Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1281 hike!

"Is this?"

I heard the explanation of the King, the sword was unparalleled.

He only knows that the blood peak sword needs to be integrated into swordsman. It can make the power to skyrocket, but he didn't expect blood and peak swords to integrate swordsman.

"This is said, I can't let the blood peak swords can skyrise." The sword is unparalleled.

He now only creates a first-order higher school, I want to create a first-order peak, I don't know when to wait, let alone the threshold of the blood peak sword, but to create a first-order top, that is to say The ordinary first-order peak is still unqualified to make it integrated.

"Come slowly." The King said.

"The rice must be eaten, the road is going to go, the sword is unparalleled, you are now in a short time, your growth space is very big, but it also needs a lot of time, I can't worry."

"Understand." The sword has no double heart.

And at this time ...

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What happened?" Asked the king.

"There is a unparalleled breath into my soul's sense of perception, and this breath is no strange, obviously not my blood of my blood." The sword is unparalleled.

The people of hematitis is a breath. The sword is unparalleled, and there is no induction of the kind of breath. It is natural that it is not a strong camp.

"Good hidden hidden means, directly into my bloody island military camp, but I have the ban on the military camp of my blood, and those of the military camps, there is no found, if it is not the relationship of my strength, I am afraid I can't find it. "The sword didn't double, but the next moment of his eyes fierce.

"Not good, this person is rushing me!"

The sword is unparalleled, the owner of the breath has quietly accelerated speed, and is rushing to the direction of his own.

In the beginning to the end, the strong people of the hematitis is not reactive.

"The sword is unparalleled, quickly escape!" King said.

"I know."

The sword is unparalleled, and when the atmosphere is approaching him, his figure has already burst, and it is directly Yangtian to send a whistle, "the big leader, come to save!!!"

The sound is scream, at this late night look extra harsh.

The military camp of hematitis is also thoroughly shaken.

When the sword is unparalleled, it immediately shows the secrets of the dragon blood, and the speed is full of outbreak, and the direction of the big leader is in the direction of the lead.

This scene, made the breath of the breath that the swearing unparalleled approach was wrinkled. "It was found by the kid?"

The atmosphere of this breath is covered with the robe. I know that after exposure, he is too lazy to cover up. His body shape is a golden flow of gold, and it is unparalleled in an instant.

The sword is unparalleled. It is already a secret of the dragon blood, but he is still close to him behind him behind him.

"The field of Balai Sand, give me!"

The sword didn't have a double ashome, I saw the endless parasites of the Endless Palasses, and they were flooded to the world. They formed a great field to oppress the golden stream, even if they can't be pressed, they can give each other to bring some obstacles. .

In fact, the golden stream is under the oppression of the field of the parasites, but the speed is actually not hindered.

"Good speed, and ... good strength!" The sword has no double one meal.

He can see, this time, it is definitely a two-day god of golden light, and it may still be extremely strong in the second heaven, may it be extremely strong. The field is fully remarkable, and the other party is not impossible to have a little more affected.


Two figures chased a chasing, rushing across the void, which is clearly dazzling.

But this pursuit, just continued to instantly, I still didn't breathe, and the golden streamer that was originally crazy, the sword was unparalleled, but he paused.

There is no way, because the four condominations of the majestic island in this military camp have been rushing over, and the big wings have been stopped to stop this golden stream.


The golden stream is dissipated, and a goldpack is slowly revealed.

This is a blonde thinner. This thin and weak old man seems to be weak, but he has ever had endless temperament, the breath is strong, even if it is a lot of wings, it is a bit less than a bit.

It is important to know that the brutal wingdom leads that the second figure of the bloody island is second only to the top of the island. His strength is also the truthful two heaven, but it is more than the blonde thin. Old man.

"Jin Yangzong" "

"It's you!"

The big wing of the big leader is in the body, and the eyes are suddenly angry, and they are dead and staring at the blonde thin people in front of them.

The other four of the hematitis is stood around the big wings, and also staring at each other, and the face is dignified.

If it is replaced with other strong people, so unscrupulous into their military camp, even gods the gods they will fight, they will never say that they will kill them directly, but now there is this person in front of them, but it is Jin Yangzong!

Jin Yangzong, that is, the super existence of the main leadership of the top of the Tianshi, the first government of the Tianshengfu, the second day.

With this strength, it is a matter of relying, even if it is now sold, the four of the four worlds of hematitis is, I am afraid it can only be reluctant to fight against each other.

It is difficult to even fight against it. It is naturally impossible to kill.

After the big wings, I realized that I couldn't understand how I didn't take the other.

And the sword that has already fled to the distance is unparalleled. When you hear this, the bottom is frightened.

"That person, is it Jin Yangzong owner?"

"This Jinyang Zong is so regardless of the face of the face."

The sword is unparalleled.

Fortunately, I ignited the fire of the soul, the power of the soul is enough, and this Jinyang Zong is discovered in advance.

If there is no soul, it is noticeable in advance. This Jinyangzong is quietly close to him. If you want to kill him, he is afraid that there is no such resistance.

After all, his war is only a heavy heavens and high-level gods. Even if he shows the stamping secrets, he will resist the peak of the world.

This strength is definitely a joke in front of Jinyangzong.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and this Jinyangzong is now looking for him.

"For the Golden Guo Lord?"

The sword has no double eyes.


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