Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1302, swordsmanship, strength skyrocket!

One year, the blink of an eye has passed half.

Within a wide secret room, the original disk is sitting in the sword, but his eyes are still open.

The blood peak sword appeared in his hand, just in this secret room, the sword was unparalleled to start a continuous sword.

A sword is light, and it will be swayed from him. This sword is so bright, and the power is also a sword.

call out!

The Jianfeng covered the air and produced a harsh blank voice, and the sound was getting more and more harsh.

This sword is like a three days.

Three days later, the movements in the sword were paused, and the entire secret room was completely quiet.

Silent silence, even the time and space is completely solidified.

But at this moment, the sword of the eyes closed, but his eyes were slammed, and it was like a substantially explosion.

The sword has always been holding the blood peaks, and once again sword.


There is still a crispy sword sound, this sword is a rapidly straightforward.

The light of a beautiful and beautiful light is suddenly lit, this light is nine days, the beautiful is beautiful.

When the appearance, the heavens and the earth lost their colors in front of them.

So beautiful!

This light is so beautiful, and the beauty is suffocating.

'It' is like a rainbow like a brilliant trace in the void, and it has never been dissipated for a long time.


Everything is intoxicated!

And in front of the Guanghua, it has been completely distorted.

After the sword is complete, the sword has slowly recovered the blood peak sword, but this beautiful Guanghua has still existed that it has been eternal.

Seeing this beautiful light, the sword is not buddy, but it is showing a surprise smile.

"The Little Luoxing bureau accumulates, the digestion of half a year, finally let me create a new swordsmanship!"

"This trick, Guanghua is too long, like eternal, its name, is called ... Eternal light!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the accumulation of the Ten years of the small Luo Xingshi, which is created, the new school is eternal, the birth!

This is unlikely, the sword is unclear, it is a level, but the sword is unparalleled, this sword is powerful, the 'Nirvana Newborn' Windboy, who is created before, even if the two The door has now reached the first order peak level.

"The sword is unparalleled, now you can try this sword, integrate into your blood sword." The voice of the King suddenly sounded.

"Integrated into the blood peak sword?" The sword was unbounded.

His blood peak sword is an extremely precious sword embryo, and is still the best Sword embryos.

The sword embryo can be integrated into the sterilization, and the threshold for the best sword embryo is extremely high.

I have also passed a lot of joining school before the sword, even the 'Nirvana Newborn' 'Windboy' This is also created.

But these two dozen schools still can't integrate into the blood peak sword.

Until now, 'The eternal light' is created by the sword.

"Try it, I hope to succeed." The sword has no double with a silk, and immediately tried.

This attempt, just a moment.


The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and he has already induced that in the blood peak sword, it has already made a painful school.

This is the 'Eternal Light', and this in the way is still very strange, just like the secret of the blood peak sword.

Just like the blood.

Bloody will take the three stages of power, the sword is unparalleled to urinate the second heavy power, which has soared.

Now, this blood peak is more than a heavy power, and that heavy power is 'eternal light'.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can sword," said the King said.

The sword is not hesitant, just within this secret room, he will sword with the sword.

He did not show swordsmanship, and the power of outbreak was also very ordinary, and this sword thorn, bomb! The amazing gesture has now burst out, the sword is unparalleled, the power of this sword is not weak than a heavy day.


The sword is unbounded in the eyes, but the next moment he waves again.

This time, his strength is full of outbreak, and even the second stage of the bloody will completely explode.


The sword is unparalleled, but the most ordinary first order, but this sword is shouted to tear the front of the front, and the power of the wind is strong. Even those who have a heavy day I am afraid that I will be frightened.

"how come?"

The sword is unparalleled is completely shocked.

too strong!

After the 'Eternal Light' is integrated into the blood peak sword, the power of the blood peaks broke out is too strong.

He has its own strength, and even the second heavy power of the blood, the power will reach a heavy context of the heavens, and there is a great gap between the peaks, now, now he is still It is full of outbreak, but the power of power is already comparable to the peak of the world, even more hidden!

A heavy heavens and a heavy day, the strength of the strength of this is very huge, but now it is blooding sword, completely make up!

In other words, single power of powerful outbreaks, the current sword is unparalleled, can have been flattened with a heavy day, and even faintly stronger.

"This is not exempt, it is too incredible?" The sword was unimaced.

"Unbelievable? Is there any incredible?" The king did not take a reason, "The sword is unparalleled, you can see it too low, I don't know how amazing your blood peak sword value, that is the best sword embryo, enough to make countless strong people to fight crazy Once the best sword embryos are integrated into the school, the power will continue to show, you now show swordsman, but you can actually have urged the eternal light in the blood peak sword. "

"That is to say, you now use the blood peak sword to show a sword, it is equivalent to the power of the" Eternal Light "before, if you only apply the swordsman, it is two kinds of sheds. How horror? "

"Two kinds of jingsai?" The sword has no double one, and it is also very happy, and he is also very happy. "Compared to the peak of the world, my only disadvantage is that the power of the outbreak is too weak. However, I have made my best to urge the bloody to take the second stage of power, and I can only compete with a heavenly high-level god, but now ... it is different! "


After the Eternal Light ', after the blood peak sword, he broke out with the sergeant sword. The strength of power has also reached a heavy day, and it has been with a heavy day in the strength of the strength, even stronger. some.

His overall strength has suddenly skyrocket!

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