Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1267 The sword is unparalleled!

When the sword is unparalleled, the latter is incredible with the face of the old man.

"How can it be?"

"The old man has just passed the gratitude, and the Shen Li has not been completely transformed, but it has also been transformed. It is far from being comparable to the world. Can you hit the old man in front of you?"

The old people of the black robe stared at the sword. It flashed a cold.

"Kid, death!"

The old man in the black robe is once again turned into a streamer, and this part of his inquiry is in his body, it is a lot of removal to achieve the ultimate, and the paint black curd in his hand is not free, but directly shows a door. Perserate!


I saw a dark, like a knife shadow, filled half a void, and turned.

The knife shadow is not until it is strong, but it is already crazy.

I saw this knife, and the sword was unparalleled again.

This is not because how strong this knife is, the opposite is because this knife shadow is in the sword, but it is too weak.

"It's indeed, but it just can't reach the threshold of the school!" The sword has no double eyed is cold, "Just passed the god robbery, the power was only started to transform, and even the scholarship is the same, such a contest?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it still does not want to have too much entanglement with this black robe old.


The swords will rise up, and a dedicated, as if there is unlimited hopes to rise with the vital sword light.

In the moment of sword, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and it has suddenly burst into 10%!

Entry-ended, it is the new school 'Nirvana.


The horrible sword light is almost in an instant, and the knife shadow will be defeated, followed by the sword light, and completely covered the body shape of the black robe.


The old people have only come to death before dying, and they are drowned by swords and light.

One of the people who are surrounding everyone are frightened, even Lin Dong, Mo You is unparalleled to see the crazy escape 'interdomic' existence, this is dying in the hands of swords.


The whole red water is still quiet.

People who are killing in Chi Shui City, they all consciously stopped the movements in their hands, and it is incredible to watch it all.

The League of the Red Solid Alliance Granu is, and it is even more time to stay.

After killing the old people, the sword was paused in half empty. He frowned to look at the old body of the black robe. The expression of the flesh and blood, the expression is almost, but the heart is a burst!


"too weak!"

"I just burst into a 10-year-old power, and the first heavy power of the bloody will be gently and easy to kill him, but many of my means are still useless, the blood of the second weight Wenembux, there is no outbreak ... "

"This is the world, it is quite expectation before I am, it is really disappointing!"


Yes, this black robe old man came out, the sword was unparalleled to hold a lot of hopes, thinking that the old people in the black robe may become a person who has come to Wancha chaotic world.

Results ... The strength of this black robe is revealed, but his great disappointment.

Even the Golden Guo owe the country can easily kill such a world, let alone the sword of the golden national owner.

"This level of the world is indeed very weak. In the whole, the world of chaotic world, weakness is true, after all, the world needs to spend the gods, with his strength, light against oneself Force, it should be a robbery, it seems that someone will help each other when he kills the gods. "King said.

"Do you help? Can the robbery help?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The relatively weak robbery is of course, but you must pay a small price, but the sword is unparalleled. You don't think about it. You can only rely on yourself, no list of you."

The sword is unparalleled.

And the facts are also the same as the Kings.

The old man is old. It is a unfair luck. He can spend the robbery, and it is indeed someone who helps. This helps people are the father of the ancients, which is the League of the Chiang Shui Alliance.

It is because the Red Solid Union is the old gratitude, so when the Africa Alliance has gone to the smoke, this farmer has not left directly, but it is exhausted to help the ancient South, that is, want to repay the Chiang Shui Union. Dachen.

Unfortunately, he met the sword and unparalleled.

So, he is dead!


Didn't encounter a similar opponent, the sword is unparalleled, but it is no good.

And next ...

"Red Solo League League Lord." The sword was unparalleled, and smiled and smiled.

"This this……"

At this moment, the ancient southern, I have already been frightened. He stands here for a long time, but a word can't speak.

He couldn't believe that he was clearly the three gods of the trap heated hematitis will enter the city. It is so good to make a good time. Whoever thinks, he is as the end of the last, it actually It was killed by hematomizers in front of him.

One of the bounds, one person is alone, will it kill the old?

What joke is open?

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no nonsense with this ancient South, and only the sword is unparalleled, and there is already in front of the ancient South.

The cold sword light is on, with a hint of soul attack, directly into the sea of ​​Gongnan.

Gulin only felt the sky, and didn't have time to react, was wearing a head of the sword without double sword.

The old man is far old, the League Lord Ancient South is killed by swords without double direct killing, especially the sword is unhealthy and killing the scene, and the impact of the remaining signs of the Red Solid Alliance is undoubtedly huge, the next is completely The slaughter is a slaughter.

The sky is empty, and that clearly fled to Lin Dong, which was outside the city, and returned it back at this moment, and came to the front of the sword.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled."

Lin Dong took the endless shock at this moment.

Just when they saw the old man, the two did not hesitate to choose a crazy escape, and he also urged the sword and unparalleled and fled. Seeing the sword is unparalleled, but also thinking that the sword is too big too much, but now ... The sword is unparalleled, but it is killed.

A boundaries, the front is killing a contest?

If it is seen in the eyes, they can't believe it!

"What happened to two?" The sword was unparalleled and laughed and looked at the two gods in front of him.

These two are still a surprise model, which is difficult to calm for a long time.

For a long time, the Lin Dongcai is open: "The sword is unparalleled, that is a world!"


PS: Today is still five!

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