Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1274, Lifting!

"It is Thunder, he has used it to change, but also to show his strongest Jiuqiu seven ax?" Wujie's eyebrows wrinkled, "how will, the thousands of people have been entangled, bloody island In the case of the cultivator, who is qualified to let him show such a kill? Who? "

The Ukrainian God immediately settled the past, and this saw him saw the sword in front of the thundering industry.

"It's him?"

"Zone of the district?"

The mulk of the world is very strange, a truth is worth the thunderous kill.

And the monk of the world also saw this scene, the face is bigger, "Not good! That Thunder actually directly show the sword!"

"Sword is unparalleled, hurry!"

Thousands of people have been unparalleled to the sword in the first time.

At that battlefield, I saw that the momentum of the thundering kingdom fierce, and the sword flashed in the bib of the sword.


Thundermates and swords have been in contact with the sword.

Thunder king's hands and both hands and watches, show his strongest Jiuqiqi Ax.

This is his strongest killing, although it is just a trick, but it contains seven ax, and this seven ax, a ax is stronger than an ax.

This is a trick that the power is constantly overlay, although this trick is just a first-order, but the power is already close to the first-order higher school.

In the face of this trick, the sword is unparalleled is the blood peak sword waving in his hand, and he retired while retreating.


In the seven collisions, broke out seven dramatic roars, after seven collisions, the movement of the thunder was stagnant.

At the moment, in front of him, the sword was unhappy, holding a sword. He looked at his own cuffs, slightly shock, shocking dust, then looked up in the idea of ​​thunder, his mouth also took A touch of smile.

"You just have just ax, it is not bad."

The sword is unparalleled, also spread.

This scene is a horrible surrounding.

"He actually took the thunder's nine-absolute ax, and it was intact?" The Urid goddened his eyes and was incredible.

He is very clear, thunderous kingdom is full of power, how strong, it is a strong horizontal, which is like him like him, and does not dare to take this trick in Thunder. Now, there is a place. Directive, positively to the Jiuqi Qiqi Ax, which is the thunder, is it next?

"The sword is unparalleled?" Thousands of people were also very surprised.

She just wants the sword to avoid avoiding, but now ...

She finally knew that the big wing of the big leader would send a sword to help her.

Also, I finally knew that the sword was unparalleled, it would be confident that I can fight against one world.

In this shock, the sword is unparalleled, "" Your strongest recruit, I have already received a front, then, then you should pick up my sword. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak in his hand is already high.

"Nirvana new life!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is seen that the carrier is infinitely hoped with the sword of the vitality.

After the sword is raised, it will not be hindered by slightly, and go directly to the thunder.

The thunderous industry is light. At this moment, he also caught his own shock and immediately waved the big ax again.


A loud noise, the big ax in the right hand of the thunder is flying directly.

The residual power of Sword is still the throat of the thunder, the thunder is surprised, and the big ax in the palm of the palm is swept across the chest.


The sword is touched on the ax back, and the powerful impact will go out of the thunder.

Through this anti-vibration, the thunderous kingdom is quickly opened with the sword. It stands in the far away, and the sword is unparalleled.

"This little child, I didn't even kill me at a little?" Thunder is unbelievable. "He is really a truth?"

On the island, the cultivators who have been caught in the two camps in the war, and many have noticed this scene, nature is very horrified.


The thousands of kings are more exciting, and they don't care about their identity.

"Betting!" The mushrooms of the miles have become incomparably ugly. "What is this world, the strength is strong?"


The mulk of the world is coming, and he will see the scenes on the battlefield very clear.

The two major camps, the quantity of the Tianzun, the quantity of the Tianzun is similar, and the only advantage of him, it is a contest, and he is also intended to be entangled in the world, let the thunder. Break into the bloody island camp.

If a kinden is no one to stop, the unscrupulous slaughter is definitely able to let the blood of the island, and the Tianzun is crazy. It doesn't take it for a role, and the bloody island will inevitably defeat.

But he didn't think of it. One of the bloody islands, some people can stop the thundering kings, not only stopped, but also positively defeated the thunder.

This made his original abacus immediately lost.

Now, the sword is unparalleled into the Camp Camp. If there is no one, it has been used to make a harmful to him.

"Can't go on this again, Mr. Zhuge, take the arm!" The mulk of the world is disconnected, and the past.

In fact, there is no need to communicate with the world, and that has been hidden in the dark, I can't help it.


I only see a strong horizontal, obviously much better than the thunder, even than the king of the world, the thousands of people will be slightly stronger, from the distance, the voids are blooming, and the moment falls into the moment. The battlefield of the haze island.

This black robes have appeared, rumble ~~~ It's like a hill-collapsed hit of the horses. It is now spreading. It is a large number of deaths that are crazy and killing, and the Tianzun is a cold, stopped immediately. The action in your hand, one of the frightened people came over.

The entire battlefield, also because of the emergence of this black robe, a short pause appeared.

The thousands of people also noticed the arrival of people, and the face suddenly changed.

After this black robes appeared, he ignored everyone, he looked up, revealing the black robe, the old and frank, and the most eye-catching is his pair of eyes. , Then the eyes of the eye-catching stone, looks very horrible.

At this moment, this for the strange green eyes are dead and solidified in swords.

"Kid, you ... good courage !!!"

Contains an ambient sound, but also from the mouth of this black robe, echoing in the heavens and earth.

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