Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1283 Island Lord Call!

Jin Feng and the Townah Say, the time interval of falling, he has already checked it.

The middle is full of ten years!

If it is used to practice, it is true that it is just a moment of shooting, and it is too long.

If Jin Feng is really killing, then the person who killed him was completely killed on the spot, rather than dragging the foot for ten years.

Just because of the ten years of interval, Jin Yangzong is unable to determine that killing Jinfeng and killing the Township.

And now the sword is unparalleled, it is also possible to happen.

"Jin Yangzong." The big wing of the big lead is there, "Everything has to check it clearly, but don't be careful to be shot, according to me, let's sit down and slowly talk. I have already sent my home island, so I will arrive at the island owner, and everything will leave the water. "

"Height Island Lord?" Jin Yangzong's eyes were slightly smashed.

It is also the strength of the two days, but the strength of the hematology is all right. If the bloody island owner is arrogant, even if you find it out, it is a sword without a double shot killing Jinfeng, then he can't The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, the death of Jin Feng, this seat will find a way to check the stone, the sword is unparalleled, you better have nothing to do with his death, otherwise ... this is to put it here, even if it is with blooditis island This seat must also kill you! "

"My enemy, I can't make it as simple as it!"

The voice of Jin Yangzong is cold into the valley, echoing in the world.

The voice falls, Jin Yangzong is a cold, and it will go to a golden flow of gold to gallop.

Seeing Jinyangzong owner left, the many strong people of hematitis island, including the quite leader, and spit it.

The sword is unparalleled.

One of the first days of the peak, but fortunately he didn't really choose to tear his face, or the consequences could not be imagined.

"That Jinfeng, is the son of this Jinyang Zong," The sword is quite quiteer.

The prior to the birth of the Daxie, all said that Jinfeng is Jin Yangzhi's brother. Who once thought that his two were actually a father and son relationship!

It is also unfortunate that this Jinyangzong will be so angry, directly killing the bloody island military camp, and shot him.


Golden light light is brushed from the military camp of hematitis Island until it comes to a sea area, and he will stop.

Jin Guang disappeared, Jin Yangzong's body has also emerged.

After the main body of Jinyangzong, a black dress also appeared next to it.

"Jin Yangzong, you are really truthfully believe that the sword is unparalleled with Jinfeng's death." Black dress made a laughter.

This black shadow is also hidden in the dark, just because the distance is too far, the sword is unparalleled and does not find his existence.

"Hey, this seat is certainly impossible to believe." Jin Yangzong's voice is cold.

"What are you?" Black dress is strange.

He is a surprised Jinyang Zong Lord why didn't you take a straightforward? After all, a Jinyang Gong Lord's strength. If you really don't care, you will be able to stop him.

"This seat also wants to shoot directly, but you are really a bloody island, it is as simple as the military camp of hematitis is so simple." Jin Yangzong is a cold, "this is early I know that there is a hidden ban in the bloody island military camp, which is controlled in the hands of the barbaries. Although I can't see it on weekdays, once the key moments have been urged, it is enough to kill the ordinary two-day gods, as for this The seat may be alive, but it will inevitably suffer! "

"This is a bloody island military camp, and it is necessary to quietly and unparalleled swords. If you get it, you will leave it immediately, and the bloody island has no way."

"I didn't think that the sword was unparalleled. I didn't think he perceived in advance, then escaped a robbery, and just served as it, this seat is still not refunded, it's really killing, although the ban is urgent It is not small if it takes to pay, and it is necessary to use it. If you can't say that you can hold the sword, you can not know if this is. "

"Is this this?" This black shadow is also.

"Hey, although this time makes him escape, I will never be so simple, I'm so simple!" Jin Yangzong was holding hands, and then he looked at the black dress next to him. "You What about it? "

"My Shengfu, the same, as long as there is an opportunity, I will inevitably do my best, set him in the dead!" Black clothes.

"That's good, this sword is unparalleled, can't run." Jinyangzong mainly killing the machine.


Heatitis island, military camp, brutal wings, the sword is unparalleled, and the contestants in the military camp are gathered together.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have already told the island owner with what happened here, the island owner command, let you return to my hematitis Island headquarters, he wants to see you." Barbarous Wings said.

"Islander personally recited?" The sword has no double.

"We will go now." Barbarian wings.

"We?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Tian Shengfu, Jin Yang Zong must set up you, you have a risk, so the island owner let me escort you back." Brutal wings.

"The Dab is the self-escort, I have this treatment in the bloody island, but there are not a few." There is a kid to kids next to it.

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

"Let's go." Barbarian wings.

The sword is not too hesitant, and it is a way to do with the big wings.

The bloody island occupies the Dagan domain in the Dagu City, and the city has more than hundreds of urban, and does not say some other special places.

The headquarters of hematitis is in the most core of the topic city.

Jiuxing Sea is not too far away from the blood, there is a very bad leader in the middle, and there is no too much change. Soon, the sword has arrived in the bloody city.

One to the bloody city, the big wing big union immediately took him to see hematitis island.

The grand golden temple, the whole temple gives the feelings of the atmosphere.

At the top of the temple, there is a throne of the throne, the throne is a white robbery, the barefoot man, this bald man is slightly fat, the face is also round, with a smile, feel As if it is a big man.

It is such a laughing bald man, which is the highest island owner of height island.

Inside the hall.

"Islander." The big wing of the big union leads the head.

"Watch the island owner." The sword is unparalleled, and the man is respectful. At the same time, the sword is nothing more.

Although the bald man laughed, it can give him the pressure, which is not slightly higher than that Jin Yangzong.


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