Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1269 First God will!

"This is the island where the monarchy is located. The island is now called the haunting island. You go to prepare, set off as soon as possible." Barbarian wings.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

The only sword is unparalleled.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, Lin Dong, who has been waiting, I will always welcome it.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is the big collar?" Lin Dong asked.

"The biggest leader did not ask too much. Instead, it was a task again. I would like to leave as soon as possible." The sword is talking to Lin Dong two.

"Concise the task?" Lin Dong is very quirky with the two men in the two people. Lin Dong is unfortunately: "I originally think about you to open the wind, the feast of this task is also held together. Who wants you to start now? "

"If you take a feast, it's still next time." The sword was laughing.

The three people continue to be cold in the military camp, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is ready to go to the haunting island.

Others are ready to start ...


A strong pressure is directly oppressed, followed by a stomant shape, so far, soon, there is no two people in the sword.

"Well?" The sword didn't look at the people.

"Is him?" Lin Dong also raised the color with Mozu.

I have to wear a green shirt, keeping a slag, the skin is very dark, giving people a feeling of harmfulness.

After he appeared, the filled scorpion swept the sword without double three people, and finally was solidified in the sword. "You are the seventh God unparalleled?"

The voice of this person also shook the sky, and he said in half a void, and the big military camp was turned up.


I saw a lot of people brushing from all sides, not only a large number of sergeants, but also included several gods who were still staying in this military camp will come over.

"Is a hood!"

"Is the first god!"

"Look at the first God will look, it seems very angry, who will make him?"

Those who came to see the scenes in front of them, but they quietly discuss, but a sound was extremely low.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the first god of my bloody island, and he has strong strength. It has always been the strongest in our gods, and his heart is relatively narrow, and it has always been imperial." Lin Dong put low sound, there was no double ear of the sword.

"Oh, the first god will?" The sword was unpaired, and then he took a step. "In the next sword, there is no double, I don't know what the first god will find me, what is it?"

The sword is unparalleled. It is very calm and does not put the first God in front of him.

"The sword is unparalleled." The country stared at the sword and unparalleled, but the scorpion became cloudy.

"The country, the sword is just received by the task of the big lead, so I will have to leave. At this time, what do you have to find him?" Lin Dong frowed.

"Shut up!" The country is a sharp drink, and the horrible suffocation is in an instant.

"You!" Lin Dong face became incomparably ugly.

Although the strength, he is better than the flood beast, but he is the second god will, and the status of hematitis is more than the flood. Now it is turned into so many sergeants. Oblim, it is naturally unhappy.

"Just received the task of the big dedication? Hey, his task, it was originally mine!" The country is low.

"What?" The many sergeants around the surrounded are shocked, and a look is in the sword.

The country is also dead, staring at the sword, butading: "The sword is unparalleled, the task you want to do, cassels, I don't care, you can just lead my message, but said, your strength ratio I am stronger, let you complete the task, more grasp! "

"Hey, I am not satisfied!"

When you hear this, many sergeants present immediately understood.

"It turned out?"

"No wonder the first god will be so angry, it turned out that the big story thinks that this sword is more than him?"

"The first god will always be arrogant, but now he is not as good as the seventh god, he is willing to blame."

And the sword is unparalleled, but the bottom of the next moment is clear.

"The big wing big university is afraid that it is intentionally angered this harser." The sword is unparalleled.

He can be sure, now the big wings are also paying attention to it, just never come forward.

"He wants to use this savage to try my real strength."

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, then lifts the head, said: "The first god will, you come now, don't you come to find me challenge?"

"Of course." Hong Beast Zheng Kenti, "The first god of Hezhang Island will always be a strongest invincible one by your bloody island, if you can win me, I will be the first god Location, also give you, but if you are defeated, hey, I don't intend to continue to pick up the mission, but you will act as much as possible. "

"In this case, please ask the first god to shoot you." The sword has no double smile, and the look is very light.

"This savage is self-reliant."

"Hey, the same God will, but this Hongore has not put us at the eyes on weekdays. Now, he encompasses the sword unparalleled head, waiting, see him unlucky, he is the first God The location is also the head. "

And Lin Dong next to him is also laughed with Mozou.

The first god will not be very good in the mouth of the hortia, and they will not be too much to share with them. Think of how many of them will never see the horses of the country. Seeing that he found a sword unparalleled head, Lin Dong was a gloating in the end of the heart.

They did what they did in Chuangwei, but they seemed that the first god of the country was strong, but there was no difference between the flute, but there was no difference between the sword.

Lin Dong's idea with Mo You, the country did not know.

He only knows that the sword is unparalleled.

The country immediately smiled, and his hand has a blue war knife.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't say that I bully you, I will let you first!" The flood holds the cyan warner standing there, and a pair of posture.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled and smiled, and the heart is also secretly shaking his head.

"In this case, then you are careful."

The sword has never wants to have too much entanglement with this flood, the blood peak sword is in the hand, and then it is directly out of the sword.

The long sword fell out, a glamorous radiant, directly affected the surrounding time and space, appearing in front of the country, and when they are about to hit the country, the sword is unblocked, and the power suddenly Outbreak 30%!

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