Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1272 Feng Po

After the thousands of people left, only the sword was unparalleled in this secret room.

The sword is unparalleled and the soul is sitting down.

This sword, although there is no picture, some are just artistic, but even if so, I can give the sword unparalleled.

"This sword, clear sharpness, but give me the feeling, actually this kind of intelligence?"

The sword is unparalleled to the eyes, and it has been put into the pride of the sword.

On the side of the world, the sword is unparalleled to try to figure out some shortcomings of their own swords.

time flies……

At this moment, there are many practitioners who are gathered here at a island that is unattended from the fogmine island.

There are two people headed.

These two people have reached the level of the world. He is standing in parallel and overlooking the empty, obviously waiting for something.

Not long after, the distance is void, and it gradually appears a black point.


Among the two, a strong man with a triangle helmet, a height of two meters, grinned, and a few pale showers next to him also flashed a pale spot.


A figure that is full of body shrouded under the black robe appeared on this island.

"Mr. Zhuge."

The triangle warmers and the beautiful people are coming to people.

"Two no need to be polite." The people who came out of the black robes came out of the old voice. "Although this old man is ordered to help two one arm, but my house owner has explained, if it can not shoot, naturally not Ok, after all, now the hot island with Jin Yangzong fights, I am best to be able to watch fire across the shore. "

"Mr. Zhuge is assured, this is also the two people." The Xiuqi Youth smiled: "Before you come, we have already inquired, the fog island, now there is only a monk. The existence, although this thousands of people are stronger in a heavy heavens, but only one person should stop it, and I will take turns to join hands, I can't accidentally accidentally The island swept! "

"The reason why I invited Mr. Zhuge, but only in order to stop, after all, such a huge fog yam, the value is not general."

"It is best." The black robe is nodded. "It seems that there is no cheap in the process of fighting with Jinyangzong, or there is such a big misty mine, they can't send one Located in the city, you are two, when is going to do? "

"I have already prepared it early, just wait for Mr. Zhuge, now you have arrived, then we will do it immediately." That show youth.

"Okay." The black robe also nodded.

Immediately, this island has already prepared a lot of strong people from repairing countries. He is headed by the two condoms of the triangle, the triangle war helmet, and left directly to the misty pattern, as for the black robe 'Zhuge Mr. 'is hidden in the dark.

Booming ~~~

The army of the Tuning Tuning is outside the haunting island, and the fascinating breath, immediately oppressed the whole fog island.


The core of the mineral mine is within the secret room.


A cold sword light is like a meteor, and there is a sword with a sword, but it quickly disappears.

The sword is unparalleled with the blood and the sword standing there. His mouth is a touch of smile, and his scorpion is the two words staring on the cyan situation.

"Yan Jiu ... I have to thank you!"

"The two words you left, maybe just left, but still gave me a lot of inspiration, I carefully referred to the ten days in this secret room, according to your sword, then the wind wave created by itself This trick is improved by the prototype, finally let me create a new look. "

The sword is not happy.

He has created by his previous school, and a total of dawn and Nirvana.

But now, he has created the third stroke, this penetration is based on the 'wind wave'.

It is still a speedy, and the speed and soul attack the perfect combination, and is still a real kill.

Different, wind wave movement is accompanied by a storm, and there is a hundred sword. Every sword affects time and space, and every sword contains soul attack, and his newly created, but only Just a sword, but the speed is faster, the soul attack is also stronger!

Especially the soul attack ... He is now created now, can really play his soul to the perfect play, playing the best.

"Since it is created, it will give a name, I am a sword, since it is perfect by the wind wave, and it is also accompanied by a sword, so that this sword is called a wind wave.! "The sword was unparalleled.

Since the dawn, Nirvana newborn, the third recruitment of the sword unparalleled, was born!

And this is the same as Nirvana, and it is also a first-order higher school.

At the same level, Nirvan newborn is good at attacking Weiner, but the wind wave is very strange and rapid!

This trick is created, although the overall strength of the sword is not too big, you can at least let him face a variety of opponents, and it is a big harvest.

at this time……

Booming ~~~

The vast direct oppression spread to the whole misty island, and the sword in the deep room is noticeable.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, the speed is coming, the Trunteer is coming." The thousands of kings will give the sword unparalleled message.

"Is it come?" The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is also rising.

"I have been fighting for so long, I have never been a fierce battle, and now I am coming in the strong people ... I hope they can force me!"

The sword in the secret room is unparalleled, and immediately violently, the void appears above the fog island.

With the arrival of the Tunner, the entire haunting island has also been completely turned out, and the large number of hematological islands in the island, and the Tianzun has arrived at the edge of the hawwood.

Outside the fog island, a lot of strong people are also gathered.

"Those, is it a strong person in Tuning?"

The sword is unparalleled in the void, staring at the crowd of densely labeling not far away.

The discussion of the borders, the number of Tianzun, the strong arrival of the Tuning is not much more hematitis, but there are two abnormal breaths that are abnormal, but there are two contestants.

And the bloody island is only a thousand people.

One party, only one, one side, on one single momentum, the hematitis is naturally weaker.


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