Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1276 The war is full!

At this moment, the sword is not bored with the Zhugeqiu, and the body is overwhelming.

This makes the many cultural people on the fogmine is very arrogant.

"This sword is unparalleled, is it crazy?"

A boundaries, in the face of a heavy heaven, actually emerged so amazing war?

Is this not a madness?

The sword is unparalleled, but he is slowly reached out under the eyes of everyone, but he has come up with a golden gourd.

The sword is unparalleled to open the golden gourd plug, suddenly ...

! ! !

I saw that the sky-covered flowers were burst, and these squats also took a green Silver flame, and they were swept in an instant.

The vast flaming flames, almost in an instant to cover the entire fogtine island.

All the strong people on the hattima is unable to be surprised, they are covered by the Sabala.

"What is this?" Many practitioners are still in a horror.

"Sand field, oppression!" The sword didn't drink low.

Low drizzle, the huge roast field is an immediate role, rumble ~~~ horrible parasites, like a heavy heavenly shackle, directly in the role of Zhugeqiu.

This part of the oppression of all sides, so that Zhugeqiu has no possibilities, only hard to bear.

Suddenly, the shape of this Zhugeqiu is sinking and the face is also slightly changed.

"Is this a field?"

"Strong field!"

This slave is also a slice.

He is close to the world of heavens, but now in this field, in this instant, its strength has been compressed more than 30%.

Football 30%!

For the world, even if it is just a strength, it is enough to make the opponent 's strength, it is 30%. Now he, the top of the battle is quite right with thousands of people.

"This kid actually has such a treasure treasure?" Zhugeqiu took a greedy and parallel sword.

Dagu domain, unlike a green world.

The fire industry is because of the relationship of a treasure, so there are many treasures of treasures, such as chaotic odorant in the general field, can have a few pieces in the green world, but the field treasures are extremely rare, especially Treasures like the Sandy Bulus, which is absolutely enough to compete for the competition.

"Kill him, the gourd, it is mine!" Zhugeqi glassed his hands.

At this moment, the sword that controls the Sanda houling of the parastrium is unparalleled, and it is also aware of the greed in Zhugeqiu, but his mouth is a cold smile.

follow closely……


The sword is unparalleled with a low drink, and its body shape is under the eyes of everyone, slamming.

It is clear that it is clear that the sword is unparalleled to fight with Zhugeqiu!

"court death!"

Zhugeqi saw this not angry and laughed, he proved that a piece of black robe was instantly riped.

Both communicate immediately in the void.

The sword is unhappy, the blood peak sword is slightly trembled. At this moment, he not only burst into 10%, but most importantly, he will completely urged the second phase of the blood.

Yes, the prior to the sword is unparalleled with people, even if it is the thunder, he only urged the first weight of the blood.

And now, it has urged the second weight!

The power also has an explosive!

There is also the oppression of Booth Sands,

This moment of sword is unparalleled, is really right ... The combat is full!

"Triple Wave!"

Blood peak sword dance, lightning-like three swords, almost simultaneously.

Zhugeqi is killing the sky, when the figure is close to the sword, he is unique, and it is also connected.


The three low hitting sounds, the horrible power venting, so that the surroundings, the world is a frightened crazy explosion.

At the core of the battlefield, the Zhugeqiu slammed the three swords shadings of the sword, and the cold scorpion was flashing.


call out!

Sike, a black arc is like a python.

Fast incredible.


The sword is unparalleled, and immediately formed a sword in front of him, destroying the 'black python' pulverized.

"Nirvana new life!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has reached the first-order high-level nirvana.

The strong force flooded into the sword, the sword light emerged, this sword is very abnormal, like a new sun appears there.

Zhugeqi has a huge body shape, and there is a huge immersion vain. A dark and dry palm reveals it from his sleeve and then slammed.

This shot ... I am afraid it is enough to easily shoot the general world.

But this palm of the sword, the sword, the sword, the sword is touched together, ! The fierce explosions of the swordsman.


Zhugeqiu slammed, the body is not retired behind, while retreating, he can't help but look at his palm, there is a scarlet red dot, and there is a stinging and passing.


Dravings echo in the sky, the sword has no double body, actually chasing it.

"Kid, it is rampant!" Zhugeqi's forehead on the green gluten, obviously angry, there is a different beast, but this moment has once again, but this is another two different beasts.

Football three huge immersive shadow, appearing in the world.

Zhugeqiu is cold, and the body is also rushing, and the three different beasts behind him are Qi Qi.

Time, both again.

!! boom! ! !

A deafening roar sounds asking the hit.

On the island, many strong people from the island of Hezhi Island also have a battle in the eyes.

They have been watching it later.

Even if it is the top three boundaries ... Thousands of people, the mid-term god, the thunderous kingdoms have also set off a huge waves at this moment.

"The sword is unparalleled with him, you can kill the front of Zhugeqiu, and ... whit does not fall in the wind?" The thousands of people took the cold air.

"I said that this kid is strong, but I didn't expect it to be strong." The thundering king is that it is dark, and it is also very good at the bottom of the heart. After all, the sword is unparalleled, but it is quite with Zhugeqiu. He was defeated in the sword. It was also normal.

"In the island of hematology, there is such a top genius?" The disorder is constant.

Positive killing!

Yes, the sword of the war is unparalleled. It is killing the front of Zhugeqi, who is very close to the peak of the top, and does not fall in the wind!

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