Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1293 Teaching!

"This is the Qingyang Dynasty of the Tianshi, and he is the same as you, and he is also to listen to the palace." White Dynasty God introduced.

"Oh?" Chu and the other two inner palace disciples can not help but differ.

The Dawei Palace is a rare class, and only a few of the most beautiful genius disciples in Dague Palace inner palace are qualified to listen, but this time, there are two outsiders to listen to the class.

The sword is unparalleled. After all, he has got the human feelings of the Dagu Palace, with the right to change the opportunity of this class, but this Qingyang kingdom ...

Chu Wei immediately understood that this Qingyang world will come to the class, and it must be a great price for the Shengfu.

"The big name is Ding Qingyang Dynasty, I am like a thunder." Chu said, the voice is quite cold.

"The first person in the Daxie Palace, I have heard it." Qingyang kings smiled.

"After listening to the palace, he is in my big palace, how do you have a frontal quantity?" Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Of course, you can." The Qingyang Dynasty nodded.

Simple two dialogues, the two have agreed a battle.

At the end of the end, this Qingyang kingdom did not see the sword is unparalleled, which makes the sword have no quote.

Perhaps this Qingyang Dynasty God has a high strength, and does not put him in the eyes, but don't forget, the sword is unparalleled, but his teacher?

I killed his sister, but this Qingyang contest saw him, there is no reaction?

Although doubt, the sword is unparalleled.

After waiting for a while, I finally waited for a while, and finally I opened the door of the Fairy Palace.

The temple door opened, and an old and ignorant breath passed out.

"Go in, the palace owner is waiting for you." White Down said.

The sword is unparalleled, Qingyang Dynasty, Chu, and the other two inner palein genius, nor hesitated, and it has joined to the main hall.

When the five people entered the hall, the temple door closed again.

Inadvertent hall, the central government is placed in the middle of the main hall, and the old man who is going to be white, the old man who is going to be white, and the old man who is going on.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been a respectful point, and it has been consciously sat down on the five futons.

After the five people sat down, the Dagu Palace was also opened his eyes, and the incense burner next to the main hall was burned, and a fascinating slowly floated.

Among this incense, the Dagu Palace owner started teaching.

At first, it will be some experience of killing.

The big palace master, the understanding of the robbery, not the same general, even if the sword is unparalleled, the king of the gods, the understanding of the robbery, is far less than the big palace.

Especially some detail.

These details are the most important!

It seems that it is too much, but it is often in the most critical time!

The sword is unparalleled, Qingyang Dynasty, Chu Jiyan sitting on the futon, all gathering the gods, and I am afraid to miss a word.

The five people have two or three gonus robbery in the future, and the Dagu Palace is now imposing for their meaning.

When the Dabu Palace is the main road, it is also very skilled.

He started from three different gods.

Three kinds of gratitude ... Thunder, fire, heartbeat!

At the beginning of the Daxie Palace, the Lord of the Dagu, talked about some changes in thunder robbery, and there were countless details, which was very complicated, but it was very well understood.

Secondly, the Dagu Palace is talking about the fire!

When practicing, the probability of encountering the fire robbery is extremely low, thinking that the East Gate of God is slaughtered because of the madness of the madness, this will only encounter the fire, and only some subtle fire robbery, Not complete, but it still wants the life of the East Gate.

The terrible, it is imagined.

And the Dagu Palace, once used a complete fire robbery, and his understanding of the fire robbery is also extremely high.

At this moment, it is also passed one by one.

Only three robbery ...

The Dawei Palace owner will speak very detailed with the fire robbery, but it is only to end the moment, just talk about a moment.

Obviously, the Dagu Palace owner has never been encountered, and there is not much to understand the robbery.

time flies!

The Lord of the Dagu Palace was a collection of three days and three nights, and the light is to explain some of the experience of the robbery, it takes two days and two nights.

As for the rest of the day, the Dagu Palace is the issue of some cultivation.

Three days and three nights, the incense burner also stopped burning, this teaching, I also reported a paragraph.

Although the time is very short, it can still be endless in the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, sitting on the futon, but it is slight, and the face also reveals a surprise smile.

The other few people are mostly the same as the sword.


Although it is only three days, the gains of each of them are very huge, especially for the understanding of the robbery.

If they have taken the grasp of the robbery of themselves, only 20% of the experience, details, detail, the grasp of the victory, absolutely 30% of the victory, and more than one.

As for those problems on cultivation, they also have a lot of help.

"The sword is unparalleled, you now know, have a strong point of view, to explore it alone, how old is the gap?"

The voice of the king is in the sword. "This big palace master is just a three-day god, and he is only casual, but it is still a lot of money, but you still benefit you. Now if it is in the old nest of the stars, there is far more than this big palace master than this big palace, or, you just worship a strongman as a teacher, when you get the benefits will be more Big!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart also understands.

The Dawei Palace is free to help him, and he has such a big help. If it is in the old nest of the Star, the resources you get in the identity of his star palace disciples, will definitely be more.

"Unfortunately, you can't get back the stars in a short time, and you can't take the first heavy reversal robbery. At this time, you can have this big palace master, it is not bad." Said the king said .

The sword is unparalleled.

In his opinion, the chance to listen to this class is definitely worth the value!

After the teaching is completed, the Dagu Palace has a sword unparalleled unmanned, came to a huge air outside the fairy Palace, where there were white and many inner palace discies waiting.

"The palace master, according to what you told, my high-level disciples have been concentrated in the inner palace," "" "" ""

"Well." The Lord of the Dagui nodded.

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