Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1275, Mr. Zhuge!

"Kid, you ... good courage !!!"

The voice of the black robes containing the anger of the sky echoed throughout the battlefield, and this also made a lot of people.

The sword is only just in this battle, it is the thunderous world, this is his strength, what is the relationship with the courage?

However, I heard this, but the sword was not a bit slightly.

"Mr. Zhuge!"

The king of the world has appeared next to the people of the black robe.

"Thunder, you have a heavy heaven, actually lost to a ride?" Wujie Shen loudly.

"I didn't expect that the kid is clearly a world, but the war is strong." Thunder is obviously decadent.

For him, it is a shame that is absolutely a lifetime of a lifetime.

"The sword is unparalleled." The thousands of kings also appeared next to the sword and unparalleled, at the same time: "I didn't look at you before, I didn't expect your war." "

"Thousands of people praise." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't say this first." Thousands of people waved, and then they saw it in front of the front, and the eyes became cold, "Zhugeqiu, today's things, what you have to intervene?"

"Zhu Geqi?" The sword has no double inner heart, and it has already known the origin of this black robes.

Zhugeqi, is a commander of the Tian Shengfu, and the strength is extremely great in a heavy heaven, although it does not reach a heavy day, but it is very close, compared to the thousandth of the world, Come, it should be slightly better.

"You are fighting between Hengyan Island and the Sheriff, and the old man can don't work hard." The old people of the black robes directly.

"Mr. Zhuge?" The murder of the world could not help but

Zhugeqiu's arrived here, it is to help him take the country, how can I say that I haven't worked hard?

"Hey, although the old man does not want to intercepted this, but there is one person, the old man must take it today." Zhugeqiu also said.

"Take away one person? Who takes away?" I asked the monk.

"He!" Zhugeqi's direct sword did not finger.

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is alive.

"You have to take the sword is unparalleled? He is the seventh god of my blood island, why?"

"Why? Just rely on him, touch the blood of my Shengfu's core disciple!" Zhugeqiu cooled.

"What?" "Thousands of God"

Many cultivators around the surroundings, including the mid-term, the thunderous kings are both wrong.

Zhu Geqi is similar to electricity, dead and dead, "Kid, your name is no pair? You should know, why do you want to find you?"

"Know." The sword has no double nod.

"Know it." Zhugeqiu voice is cold, "I have a core disciple of the Shengfu, a total of more than 20, every one is carefully cultivated, some is very high in cultivation, There are also great talents on alchemy, refiners or array. In short, all of them are extremely gainful, and each is extremely rare. "

"And these core disciples have also cultivated my unique secret surgery, once they died, after the death of the grievances, the curse of the grievances, I went to the other party, this curse, only my God Holy Government The high-rise power can feel that you are ... The curse is still so rich, obviously you kill a core disciple of my Shengfu, and still kill it, this, old man Can you say something wrong? "

"I didn't say anything wrong." The sword is unparalleled.

"Kill my core disciple of my Shengfu, I still have a good fear?" Zhugeqiu coldly.

"Kill is already killed, regret it is useless, isn't it?" The sword is unparalleled but laughs.

"You are looking away." Zhugeqiu voice was cold, then he looked at the thousand people in the world. "Thousands of people, you have heard, this sword is unparalleled, I have admitted to the core disciple of my Shengfu Since this old husband takes him back, is it? "

"This ..." The thousands of people frowned, but the arrogance is open: "No matter what the sword is unparalleled, he is now the seventh god of my blood island, you want to take him, naturally I agree to the island owner, only the island owner agrees, and you can take him. "

"I have to agree on your home is my home." Zhugeqi smiled, "Sorry, the old man can wait for your home of the island owner, the old man is now, it will take him, if you dare to stop, the old man is desperate feelings!"

The millennium is sinking.

But at this time, the sword is unparalleled, and his voice is tauntful, "Zhugeqi, the hematitis is not to say, don't you ask, I would not be willing to go with you?"

"You?" Zhugeqi once again appeared in the sword.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, "said that you can think that you can look at me casually, how can I don't believe it? Zhu Geqi, I am standing here, I really want to see, you are today, how is it? Take me? "

I heard this, everyone around them was stunned.

They can hear the gunpowder flavor containing the sword.

Obviously, he is chasing Zhugeqiu.

"This kid, even Mr. Zhuge dare to provoke, it is really looking for death!" The madness of the madness of the madness of the sword.

"Hey, I thought it was really invincible. Mr. Zhuge, that is close to the peak, and a world of zone, I really want to turn over?" Thundery king also smiled.

When I heard the sword, I went wrong, but the corner of the mouth was gradually a smile.

This smile is like a blade.


Without any signs, this Zhugeqiu moved directly.

A black mafen, the people around them have not been reacted. This Zhugeqiu has come to the sword unparalleled, and then he saw his palm to shoot, and there was no slap in the sword. .


The horrible power will flood the sword unparalleled body shape. The sword is unparalleled. It is like a meteorite to squat down the ground, and a huge pothole in the ground.

Until this scene has been completed, the crowd reacted.

"So fast!"

"too fast!"

"The sword is unparalleled, is it dead?"

The whole misty island sounded a slap.

"Zhugeqiu!" Thousands of people were a surprise.

"Hey, the kid is looking for death, and who is strange?" Zhugeqiu is a sleepless robe, and a pair is not good.

But then ...


The ground is suddenly crackled off, and a figure is rishes again, and it is a sword.

At this moment, he is angry, and there is no trace of injury in the whole province.


"It turned out to be no loss?"

People on the island are very surprised.

Even Zhugeqiu is also slightly strange.


The cold voice is issued in the sword, but he doesn't have a slightest angry at the moment. Some is an unprecedented surprise and excitement!

He is full of blood, it has been boiling at this moment.

"Haha !!"

"Great, great !!!"

"I finally, wait!!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the laughter is with a slap.

People on the island are all inexplicably, even Zhugeqiu, a few people in the thousandth of the world are also very arrogant.

And the sword is unparalleled, but his scorpion is excited, and death is staring at Zhugeqi.

The cold voice slowly sounded, the sword was unbounded, and the blood peak sword was also crazy. The sword was also crazy.

His sword has also been hungry and thirst!


PS: Update today!

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