Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1273 Recommended!

"Thousands of people!" The sword has no double to the god of the thousand.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are coming, can I have harvest in the second day of the room?"

"Some gains." The sword is not a little bit.

"Yes, but now we are in trouble." The thousands of kings will willow smile.

"I know I will never let the country will get a good break. Sure enough. Now there is two contestants who come in Tuning Tun, these two contests, the thunder is still good, just a heavy day, etc. The king of the world can be a heavy contest, and the strength is not less than me. If I go all out, I can only fight and balance the mile of the world. As for the thunder, I can only hand it over. "

"Thundermates God?" The sword was unparalleled to see the strong man wearing a triangle warfare, slightly, "gave it to me."

The thousands of deaths have watched the sword and there is no one, then it is step forward.

"Thousands of people, last time, don't be innocent." The show is cold, staring at the god of thousands of people, so on the sword, the rural areas, and the district is not placed.

"The world of the world, the thunder, the two of you here, what is the precious dry?"

"What is the preciousness? Thousands of people, you are known to ask? I have arrived today, naturally, I will take the haze of the country that belong to the country." The Uyun is cold, "thousand I am in the world, if you know, people who have your hematitis are immediately left, so we don't have to tear your face directly, or ... "

"Equality? Could you want to attack this hatly island?" Millennium circles burst into colds, voice shock, "Wu Idea, you can think clearly, my blood island occupied territory However, no one can easily capture, soon, the Chiang Shui Alliance has made this mistake, so the Chiang Shui Alliance is destroyed by my blood! "

"Now, do you still want to walk into the Red Solid Alliance?"

When I heard this, the show of the show is cold and cold, "I don't want to take blood in the island, I don't want to be stupid as the Red Solo League, let you know Just give the old nest to the old nest, the old nest in the country is in the territory. If your bloody island is really a matter, you can directly attack me the country's Camp under the eyelids of the Shengfu. "

Wu Idea has no scruples.

Renewing the Trumpet is attached to the Sheng Shengfu, there is a day Holy Government supports the waist, naturally not worried about hematitis island like the Red Water Alliance.

Thousands of deaths are cold, "So there is nothing to say, let's talk directly to the fist, I have to look at it, I will with thunder, how to capture my fog island."

"Haha, deal with you, I will be enough, why do you want to shoot?" The mulk of the world smiled, then he waved, "Little, give me!"

Voice falls ...

boom! ! !

A strong breath is instantly litting, and there is still a burst of lyingly shouting.

A large number of Tianzun in the country's camps, the boundaries, under the leadership of the museum, the leadership of the thunder, is like the tide toward the horn island.

Although it is also arranged on the hairy lady, it is obviously impossible to use the big array to block the country.

The strong people of the two camps, they were killed together.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will stop the thunderness of the thunder, remember to resist it, try to resist it, don't lose your life." The sword is unparalleled, and then its body shape is directly killed.

"To try to resist it? Don't lose your life?"

The sword has no double-faced weird. He looked at the gods of the thunder in front of him, and the figure was moving toward each other.

"Haha, let's die!"

The burial and strong man with the triangle helmet, the gods were also distorted, and the smile was even more robbery, and his two hands held a big ax, and the two hands were swayed. , The pounds of the pounds are venting, and they are rushing in the crowd. There are many cultivars in the bloody island. No one can resist his ax.

He is like a tiger to go into the flock, and he is arbitrarily slaughtered.

When the sword is unparalleled, he just glanced at it, but it still didn't care.

After all, in his perception, the sword is only a truth.

A boundaries, even if it is invincible, it is just a big big antique for him.


The thundering industry snorted, and the left hand left the big ax, and the sword was unparalleled.

The sword has no double eyes, the blood peak sword is exciting, and it is straightforward.

The moment of the long sword waved, the sword was unparalleled, the power suddenly broke out, and it broke out of 10%!


The cold sword shadow instantly wore the void, with the thunderous trip to the front of the big ax on the big ax, issued a metal impact.

When the sound falls, a horrible Jin Tao also broke out.

The thunderous kingdom found that there was no double in the eyes at all, but he felt the power of the big ax.


The thundering industry is a sharp-minded, immediately forth in the sword, there is no double, this collision, put the numbness of his arms, the big ax in the hands is almost, so strong power, according to the truth The world can be available.

What can make the thundering industry is that the sword of this sword is unparalleled. Is it just a trip?

"Kid, who are you?" Thunder is unparalleled with swords, and bursting out.

"Who are you taking me, you just know, I am, you can't kill me again, I will do it." The sword didn't smir.

"Can you kill the blood of the island? I'm laughing." Thunder is released by the Thunder, "Zunxiao's antity, this seat first destroyed you first."

I saw that the amazing suffocation broke out from the thunderous man, the thunderous king's god was already very strong. At this moment, it seems that it has skyrocked many times, and his eyes are also Be more scarlet.

"God change!"

"Jiufang ... Seven Adhes!"

The horror roasting in the world, the power is also an earthwork.

Under the surroundings of countless people, the thunder is rushing, and the two hips in the hands began to fall.

For a time, the heavens and the earth are silent.

On the other side, the thousands of people have been fighting with the mulled gods, the two are fiery, but they all detected the horrible power at the same time.

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