Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1282 Jinyangzong

In the military camp, I have already tomb that there is a lot of the sergeants, but I gathered around, I didn't dare to be close.

Above the most central void, the four controversy and the four contestants and the golden hail of the old man are compared to the mainstay of the old distance.

"The big leadership." The sword is unparalleled to have a big winner.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are fine?" "Quality wings.

"It's good to lead you in time." The sword is unparalleled. "

"I thought that only that the Holy Government would want to kill you, but I didn't expect this Jinyang Zong to be more prosperous. It turned out to be a golden killing." The big wings are full of gloomy.

In front, Jinyangzong's eyes also sweeped over the light golden light.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Jin Yangzong was a sword.

Before, he has already got the portrait of the sword and some physical characteristics. So just after the military camp, he immediately found the sword unparalleled existence, and then immediately shot, it should be water to the stream, but the result is not in this way.

"This kid, actually discovered the existence of this seat?" Jin Yangzong is quite a wonderful.

His concealment means is very high, after entering the bloody island military camp, even if it is the second heaven ordered God, it is not possible to find him in time, but the sword is unparalleled but found?

"Jin Yangzong, with your identity, secretly sneak into the military camp of my bloody island, sneak attacking my bloody island, there is no face, is there too much?" Barbarian big universities pointed to drink, sound shock .

The cultivator of all hematitis island is all angry.

In their view, Jin Yangzong owner, what kind of identity is actually sneak attack, and the sneak attack is just a truth, it is indeed very long.

You can hear this, Jinyang Gongzhi is a way that is unfamant: "Sistene it? This world is only the strength, what is the way to say this, not to mention, can make this seat personally, this The sword is unparalleled. "

"Tell it? Hey, unfortunately, you have lost." The big wing is a cold smile.

"Indeed, I didn't expect this child before this, I could find that the existence of this seat in advance. Today's purpose, it seems that it is not necessary." Jinyangzong mainly. "

"Jin Yangzong, my bloody island is always in the battle, but the sword is unparalleled is indeed a very amazing genius, but it is stunned. After all, he has not truly give you Jin Yangzong. With your identity, I can't help but kill him. Let's talk about it today, what is the purpose? "The big wings are unsperive.

"This is the purpose of this seat?" Jin Yangzong's main scorpion is slightly cold, "this is the purpose of this seat, of course, for him!"

Jin Yangzong's main point pointers the sword is unparalleled. The voice has also become cold, "the sword is unparalleled, this is asked, how is Jin Feng die?"

"Golden Peak?"

The big wing big leading and other people are one.

They also know the golden peaks of the Golden Guo, although it is just a relatively general idea, but his position in Jinyangzong is quite special.

Foreign rumors, Golden Guode, Golden Peak, is the brother of Jinyang Gonglian!

Of course, this rumor doesn't know that it is true, after all, Jinyang Zong Lord has Jinfeng has not publicly recognized.

"That Jin Feng, dead?"

The big wing is unlocked, but it is low, but it is low: "Jin Yangzong, I know that Jin Feng is not shallow, but the golden peak is dead, and what is the relationship with my sword?"

"Of course, there is a relationship." Jin Yangzong's main rival: "Not long ago, Jinfeng invited the core disciple of the Sheng Shengfu, and went to a secret city to sway, but the results of Jinfeng and the Townah, and they were dead in that secret, and they Under all the hand taken, no one is alive! "

"He is dead, no one knows the reason, this seat, although anger, it also sent people to trace it, it could not find any traces, until yesterday, this seat received the tangible news ..."

"The Tiansheng government believes that with the golden peak to the Township of the secret, it is died in the hands of the sword, or he kills!"

The big wing of the big leader and the surrounding world, all the eyes, all wrinkled.

"The sword is unparalleled." Jin Yangzong's main prince was not double, "I asked you this seat, is that the Ninth Sina is killed?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, directly admitted.

He knows that there is the existence of your curse, and the death of the Towna, he can't argue.

"What about the golden peak? Are he died in your hand?" Jin Yangzong asked.

He got the Tianshengfu, and he knew that the sword was only a world, but it had the power of killing a heavy contest. It is in this way, and that naturally, there is also a strength to kill the golden peak.

"Golden Feng? What Jin Feng?" The sword was unparalleled but shook his head. "I am killing a core disciple of the Sheng Shengfu, but what is the one you said, I have heard it, I have heard it!"

"Kid, you lie !!!" Jin Yangzong's voiced: "Jinfeng and the Township to go to the secret city, have been together, die in that secret, since you kill the Towna, how can I not know Jinfeng ? "

"Jin Yangzong, I really don't know who you said."

The sword is not double-finished, and the road: "I saw the NT evening, nothing in the dark, it was in an ordinary dark void, then I just came out from my hometown, the air hammer, desire The strong people of the Outdoor Chaotic World have handed in hand, and the first cultivator I met was Tenthoon. At that time, I saw that she is a truth, and I will directly find her challenge. I will kill her in the challenge. "

"Things are just like this."

The sword has no double eyed, and I don't see any watching the mountain cave. The face is not angry, saying it is true.

He is not willing to admit that he kills the golden peak.

The light is now uncomfortable, if you add a Jinyang Zong, and the most important thing is that this Jinyang Zong is standing in front of him, the sword is unparalleled, it is a bit worried. Wings leaders with several other bounders, can they stop this Jinyangzong.

Therefore, in this moment, it is best to don't tear your face, this Jinyangzong is not good.

The sword is unparalleled, so that Jin Yangzheng is a slight wrinkle

And at this time, the big wings were also opened. "Jin Yangzong, you said that Jin Feng was dead with the Nine Sorrow, and it was the golden peak to die, and then it was a Township, and the middle should take a while. ? "

The main color of Jinyangzong is another change.

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