Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 131 Xu's Three Brothers

"Hey, three years ago, you can defeat your sister, that is just that he is lucky, and these three years of teachers have got the maximum cultivation in the paradise, a large number of resources for the treasures, your strength is almost every day. It is a huge progress, and it is a very common person who can be more than that person who defeated the master. It is now afraid that it is eligible for your opponent. "Meng Zheng smiled.

"Maybe it." Jian Dynasty nodded slightly, the bottom is also a move.

Indeed, she is the core disciple of Tianyuan Jianzong. In the three years, she has got the best cultivation in Tianyuan Jianzong. The large number of strong people personally pointed to her cultivation. Her strength can be unbelievable.

And the sword is unparalleled?

One person is alone ... no one is strong, there is no resource auxiliary cultivation, three years, strength can improve?

"It is estimated that there is no breakthrough of Jin Dan now, I have been as opponents in the past three years, and it is really stupid." Sword dream smiled.

The two of the two Tianyuan Jianzong talking to Jian Mengr, but I don't know if they are sitting in the corner.

And this black swordsman listened, did not speak, still drinking it, but it hidden in the face below the fight, but showed a weird smile.


The foot will pass again from the stairs, and the sound is low, and the people of the swords Houfu becomes delicious.

A number of people got up and had three people.

These three people have a tiger's back, and the long-term appearance is also similar, and the breath of them is very strong, especially the most central, the burly man who looks more black, and the breath on his body seems to be ancient and fierce. The beast is general, and the violence is incomparable.

This person is Xu Long!

Jian Mengr, Meng Quan, Zhu Yu three people dignified.

Although they just said very relaxed, but when they really face Xu Long, the breath only of Xu Long's breath has made them three hearts and gods.

"Jian Xinhong, find us three brothers, there is anything, talk directly." Xu Long sat in a seat, and his two brothers and other people of the beasts were standing on the side. .

"Xu Long, I am looking for you today, I want to negotiate with you to fight against the murder of the beast and the beasts." Jian Xinhong worked hard, "this month, my sword Houfu is a fierce beast with you. Whether it is a smuggling of the smile or in the dark, all have a lot of time, and the losses of our parties are not small ... "

Jian Xinhong's words have not been completely finished, then Xu Long is smiling and said: "You are wrong, it is the loss of your swords, and we have no loss."

"Every time I kill, my fierce beast is lost, but the name is spread, but there are more people join the shelter of seeking my murder, there are a lot to have a great relationship with your sword. If the enemy, the overall strength of my fierce beast is not only weakened, but it is getting stronger and stronger! "

"So, if you are looking for me, just say these nonsense, then you don't have to say it."

Swords and Hearts have a little ugly. He knew that Xu Long said that it was because of this, he did not dare to fight with the beast, continue to fight, the swords and Houfu will be more and more miserable, and it is entirely entirely The murder beasts directly swallowed.

"Xu Long, my Jie Houfu is willing to make some concessions." Jian Xinhong Zheng heavy way: "From today, my Jie Houfu will try to conflict with the disciples from the bottom of the people to avoid the conflict with your murder, at the same time The name of the water-counted hegemony is also given to you. In addition, my sword Houfu has an industry, and willing to hand it over to you, how? "

"Oh?" Xu Long's look moved, "This is like a talk about things, but only a result of a genetic industry, are you playing a flower?"

"It has been much more." Jian Xinhong low.

"Mr. Xu Long." Jian Meng suddenly stood up and said: "My name is Jian Meng, is the disciple of Tianyuan Jianzong. My teacher is the old heart of the Tianyuan Jianzong, I hope that Mr. Xu Long will look at you. On the face of my teacher, I looked at the Sword of Tianyuan, and I raised my hands with the Sword Houfu. "

Jian Tian said very polite, but the speech is to move the Tianyuan Jianzong and her Master.

"Tianyuan Jianzong?" Xu Long greeted the sword dreams, smiled: "I heard that the sword Houfu has a heart disciple of Tianyuan Jianzong, it seems that you are too small. I am. "

"Tianyuan Jianzong is very strong, I can't afford it, but you can only have a core disciple, that can represent Tianyuan Jianzong!"

"As for your teacher, you are, the whole Tianyuan Jian Zong, except for the old unsatheed yin and yang, the same, the Ling Feng is worthy of me, the old woman is onion?"

When I said this, Xu Long also looked over, "Jianxin Hong, don't think that I will come to a few Tianyuan Jianzong disciples, I will tell you, your sword Houfu's industry, I want nine Cheng, less than one, your swords Houfu will become history! "

"Jiu Cheng?" Jianxin Hongji is cold.

Jian Dominant is also cold.

"Looking for death!" Meng Quan next to Meng Qian was taken from Zhu Yu.

"Teacher, tell him so much nonsense, straightforward, let him look at our talent Jianzong disciples." Meng Zheng low.

"It is, a ranking of 90 after the landlord list, and it is really not afraid of him." Zhu Yu also angry.

Jian Meng did not speak, but his hands had a lavender long sword, which has explained her attitude.

"Haha, the disciple of Tianyuan Jianzong, is really unknown." Xu Long looked at this scene in front of him, but laughed, and then glanced at a burly man.

"Old three, these three little guys are gave you, after all, is the core disciple of Tianyuan Jianzong, killing can't kill, but give them a little lesson or can." Xu Longdao.

"Don't worry, big brother, give it to me." Xu's three brothers of Xu Leopard smiled, followed by a heavy pace.

"Three small dolls, come together." Xu Leopard cold voice.

"Looking for death!" Meng Zheng and Zhu Yu were angered.

As a disciple of Tianyuan, they have been quite quite proud. From the beginning of this restaurant, their goals only have Xu Long, as for the two brothers of Xu Long, but they are not in the eyes.

So I saw this Xu Leopard actually wanted to pick them three, they were naturally angered.

Immediately, the Zhu Yu waved the sword in the first time, and the spiritual power broke out, and the Xu Leopard killed the past.


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