The fog island, although it is an island, the area is also extremely vast, and it is not a small city in the Dagu world.

And this island contains a lot of mist crystals. After the island is completely occupied, there is a large number of cultivators in this island to exploit the spray crystal.

Under the leadership of the Thousands of Kings, the sword is unmatched towards the most important point of this island.

On the way, the sword is unparalleled to see someone in the scene of the fog crystal.

"Smoke crystal, wide use, can be used to make a refiner can be used to arrange a mapping method, especially this fog crystal has a certain auxiliary role in cultivation, so this fog crystal is compared with the world value of the vital chaos. Other sparsons come high, and such a huge islands, such a large fog yam, how many haze, what is the value of value? "

"It is also no wonder that hematitis is not hesitant to play at this foggy mine." The sword is unanzhong.

At this time, in the foreigner of the foreigners, I suddenly stopped the pace.

"It's here." The thousands of people turned their head and gently opened.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled to see the front, this look, his eyes are not commended.

"This is ... Secret room?"

The sword has no mistakes on the face.

In front of him is the extremely depth of the harsh crystal mine, but in this extreme, there is a secret chamber, and it is still a secret room that is not a small area.

"Come in." The thousands of people will lead the sword without double into the secret room.

This secret room is extremely empty, and some are just the most centralized cyan boulders.

"This secret room seems to arrange the array?" The sword is unparalleled around. He can feel that the cultivation is even more than the outside world in this secret room.

"It is indeed arranged in the array, and it is still useful to deliberately arrangement of the surrounding fog, the purpose should be to improve the speed of practice and enlightenment.

"Well, there is this big array and the purple crystal mine assistant, the effect of cultivation here does have a lot, but only this effect is not too precious, just a contest, as long as you pay some price, you should You can find a better way to arrange a better array. "The sword has no double.

"You said, this secret room, there is a big array, but this room is really good, but this cyan boulder, sword is unparalleled, you see this boulder on the side." Thousands of kings said.

"Boulders?" The sword is unparalleled to see the cyan boulder in front of the cyan boulder. At this time, he noticed that on this cyan boulder, he actually carved two big characters.

These two big characters are extremely vigorous, and the pen draws sharply is obviously written by people, and the use of all-in-one is the sword.

"Yan Jiu?"

The sword is unparalleled to watch the words written by the sword on the cyan boulder.

"Is this a person's name?" The sword asked without a pair of doubts.

"Yes, it is the name." Thousands of people nodded, and the models were talking: "This name is for you from home, maybe quite strange, but for those who stayed in the Dagu City. The year or even the cultivator of thousands of years, this name can be unaware. "

"Yan Jiu, that is more than seven million years ago, an extremely terrible boundaries of the rise in the Dagu City!"

"He is good at using swords, a sword, and at the same time, he is also a thousand years of my Daxie domain, the only person who can threaten the status of Datun."

The sword is unparalleled.

Dawei Palace?

The real earth emperor of the Dagu City area.

Even if it is the hot island, Jin Yangzong, Tian Shengfu, and no one dares to provoke the Dagu.

The Dagu Palace is the existence of the Daxie domain, and the Dawei Palace is the three heaven gods who have recognized the Flying Snow, and he is the only three heavenly god of the Dagu City.

And Jiji, seven million years, can threaten the Dagu Palace, threaten the big Yue Palace owner?

"Seven million years ago, this Yan Ji was challenged the Lord of the Daguai Palace, but also with the Dagu Palace, it was quite, but this time this is only the two heavens!"

"What? The two heavens are challenged the three heavens, but they fight a feature." The sword was finally shocked.

Task, between the boundaries, every small level gap is big, not to mention the big realm.

The two heavens got the gully between the three heavens, even if the rebellion of the sword is unhappy, there is no need to be able to cross, but the Yan Ji is done.

"At that time, Yan Jiu was really strong. After the front of the Dagu Palace, almost everyone thought it was completely replaced by the Lord of the Dagu Palace after he became the three heavens. Strong, who once thought that after the battle, he hired, some people said that he had left this worldwide, and some people said that he died under the third robbery, in the past seven million years, big There is no news in the ignline. "

"He has also become a legend of the Dagu City, but it is two days ago, when we explore the mine of the mine, we found this room, this room was obviously related to the Yanjiu, no In the accident, the diamond of this secret room was that he was arranged, he worked here for a while. "The Qianxian Dynasty said.

"Indeed." The sword is unparalleled, he can judge the word from the santan nine, which is a very good sword strong.

Eight achievements are Yan Jiu.

"Sword is unparalleled, since you are good at Keyway, don't use me to say, I want to know the value of these two words?"


The sword is unparalleled, but it flashes the light. He has seen that the 'Yanjiu' two words, it looks just two words, but it can actually contain a sword in the stroke of these two words. A tricky sharp sharp scary sword.

This sword, even if it is just a trick, but for the sword practice of swords such as swords, it is also a good opportunity.

"The swordsman left by the swords, although I can't fully learn, but I can also obey the artistic conception, and improve my own swordsmanship, it can have a certain help, and this Yanjiu leaves the swordsmanship, it should be targeted, Maybe I can create a stroke of the speed of the speed according to his swordsmanship. "The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, this secret room is left to you, you have a lot of enlightenment, the strong who can't take the country should feel that before the arrival of the Tuning, you are best able to work Some refinement is made so that we can be more important when we face the Tuning Plan. "The monarchy is over.

"Understand." The sword has no double heart.


PS: Today's four is more normal update.

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