Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1289 80 years!

The sword is unparalleled in the Dagu Palace, living down.

And what happened next, just as the Sudan said.

When the inner palace disciples in the Dagu Palace knows that the sword is unparalleled in the Dagu Palace, they will come to find the sword without a double challenge.

"The sword is unparalleled, let me fight!"

"The sword is unparalleled, I heard that your sword surgery is extremely strong. Even the high-rise of the high world, Zhu Geqi is killed by you, just, I am also good at using the sword, you will try a test."

"The sword is unparalleled, I don't believe you can kill a heavy contest with the world, unless you are better than the war knife in my hand!"

There are too many challengers.

Almost two to three inner palace disciples are looking for the door.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is from the people who don't refuse!

No matter who the other person is, as long as the strength is a heavy heaven, even if it is a heavy day, he accepts him, he accepts.

His strength now, with a heavy day, the peak of the god, almost no more than a win, but the sword is unparalleled.

In this countless fierce battle, if he encountered the strength of the inner palace disciples weakened, he deliberately pressed his strength and the opponent to be tiered, compared to the fight.

If the other party is similar to him, or more than him is more stronger than him, he will give him a meal!

Anyway, just learn, the other party will not kill the killer, even if he is defeated by the other party, defeating his inner palace disciples, he will ridicule him, and there is no great impact on him, but he can be This time, in the fierce battle, constantly accumulate experience!

He just arrived until the world's chaotic world, it did lack the experience of killing the kingdom.

In addition, while fierce, he is also rushing to hind its own sword.

With the cultivation resources of the Dagu Palace, the sword is unparalleled has found the path to enhance your strength.

At the time of the Dagu Palace, he did not delay in an moment, or it was a fierce battle with the disciples of the Dagu Palace, or it was the cultivation of the cultivation of the Dagu Palace.

The time is slowly passed ...

In the Tianshengfu, the nine-sea borders have also learned that the sword is unbentered in the Daxie Palace.

"Bastard, that small son, actually has a domain treasure that reaches the main building of the Dagu Palace?" The nine royal gods were cold.

The Dawei Palace is coming out of three hundred years ago, and for the people of the Dagu Palace, his Shengfu has also sent a lot of treasures or secrets, but unfortunately The demand of the Dagu Palace, can now, the treasure that is unparalleled, but it has reached it.

"The owner, this sword is unparalleled, the people of the Dawu Palace, this time has always been in the big Yue Palace, we can't deal with him at all." A Zifa Community of the Tiandi said.

"What did he change with the person? Is it necessary to come to the Dagu Palace to come to the grievances of my Shengfu and his previous grievances.

"That's not." The Zifa City God: "According to the exact news we got in the Daxie Palace, the sword is unparalleled with the people of the Dagua Palace, in exchange for a chance of class."

"Listening to the class?" The nine royal gods, "Dawei Palace owner is taught."

"Yes." Purple Director nodded.

"Hey, don't ask the Daxie Palace, the grievances of my Shengfu, instead used to exchange the opportunity to listen to the class, this sword is unparalleled, it is really big enough." The nine rings smiled coldly. " Fortunately, it is his own, so we have the opportunity to kill him! "

"Go, go to Qingyang." The Nine Cities got.


The years have passed, and the eighty-year time has passed.

Daliang Palace, the sword is unparalleled in the courtyard, the two figures are rapidly passing through the void, and the light is not able to capture the actions of the two.

" "

The two swords are flash at the same time, and they hit the front in an instant.

In the moment of positive impact, I saw that one of the swords and light was bloomed in the top ten small swords, lightning.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The continuous impact sound is sounded.

!! Two portions are also separated from both ends of the courtyard.

"The sword is unparalleled, your sword is getting stronger, it is more and more stronger." A face-sighted, white skin is slowly retracting the long sword in his hand back to the sword, and the sound is issued from his mouth, here Remove from the courtyard.

The sword has also recovered the blood peak sword. When he heard this handsome youth, his face also revealed a smile, said: "This is much more than you the previous lesson, I have your pressure, my sword is never no longer Improve, isn't it very miserable? "

The sword is unparalleled, with a little joke.

This handsome youth is one of the disciples of the Dagu Palace, the East Gate!

The East Gate, is a heavy world, and the sword is extremely high. In the Dawei Palace's inner palace disciple, it is enough to force the top three, the strength, but must be stronger than the sword.

In these eighty years, there is indeed a large number of inner palace disciples to find him challenge, but with time, people who come to find him are getting less and less, but later, he takes the initiative to challenge those inner palace discies. Among the many inner palace discies in his challenge, this East Gate should be the strongest.

When the sword did not have the first battle of the East Gate of the East Gate, it was quite miserable, but later with the two times, the sword was unparalleled in the East Gate of the East Gate. Now, the sword is unparalleled. With the goddess of the East Gate, although it is still in the wind, the disadvantage is far from huge.

And the East Gate of the East Gate is also good at the swords. In the process of intersecting the gods in the east gate, the sword is unparalleled in the sword.

In the eighty-year hustle, his sword has also been significantly improved. The most advanced, it is the two major scholars who have created. The new generation of new students and winds are constantly improving, and now they have been improved in this eighty. It has reached a first-order peak.

Unfortunately, these two major schools have never been able to integrate into the blood peak sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, your current strength, barely comparable to the world of the sky, so the strength ... I have already broken through the idea, why didn't you come now?" Dongmen Asked God.

"God robbery?" The sword is unparalleled, "I have a breakthrough time is not long, so I will have a period of time."

"Is this?" God nodded, and then said: "Your lobby is still a period of time, but my god robbery is right away."

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled to see the East Gate.

"Three days!"

"Three days later, my god robbery will arrive!" The East Gate of God will seriously.

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