Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1291 Chapter!


Under all people's screen, the light golden thunder from the dark clouds, finally hit the front of the swordsmanship in the East Gate.

After a sharp roar sounded, everyone immediately saw that the ground of the robbery peak is directly depressed, and the Dongmen Community has fallen into the bottom of the pothole, and he will stop standing, but at this moment He, all body clothes have been broken, and the original white skin is also dark.

He is full of blood, and the breath is also weak.

"Resist it down?" The sword was unbounded.

"Don't be happy too early, just the first Thunder." The voice of the king sounded. "This East Gate of the East Gate is the second heavy robbery, so this Thunder has two, just the first It is relatively weak, and the next second Thunder is much stronger than the first, this is the real threat to him! "

"If I am, now I have not been completely coming, and I have to swallow the drug to reply myself, so that my state will return to the peak as soon as possible, so that I will meet the next second Thunder."

The sword is unbolded.

Under the eyes of the sword, the East Gate of the Racing Peak is now sitting up immediately, and the medicinal medicine that has been prepared, these medicinal herbs are used to be robbed. It is used, which is more precious and precious drug medicine that is more precious. It is swallowed by the Dongmen sect.

Through these medicines, the breath of the East Gate of the East Gate is quickly recovered, just a moment of breath.

"Yes, it is still very full of preparation." The king laughed.

"The status of the Dongmen brother has returned to the peak, and the probability of the second Thunder him should be very big." The sword is unparalleled.

On the top of the robbery, the second Thunder is constantly accumulated in the huge dark cloud.

With the savings, the pressure from the clouds is getting stronger and stronger, even strongly.


In the surroundings from the gods from the Dagu Palace, I feel that this is a sharp pressure, I have frowned.

"What happened? Although it is the second Thunder, can this be too powerful?"

"It is a strong over, this seat is the second, the second Thunder is not very strong."

"The stronger the pressure, the second Thunder's power is not more stronger?"

"How could this be?"

Many gods in the Dagu Palace have become difficult to look.

They all see that the second Thunder's power is too much, but they are anxious, but they cannot change anything.

Local robbery, under normal circumstances, all by one person, although it can be forced to help, once the help, even if they have passed the robbery, no matter the people who have robbed, they are still helping the people, they Two future growth will be tremended, at least two people after them, it is absolutely impossible to ferry.

So, even if you know the gods of the East Gate, no one dares to help, no one can help.

"I thought it was very common in the East Gate of the East Gate, but it seems not to be the case now." King King also opened.

"What do you mean?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's unclear, but may have a certain trick with the killing of him."

"Killing?" The sword has no double one, "will the killing will affect the lootability?"

"Of course," Kings said: "The more kills, especially the many innocent people, which will have certain effects on the robbery, especially those who are like blood, they often slaughter, in order to enhance their own strength Refining the hundreds of millions of people, so they face the gods, will also be extremely horrible. "

"And this east gate, when you are young, you should have a kill!"

"Is this?" The sword has nothing to do.

Just like the Kings said, the East Gate of the East Gate of the East Gate has been in his hometown. It has been cultivated to take a crazy, which has fallen into a crazy period. At that time, he slaughtered many innocent people. I kicked it.

Subsequently, it has been stabilized, but it has already affected the current lobby.

When he was the first heavy robbery, he could have a lot of affected to the gods, but when this is the second heavy robbery, it finally emerged.

"It looks like it, this East Gate is afraid to be trouble." King said.

The sword is unparalleled.

In the top of the peak peak, the status of the East Gate of the Peak is raised, and the voids are dead, and it is a madness.

In the dark clouds, the second Thunder has also been accumulated at the moment.

The horrible percentage of horror has long been spread.

Finally, the second Thunder came!

Previously the first Thunder was just a light gold, but the second thunder was hot!

The direct attack of the bronzing, and the East Gate of the East Gate is indeed a turning, and there is a black turtle shell in his hand.

The black turtle shell exudes an ancient breath, with the east gate of the world, the black turtle shell begins to zoom in to zoom in and covers the weeks of the East Gate.

And the Dongmen Iron Irself is a two-star, and the body is smashed out. The whole body is venting, and it is still exhausted to show his strongest sword.


Thunderwire broke out, the sword light in the East Gate of the East Gate was in an instant, and even the long sword in his hand was flying out, but the thunder of the hot stamping did not reduce the god of the east, in the most At the critical moment, the black turtle shell of the east gate of the east gate.

The black turtle shell showed the horrible body strength, hard supporting the power of the bronzed Thunder, did not break directly at once a time.

This scene, the many people around the surroundings are secretly shocked.

"There is such a treasure in the hand of the East Gate, there is such a treasure?"

"That turtle shell, should be a very powerful chaotic odor? And it is still the body, this value is not low."

"With this turtle shell body, it seems that the east gate should have no problem."

The gods of the Dagu Palace just pine.

It is at this time ...

"Do not!!!"

A slice of screams rang from the peak of robbery, and everyone immediately looked.

But I found that the East Gate of the East Gate is revealing the unprecedented horror. When everyone thinks he can resist the second thunder, but no one notes not pay attention to the second Thunder, there is a small The green flames don't know when to break through the defense of the turtle shell, and the body of the East Gate.

This green flame, it looks very weak, it feels like it will be extinguished at any time.

Can touch the body of the East Gate of the East Gate! The green flames skyrocket, the East Gate of the East Gate can no longer have a sound, the whole person is swallowed by the green flame, and the moment is burned when it is burned!

East Gate, Death!


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