Task, before the sword is unparalleled, it is enough to fight with the strength of the strength of the strength of the strength, and now it has been used for 30% of the strength ... This strength has exceeded the invincible.

And the swordsmanship of the sword is also very unusual.

Although the hofer is in the first time, the green war knife touches the sword. The whole war knife is impacted as if it is going to bend, the horrible power is on the hood.


This savage seems to be straight out for a real beast.

It took advantage of the distant distance, and I also knocked down some of the bill of camps in the military camp. The palace was saved.

After a sword, the sword was unsatisfactory, and the sword was slowly recovered, and he went to a slightly, then turned to the direction of the haunting island.

In the military camp, there is no sound of the Chinese.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, these sergeants are still there from the shock.

Until for a long time, the entire military camp broke out of the sky.

"This sword is unparalleled ..."

Lin Dong also flashed with a thick light with the Nob.

"I know that the death of the Red Soli League, there is no simplicity, now it seems, what is the so, his strength, deep!" Lin Dong smashed.

"This first god will be the country, even if it is close to the ordinary boundaries, it is barely to support the one or two, but it can be lost in the sword." Mo You is also incredible.

The two have been unparalleled for swords, let alone others.

The entire military camp has bombarded porridge. As for the savage, there is no face to see people.

A void above the military camp is the void of the sword where the sword is unparalleled, and the man who is like a brown bear stands there. It is a big winner.

"This sword is unparalleled." The big wing big lead is a smile, "he saw my intention, knowing that I was using the harser to test his strength, so he is so clean and neat A sword defeated it, this is done. "

"And he worshiped by me before, distinguished, knowing my position ... But I hide very well?"

"It is possible to defeat the hood, and I can detect my position. My mind is so mature. This little child is a genius. It is a high talent. I am afraid that I am more likely to be with the Tianshama. Many! "

"Hey, I am not anxious, then observe for a while, wait for him to come back from the haillet island, I will find the island owner and go to him."


The fog isrtaine, the military camp from Hezhang Island is very far away, and the sword is unparalleled. Therefore, it has been rushing for five days, but it has arrived here.

Just arrived in the fog island, the sword was unparalleled immediately to induce a lot of practice on the island.


A patrol team surrounding the haze is found that the sword is unparalleled, and immediately rushed over.

Can just be close, the person of this team immediately induces the breath of the sword without double.

"God will adult."

These cultivators immediately gave the sword unparalleled.

"I am in the orders of the leaders, and the Qianxian Shen is now on the island?" The sword did not ask.

A circularly replied to the "in.".

"That's good, take me immediately to see him." The sword did not have a double command.


These sergeants will go to the fogmine island, even after the sword is unparalleled, and there is no double, and there is a delicate attic on the island. In the loft, the sword has also seen the monarchy.

Thousands of people, a beautiful woman wearing a green dress, looking uncomfortable.

Among the unparalleled materials that swords, it is also mentioned that the world is a heavy contest.

"Thousands of God!" The sword is unparalleled in front of the thousandth of the world, humble.

"You just join my bloody island, the sword is unparalleled?" The thousands of people looked at the swords and unparalleled, but they had a bit of a little, "I sent it to the big collar, let him When I sent a commanding, who once thought he did only send a god? "

Thousands of people have arrived on the arrival of swords, it is obviously dissatisfied.

"Thousands of people, the big protagonist, my bloody island is not open in the Jiuxing Sea, sent from the headquarters, and worrying, so I can only let me come." The sword said unparalleled.

"You will be a god, just in the invincible, even if it is coming, I am afraid that there is no big use." The thousands of people waved.

The sword is unpaired, but it is also said: "Thousands of thousands of people are relieved, the big collar also knows that you are facing, and since he sent me over, I naturally know my use, I know I can help the thousand God you. "

"Can you help me?" The millennium god glanced at the sword and laughed: "The sword is unparalleled, I ask you, you think you can compare the flood with my height, how big is the gap? "

"Compare with the far beast?" The sword was unparalleled, but he did not hesitate: "I am stronger than him!"

"More stronger?" The Thousands of Dynasties, "You are so confident?"

"Of course, it is confident, because I am in front of the first god, I will defeat him." The sword said unparalleled.

He only said that defeating the country, but did not say that he only used a sword to defeat the country.

"Oh?" The Thousands of Escused, the eyes also lit up.

The strength of the country is known, and the weakest kind of heaven, the country can resist one or two, and the sword is unparalleled. If you can really defeat the country, then his combat power is native, Maybe there is no to resist, and even compete with the weakest heavenly gods.

"It seems that the big collar did not perfunct me, I also knew that his difficulties, now my blood island with Jinyang Zongzhi, this time is really difficult to send other ideas to help me, let you arrive , It is not bad. "The thousands of people smiled slightly, and they were kind.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should carry a long sword behind you. It should be a sword practice." The king of the thousand is suddenly seen.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"That is true." Thousands of people smiled, "Two days ago, we had a new discovery in the fog crystal mine, and found to you, perhaps some use."

"New discovery?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Come with me."

The thousands of kings stand up from the seat, and then leaders the sword unparalleled, and go to the heart of the haired crystal mine in the island.

The sword is unparalleled and curious.


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