Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1292 Qingyang coming!


The sky is dissipated, which is also completely calm.

And in the robbery, including the void around the peripheral peak, it is a dead!

Silence, no sword!

Many of the gods of the Dagu Palace, including the sword, unparalleled, will just see the clear and clear, one person can't say.

Turn too fast!

When they saw the black turtle shell of the east gate of the East Gate, when they were shining, they all consciously thought that the East Gate Kingdom was looked.

Who once thought, the next moment, the east gate of the East Gate is soaked.

"That is ... fire!"

A high-tech in the Dagu Palace was very high, and suddenly the whole void was awkward.

"It is indeed a fire." The voice of Kings is also ringing in the sword. "It is also a robbery, but the robbery is more scary than thunder, just the second Thunder of the East Gate of God. It is not complete, but it still passes the obstacle of the black turtle shell, but directly killed him! "

The sword is unparalleled.

The East Gate of the East Gate is not bad, seeing the East Gate of the East Gate, he naturally sorrowful.

"This is the next fall!" The King of King is indifferent: "In any cultivation, in the level of the world, it is in the ghost gate, and it needs to go three times. Only three times will be passed. The top strong, but these three gods, any heavy recruitment failed, only is dead! "

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled, and the bottom pressure was also increased.

Single only gonus robbery, it is a life of nine deaths. It is like a heavy day, and has sufficient preparation, and even has the east gate of the black turtle shell body. In this gods, it is a bit flying in front of this gods. And his rebellion in the future, can be more scary than the robbery!


The East Gate King Double Shenzhao failed, and it was as gray to open.

This result, although many people have grieve, but also ä.

After all, the robbery is every contest, you must face it.

Everyone around the robbery quickly broke it, when leaving, a ä mood was very heavy.

The sword is unparalleled, and returned to the courtyard where he lived. He just came back to receive the news of the white contest.

"The sword is unparalleled, the palace owner has passed the words, and will be taught in the Xianchai in a month."

"Is it coming?" The sword was unparalleled and the heart was also looking forward to.

I saw the terrible of the robbery, and the sword is more eager to get some ferrifratic experience from the Dagu Massen.

One month, it quickly passed.

Dawei Palace, within the Fairy Palace.

This fairy is the land of the majority of the Dawei Palace. It is a big point in which the fairy is in a closed state. Only when the Dagu Palace is, the fairy will be open. .

At this moment, before the Temple of the Fairy Palace, the sword is unparalleled in advance, waiting quietly, and in addition, there are three other people.

These three people, swords are unparalleled, all of the Dagu Palace inner palace disciples, but also the most excellent, especially a sorrowful youth wearing a blood robes.

This evil charm young name is the first person recognized in the Daxie Palace's disciples, absolute genius.

The inner palace is in the heavens, the strength, this church is also the first, even if the ferrice failed, the East Gate of the East Gate, I have compared to this church, and I have to be parallel.

"You, is the sword is unparalleled?" Chu Yu was unparalleled.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"During this time, I often hear someone talked about you in the Daxie area. It is not a poor god in the Qingyang Dynasty, which is not the Tiansheng government. Unfortunately, you are still just a world, wait for you to break through When I am the world, I have the opportunity to really want you. "Chu smiled.

The sword is not a double brow.

This song has been traveling out before, until the two days ago, so I haven't made it with him before.

Listening to Chu Wei, it is obviously thinking that only the swords of the level is only the hierarchy, can't cause his interest.

"This church is stronger than the East Gate of the East Gate, and I have a small improvement in the eighty-year time, but I can only barely fight against the general sky. When I touched the East Gate, I couldn't only escape. If I am talking about this Chu ... I really is not an opponent. "The sword has self-knowledge.

Just then ... The two people flew from the front party, and then they were also falling before the Fairy.

One of these two is a white dress of the Dagua Palace. As for another person, it is a beautiful, faceful purple hair youth.


The sword is unparalleled, and the scorpion can't help but look at this purple youth.

He ignited the fire of the soul, the ability of the soul is much stronger than someone in the field, he feels very clear, although this purple hair is just a heavy heaven, but the body is hidden, but abnormal Strong horizontal, far more than a heavy heavenly god who has seen by the sword is strong!

Although it is the first church in the Dagu Palace, in the middle of the brother, compared with this purple hair, it seems to be a slightly!

"In the Daxian area, it is better than Chu, and he is ..." The sword is unparalleled, and it has guess the identity of the other party.

The side of the Chu and the other two Dagu Palace inner palace disciples, it also locked the eyes on this purple youth at this moment.

"Qingyang World !!"

Chu Yu is cold, and the body is still surging.

Yes, it is very famous for the first day of the first day of the Dagu City!

Qingyang City, from birth to now no more than 50,000 years!

In these 50,000 years, he has risen in killing, and created a myth in a bloody.

He not only cultivates the years and is very short, and the power has always been strong!

When he is only a world, it is the recognized Dagu City Domain Temple!

When he spent a lobby, he became a heavy heaven, he also recognized the strongest in the heaven!

Before the sword is unparalleled, there is almost a genius that can be comparable to him with him.

Many of these inner densers in the Dagu Palace are also geniuses, but these geniuses are far from this Qingyang world.

Even the most popular in the inner palace disciples, the rise of the rise, and the degree of joy, it is also more inferior to this Qingyang king.

Chu has always been eager to be able to rely on this Qingyang city, but there is no chance, but today, he finally saw the book of Qingyang Dynasty!

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