Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 130 Tianxian

The three martial artists are still talking, and the sword is not listening carefully.

"Hey, I heard that the sword Houfu has issued a post, and the three leaders inviting the murder beasts will meet tomorrow, and this time, I am afraid that there is a higher meaning."

"One is the old hegemony of Baishu County, and the other is just the rise, but she has a fierce beast of Xu's three brothers to take the town. This is really expected."

"I always feel that this time the sword Houfu is fierce. Although the murderous beast is so long, the Ku's three brothers have a great place in the province, especially Xu Long, especially their boss. That is the top power of the famous dragon list! In the entire sword Houfu, you can't find someone who is competing with it. "

"Who said that it is not, the Judoufu is also aware of the pressure. So, so in a hurry to shout the sword dream, after all, it is the core disciple of Tianyuan Jianzong, and the deterrent is not small."

"Everything, I will see tomorrow."

These three people talk free to talk about people around them.

The sword is unparalleled in the ear, but the corner of the mouth is slightly.

"Xu's three brothers? Xu Long?" The sword smiled and smiled.

This Xu Long, he knows, the ninety-first in the landlord list, than Su Lie, there are several places.

This strength, if it is placed two years ago, it is reluctant to qualify for the sword to pay a little more, but now, but it is not in the eyes.

"The murder beasts will be talked to the swords Houfu tomorrow? Oh, interesting." The sword was laughing, and then continued to drink wine.

The next day, Tian Xianju.

The Sword Houfu and the beasts will have a message in this day, this day, the news has already spread throughout the Bai Shui County, so this is the original and extraordinary Tianxianju, which is the old.

Everyone knows that today's Tianxian may explode a battle, and those ordinary worsomes are naturally unwilling to hit.

Of course, there is a very exception. It is a black rober wearing a fight, carrying long swords. He stayed in the corner table in Tianxian on the second floor of Tianxian. The waiter came to persuade him, but he didn't send it, nor did you leave.

At noon, the footsteps of the squatted from the stairs, followed by a large group of groups.

This large group of shadows came from the sword Houfu, and many of them were unparalleled. It is the first thing that is the first of the swordsman.

The Jianxin Hongmen exudes Jin Dan's full spiritual force, the spiritual realm, is obviously the strongest field.

And next to the Jianxin Mong, there are three primary Tianjin Dan.

These three contemporary Jin Dan is the core disciple of Jianmeng and the other two Tianyuan Jianzong.

"That Xu's three brothers should have to go to a while, let's take it first." Jianxinhong opened, immediately he, Swordmare and the other two Tianyuan Jianzong disciples sat next to the table, as for others Those of the martial arts of the swords Houfu stand next to it.

"Dream, today, I will see you three." Jian Xinhong crumped frowned, his face was worried.

"My Jie Houfu didn't think about driving the Xu's three brothers out of Baoquaire, and even would be willing to make a concession, giving them the position of the Ba Shui County overlord, even if it is a more than some of them, it is also possible. As long as they don't continue to force, it is enough. "

Jian Xinhong said that this is all helpless.

The swords Houfu have been in Bamquettire, but with the rise of the murder, all aspects have been suppressed by the murder beast, and they are at all.

No way, strength determines everything.

The three leaders of the fierce beast, that is, Xu's three brothers, a powerful strength, boss Xu Long is a list of landlords, which is not a swords and Houfu.

"The owner, you are relieved, there are three things that we don't dare to be too much, after all, we stand behind the Tianyuan Jianzong, he will not give us three faces, you have to give Tianyuan Jian Zong is a little face, not to mention, even if we are torn, we join hands with Dreams, but also don't need to be afraid of Xu Long. "A purple hair of the Tianyuan Jianzong disciples laughed.

"The dragon list is indeed strong, but strong is also limited, not to mention this Xu Long just just ranked 91st, his strength is more than the ordinary golden Dan, I am with Meng Worried is a successful Jin Dan, plus dreams of Dream sister is also relative in Jin Dan's full strength. Three people teamed up with him. It is more than enough. "The disciple of the Tianyuan Jianzong also said.

These two Tianyuan Jianzong disciples, a name called Meng Qian, a name called Zhu Yu, is a successful, and is quite confident on his strength.

"Don't be so confident, the landlord list is not that simple." Jianxinhong shook his head, he personally with Xu Long, the result was only three strokes, and he didn't hesitate to choose after three moves. Escape.

He knows that the strong gap between the dragon list is a great gap between ordinary Jindan.

Every land dragon list is enough to sweep a group of golden Dan, this is not a false.

"Unfortunately, Ling Feng brother out of practice, otherwise he please come, this Xu Long will never dare to let go." Jian Meng low.

Ling Feng is the first person in the young people of Tianyuan, is the most gainful genius who has seen by Jianndong.

Nowadays, there is still twenty-three, and the fourth place in the Dragon List is also the only one in Jianyuan Jianzong, and Ling Feng is related to her, and the two have already had. Special feelings.

"Dream teacher, it is not that Xu's three brothers, which is eligible to let Ling Feng brothers personally shot, as we are enough to send him." The Meng Quan and Zhu Yu are somewhat unsure.

"Right, Dream Sister, I listen to people say that in this Jianhoufu three years ago, you have lost in a person's hand, where is the person? Now the sword Houfu is difficult, why not see him stand out ? "Meng Quan suddenly asked.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Swordmare is slightly smoldering.

The name of the sword is unparalleled. For the past three years, it has been a nightmare in her heart. It has never been getting rid of now.

She will never forget three years ago, the waste that made her look, how is it step by two months to completely transcend her, and step on her feet.

For these three years, she has exhausted the cultivation of the Tianyuan Jianzong, enhancing the strength, paying more efforts than the usual people, a large part of the goal, is that I have been with the sword. War and scrub. Three years ago, the shame of the sword is rid of the sword.

And this time she returned to the sword, I thought I can encounter the sword and unparalleled, I can fight again, I didn't expect that she learned that the sword was unparalleled three years ago. No trace.

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