Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1294 Xiao Luoxing Bureau

On the air, the sword is unparalleled, and this Dawei Palace owner does what the inner palace is concentrated together.

"The old man is in a secret situation, I got a very interesting chess game. This chess bureau has a total of one hundred steps. Every step is equivalent to a heavy test!"

"That is to say, this hundred steps are equivalent to being a hundred levels, today's old man uses this chess bureau, come and inspect the understanding of these disciples of my Dagu."

After the Dawei Palace is finished, it has a big chess game in front of the empty space.

And interesting is that this pair of chess bodies only have a black child, but there is no white boutique, a total of one hundred blacks.

Everyone on the air, looked up in this chess game.

"This chess bureau?" The sword was not a double brow.

He remembers that he just came to the Dagua Palace, the white dining is once said that the Witch's adult has been with the Daguai Palace, which is the game of the game.

While seeing this chess game, the king in the sword is smiled, "" It turned out to be this chess bureau, no wonder it used to test the insufficiency. "

"Kings, do you know that this chess party is coming?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Of course, I know." The king smiled, "this chess party, the calendar can be very large, in the whole of the ancient chaotic world, there is a great name in the top ten cultural holy land!"

"There is a great place in the top ten holy land?" The sword was unparalleled.

Ten major cultivation holy land, that is the most important thing of the ancient chaotic world, the most powerful place, with a goddess, and a small area where he is now is different.

"This chess party, named Xiao Luoxing, creating it is a big energy."

"Great energy?" The sword was unparalleled.

He learned from the King of King, generally only like the star of Stars, the super existence of Luo Zhenwang, is qualified to be called the energy.

In front of this chess bureau, is it the hands of the super strong?

"The big can have created two chess games, a pair of Xia Luo Xing Bureau you see now, and a pair is the Da Luo Star bureau!"

"There is only one hundred steps in Xiaolu Xingshi, it is not too precious, the big Luo Xing Bureau is 10,000 steps, that is the real shock, changing the means!" The king is amazed, "Of course, In this level of cultivation, this Lord Star bureau is already very much, the sword is unparalleled, this big palace master takes the Lord Star Bureau, and it should also give you a chance to crack, you will wait Take more time to hurry, go well to crack this pair of chess bureau! "

"Don't look at this chess bureau is a great postgraduate research, but it can actually contain a great opportunity in this chess game, the more the number of steps you have cracked, the bigger the benefits of getting it."

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is beginning to look forward to it.

After the big palace master took the little Luo Xing Bureau, his eyes came to you. He first looked at the god of Qingyang, "Qingyang, before you want you to listen to the old man, The old man does not agree, this will break this time, it is because the existence of this chess game, the old man wants to say, known as the first day of my Dagu City, how much can I crack in ten years? step?"

"Ten years?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has already heard that the time to crack this small Luo Xingshi should be ten years.

"The late generation is made to do everything." Qingyang Commodity is connected.

The Lord of Dagui smiled slightly, and he watched the sword. "The sword is unparalleled ..."

"The palace master." The sword is unparalleled.

"You are very good, maybe it is not better than the young, but you are just a world, to crack this chess bureau with the territory of the world, the number of steps to crack should not be too much, but the old man still gives you the opportunity to crack. They are the same, they are ten years, you have to be a good grasp! "The Dagu Palace.

"Bai Xie Palace Lord!" The sword was not a hyper, but the heart was a happy.

"Well, the old man has let the white clothes prepare a secret room for you, there is a pair of chess games in the secret room, you can give you a decision, you have ten years, as for the decade to crack the chess game In the process, each can get what the body can get your own creation, go! "The main scene of the big palace waved.

On the air, the inner palace disciples in many big is ​​ready, including swords and unparalleled.

However, there is no movement on the empty ground.

These two people, Herone is the Qingyang Dynasty God with Chu!

"Qing Yang, said that I have been very uncomfortable for your first day for you. Since it is destined to separate the results today, this is starting with this chess game." Chu stare Qingyang City God.

"What do you want to do?" The Qing Yang Dynasty smiled slightly.

"It's very simple, the secret room is unnecessary, we are on this air, when the palace master, in the face of many strong people in my big palace, directly crack the game, ten years, see you Who broke the number of steps, how? "Chu said.

"Just crack on this empty floor?" Qingyang kings god minor difference.

The disciples from the surrounding Dagu Palace heard this, they were very surprised.

Task, the chess game is unpredictable, they want to crack, it is necessary to completely calm down, it is best not to be influenced by the outside world, and crack in the independent secret room is the best choice.

If you are cracking directly on this air, both people can see the number of steps to the other party. When the process is compared to the merger, the speed of crack is possible to affected.

"Why, don't you dare?" Chu is some aggressive.

"Oh, you dare, why not dare?" Qingyang is a smile, "" Well, you, I will crack the chess game on this air! "

See the Qingyang Community promised, and Chu Wei showed a smile.

And this scene is also seen in the eyes by everyone around.

"These two guys ..." The sword is unparalleled to watch the Qingyang Dynasty God with Chu, secretly shook his head.

"Oh, it is a genius, but unfortunately one is smooth, and the arrogance is too heavy." Yu Wang smiled.

"Indeed." The sword is unparalleled, "It seems that it is very dazzling, but it is actually the road they walk, but they are too flat."

The sword is unparalleled with these two people. Although the years of his cultivation is not long, he has always been in the emergence of adversity, and it grows under the oppression of people.

He was born, after the death and death of countless times, there was no real smoothness.

"The sword is unparalleled, they are now in the competition, you are not better than the Qingyang kings, you don't want to compare with them?" Kings smiled.

"I am not interested." The sword is unparalleled, and it has been in the leadership of the white gods.

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