Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 129 returning to the sky

"I have left the sword Haofu for three years, but I should go back and see." After getting the idea, the sword will go directly to the direction of Tianyi Province.

On the way, he also began to study the door without my sword.

The honest and strong man gave the sword unparalleled without my sword, only the upper half, a total of six swordsmanship.

The sword is unparalleled, and the introduction of this no sword is immediately obsessed with it.

I don't have my sword, and those swings who have been practiced with swords are different.

Like the sword, the sword waves, blood fire swords, reincarn swords ... These swords are just against a sword.

Like a volatilian, it is aimed at the swords of the wind.

But this is not my sword, but it is not targeting only a sword, but all the swords are involved.

In other words, no matter which sword is to understand, you can go to study this without my sword, and the most important thing is that there is no martial arts that is more suitable for combination of different swords.

Six-mock swordsman, swordsman power is to see their feelings of swords.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blast sword will be perfectly combined with the fire sword. The owner is that it is suitable for the sword of the two swords, but this is not my sword.

The sword is unparalleled to start drilling the first style without my sword.

This first style is known as a virtual.

Two days later, the sword of the road in the darkness of the road suddenly stopped, and the three kick swords appeared in their hands.

"Weith, only me ..."

The sword is unparalleled, the three kill swords are turned into a stream of flow, and they directly bombarded a thick big tree next to him. The wind contained in the swords and shadings.


The trunk of the entire big tree is done directly, and there is a circular void with more than 20 cm in diameter. The entire void has been completely hollow.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled.

"This is a virtual style, and the power is really strong enough." The sword is unparalleled, "and I am just just two swords to form a wind sword. If it is combined with three swords or four swords It is definitely more terrible.

The sword is unparalleled and very happy.

The journey of the ancestise, his harvest is too big.

The first is the spiritual score, these two years, although all of them are used in a drilling of swords, they don't care how to cultivate the spiritual efforts, and the magic of the big days, even if he didn't work hard, spiritual power The improvement is still not slower than those ordinary military.

He now, has broken through Jin Dan Xiaocheng, reaching Jin Dan Da Cheng!

Task, his unparalleled golden Dan power is a hundred times that of the same order.

When Jin Dan is small, his strength is already a lot than the ordinary Jin Dan. Nowadays directly reach Jin Dan, once again outbreak, its power is afraid in Jin Dan, is a rare person can compare with him.

And the sword, progress is bigger!

Four kinds of swords have achieved a sharp step, of which two swords with the blast and fire are more combined with each other.

Now, I have to get this unbearable sword ... The overall strength is much more powerful than two years ago.

After several days, the sword walked out of the dark Sen, and the appearance in front of him was the province of he was incomparable.

"Tianzhu District, Ba Shui County, my sword is unparalleled!"


Ba Shui County, still is still very lively.

A black robes, wearing a fight, covering a pair of swords, there is no double appearing in a restaurant, next to the table of the restaurant near the window, calling a pot of wine, drinking self, but his eyes Looking through the window overlooking the huge house.

There are also very lively in the house, and the sword is unparalleled and even some Houfu disciples act in the campus.

"As before, the sword house is not too big." The sword is unparalleled.

Sword Houfu!

His root!

He lived in a 15-year place.

"Three years ago, the swords and Houfu were very difficult because of me, the four elders were dead because of me, and I didn't know how the current swordsman." The sword is unparalleled.

Jiange, his father has worked hard for a long time. When he was young, he has always heard the position of the Sword Pavilion as a goal dream.

Who once thought that when he had a hard time, it was finally to complete this goal, and the change was breed.

After the change, he was forced to leave Tianzhu Province, and the four old ages of the Jiange will die, you can say that the main bones of the swordsman are overnight, there is no depreciation! So the situation of the swordsman, the sword is very worried.

at this time……


The heavy footsteps sounded on the streets, and the entire street floor was slightly shaking. The people in the center of the streets were scattered around, and the sword was unparalleled through the window.

I saw the end of the street with a huge horned horn beast with three heads.

The hornedam beast, generally the spirit of the sea, very general, but the horn beast is gentle, it is easier to tame, plus its feet is amazing, so some big forces will usually tame several horns Working with the road.

In these three corner of the beast, there is a three-way figure, two men and a woman.

And when the sword didn't see the women on the most central corner of the horn, his mouth couldn't help but hurt.

"Sword Dream!" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't expect himself to return to the Sword Houfu, the first Houfu disciple who saw it, was this once tangled with him.

"Golden Dan Cheng? Good." The sword was unparalleled.

He can see that the spiritual breath on Jamana has reached the point of Jin Dan.

It is important to know that Jian Meng is the same as his age, and this year is only 19 years old.

The 19-year-old Jin Dan is already very much.

"After three years ago, she was defeated by me, she returned to the Tianyuan Jianzong to practice. According to the truth, she would not leave the Tianyuan Jianzong, and she is still going back to the swords Houfu today. Such smart ? "The sword is unbolded.

Under his gaze, the other two of the Swordmare and the corner beast have entered the sword Houfu.

At the same time, the sword was unparalleled and some people were talking about.

"On the corner of the horn, it is the peerless genius of the sword."

"Yes, she, I heard that she went to Tianyuan Jianzong cultivation after three years ago, she went to Tianyuan Jianzong cultivation, never showed, three years, finally returned."

"It is also normal, after all, the current Sword Houfu is very bad. If she doesn't come back, the swords and Houfu are afraid."

Several martial arts were coming next to it, although the sound is relatively low, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is very clear.

"Sword dream is not coming back? The sword Haofu is finished?" The sword didn't make a little bit slightly, and the dark eyes were faintly a cold light.


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