than 80%, it is already stronger than him, let alone your blood peak sword level is much higher than him."

"The two combine, you press him, is it not normal?" Yu Wang smiled.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that after crossing the robbery, it takes a while to completely convert the spiritual power in his body into power.

In front of you, this black robe, obviously just launched the robbery, and even the power transformation was completely completed.

Such a world is not a complete world.

"The intelligence capacity of hematitis is very good, but does not know the existence of this black robe in the Cholla alliance. It turns out that he has just passed away, it is no wonder that hemiritis is not known. "The sword is unparalleled."

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