Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1288 is not available!

After the Dawei Palace, he got the Switch Coacing to the gourd, and quickly left.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is your customs, with this character, the numerous cultivation resources of my big palace will be open to you, and I will arrange a place to live in this time. During this time you can always Treat it in my big palace. "White Director gave an ancestors to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to pick up that.

Daxie Palace, this identity is in the Daxian area.

"The sword is unparalleled. During this time, you will take it in the Daxie Palace. This seat will leave first.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

The hematitis is also left.

"Let's go, I will take you to my Dagu Palace to take a circle, by the place to live."

The White Directive is that there is no double in the Dagu Palace with swords.

There is no huge in the Daxie Palace, and there are many trials, and there is also a treasure.

In the treasure hall, countless treasures, the cheats should have.

This white session is unparalleled with swords, and because the sword is unparalleled is the relationship between Gu Qing, some cultivation resources in the Dagu Palace can be used.

After half a day, the white gods took the sword where they lived, it was a honts in the mountainside.

"The sword is unparalleled, the next time you slowly practice it, if there is any problem, you can directly submit to me, in addition, 80 years later, when the palace is ready to teach, I will inform you in advance." White The world is the world.

"There is a border of labor." The sword has no double-sensitive.

The white god is a very old contest in the Dagu Palace. It is very early to follow the main side of the Dagu Palace, which is the most trusted person of the Lord of Dagu.

Many things in the Dagu Palace, the Daxie Palace Lord rarely took care, and the white gods were treated during weekdays.

I sent it away, and the sword was unparalleled. It has begun to prepare for the eighty-year cultivation plan.

There are numerous cultivation resources in the Datun Palace, which can be used.

Eighty years, it seems short, but it is unparalleled to the sword, but it is entirely enough to enhance his strength to the new level.

However, the white session is just just ...! A storm is coming to the rural unparalleled courtyard.

This is a young woman in a dongger-red robes. This woman is beautiful, with a blue, her figure appears in the royal court where the sword is unparalleled, and its breath has spread.

"Is your?" The sword has no double appeared in front of this young woman, and the difference has been seen.

"I am the Daxie Palace inner brother Sultan." The young woman is flashing. "You are a sword is unparalleled? I have heard of you, soon, you have kill the Shenggukiqi, let's take a front. White Directors and a few elders in my big palace are amazed, saying that you are true genius, enough to match the Qingyang Community of Tianshama, and even stronger! "

"It's rare to see your genius in my big palace, so I want to fight with you, I don't know if you dare to promise?"

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled, he »is understanding, this Sudan is to challenge him.

"I promise you." The sword was unparalleled.

"That's good, you are careful!" The Sudan's eyes flashed a lot of joys, and there were also a dark boy in his hand.


The vast atmosphere broke out from the Sudan's body, she immediately shot.

Wheel strength, this speed dares to challenge the sword is unparalleled, and there is a certain angry. She itself is a heavy heavenly god who spent a heavy lobby. Although it is just the first level, her stick method is extremely fierce, barely Can fight with the general height of the high-level high-level world.

However, such strengths are more than double comparable to swords, or there is a lot of difference.

Tight film, the paint black stick in this Southam Hand has been shocked out.

"You lost."

The sword is unhappy, holding the blood peak sword, standing in front of the Sudan, with a smile on his face.

The Sudanese face is uncertain, and the long time is calm down. She re-looks back to the sword. The sword is unparalleled, Shen Sheng: "I heard that when you kill a heavy heavens in the world, I also questioned a few points. It is considered that it is just a lucky, but now it seems that your record is not lucky. "

"On the strength, I am really not as good as you, but you don't have to worry, after all, although it is an inner palace disciple, the ranking of many disciples in the inner palace is the bottom, the inner palace disciple is stronger than me, the people are, and ... I was just in the way, I just met the gods of the white clothes, I knew your existence, this immediately rushed over and challenged, so I was the first one! "

"It will not be used for a few days. If you live in this news, you will be in the inner palace. In the whole big Yue Palace, many disciples in my Inner Palace have long heard that you have the name of the Qingyang contest. I have been eager to see it, they will definitely not let this opportunity, will be able to challenge you two together! "

"The sword is unparalleled, my inner palace disciples are strong, and the light is a heavy day, it is close to ten, and when you are good!"

The Sudan pityred the sword and walked, then left directly, leaving only the sword unparalleled, standing alone, full face.

"Daxie Palace inner palace disciple, will pick up my two three to challenge me?" The sword was full of weird, but he was also.

It can become a disciple of Dagu, especially inner palace disciples, inevitably have a certain talent, and because the Dagu Palace is too super extrajure in the Dagu Town, so that these Dagu Palace inner palace disciples Where is it, it is unblocked, it is hard to find the opportunity to find out.

This leads to these inner palace discies, many of them are really practical, but there is nothing famous in the Dawei domain.

Anyway, the sword has never heard of the genius in the Daxie Palace, but it is the Qingyang Dynasty of the Tianshengfu, and the rise of this time, there is a big in the Dagu City The famous arrogance, these Dague Palace inner palace genius disciples, it is inevitable that some are not very angry.

Now the sword is unparalleled to the Daxie Palace, but also directly in the Dagu Palace, the inner palace disciples of the Dagu Palace, genius, will you give up this opportunity?

It is normal to challenge him in two links.

"Da Yong Palace, is a well-deserved earth emperor, the number of strong people is far from the three major hegens, and the inner palace is the concentration camp of genius disciples, with a large number of strong heavens, even A heavy day is close to Ten! "The sword did not have a strong concentrated light.

"Come on, come to challenge me!"

"The more people come, the better!"

"The stronger strength is, the better!"

"My sword is unparalleled, I can't ask!"


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