Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1303 Decision Day!

The overall strength is greatly improved, and the bottom gas in the sword is naturally more.

The power of power is enough to follow the peak of the sky, and he is full of confidence in his own school, swordsman is more confident, and will never be weak than that of the Qingyang.

That is to say, now he is enough to face the Qingyang Dynasty God, and the demarcation is difficult.

"Don't worry, there is still half a year, for this half year, I can still continue to digest, my sword can continue to improve."

The sword is unparalleled smile, and then the other is sitting down and starts to continue to digest.

Time passed, a half year old.

The row of swords and unparalleled and Qingyang Dynasties have come.

The big palace, the center of the big door, has a military farm.

This movement of the battlefield has a range of millions of miles, enough to make the two borders to fight, and this is a venue, the sword is unparalleled with the gods of the Qingyang.

The many disciples in the Datun Palace, including some strong people, have already gathered here.

Not just them, there is a bloody island, Tian Shengfu, even Jin Yangzong has also rushed over.

A year ago, the news of the sword unparalleled and Qingyang gods had already passed.

In no matter whether the sword is unparalleled or Qingyang Dynasty, there is a great name in the Daxie field, both of which are real talents.

The collision between genius and genius is naturally attractive.

Among the front voids in the front of the military farm, the two thrills stand side by side, it is the two people who are Dagu Palace and the Wuxiao.

These two people, as the three heaven, nature is high.

At this moment, the eyes of the two are looking at the squadron below, and they see the most central young figure in the military farm.

"This Qingyang kingdom is coming early, but the sword is unparalleled? When it is now, it is still not coming?" The main color of the Daxie Palace is quirky.

Everyone around the play is also confused.

"Every time, the sword is unparalleled, why don't you still appear? Is it afraid?"

"It is very likely that he promised before the impulse before, and when he was calm down, he was sure that his decision was stupid, so it's hard!"

"Oh, awkward, it is also a good choice, always throwing your life in this chance."

A discussion sounded in the sound.

On the other side, I saw the sword unparalleled, and the strong people in the bloody island were quite wrong. Then the bloody island is personally in the place where the sword is unparalleled.

When I came to the sword, there was a huge house, only a moment of blood, island, is aware of the sword.

"This is going to fight, he still stayed in the room?" The bloody island shocked his head and shouted: "Sword is unparalleled!"

The sound passed through the prohibition of the room, and the sword in the closed door is not born in the secret room.

The sword is unparalleled in that secret room. It closed his eyes. The whole god is still digesting the essence of those swords from the previous accumulation. At this moment, he suddenly heard the shouts of hematitis Island, and his brows could not be frowned, and the eyes were finally opened.

"It turned out to be time?" The sword didn't have a front brow, and then got up and got out of the secret room.

Islander. "

The sword is unparalleled with blooditis island with the room.

"The sword is unparalleled, today is the day of the Great God of Qingyang, everyone is now waiting for you, but you can't in the room, it is still a leisurely cultivation in the room." Bloody island.

"Haha ~~" The sword is unparalleled, "I just have been cultivating the whole life, I forgot time."

"The people outside, you can say that you are awkward, don't dare to come to the Qingyang Dynasty God." Said the Heart Island.

"War?" The sword was unparalleled. "My sword is unparalleled to date, and I have never war, let alone, this station, I am also expected."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is faintly excited.

When he was in the green world, he heard this Qingyang contest from the Township.

After coming to the Dagu City, the name of this Qingyang City is like a thunder.

There are countless cultivars in the Dagu domain, saying that he is the first day of the Dagu City, the first person in the heavens, and the sword has heard countless times.

It is because the famous arrogance, the sword is not eager to hand in hand.

A year ago, when he did not make such a big breakthrough, he was very pleasant, and now he is strong, he is looking forward to this match with Qingyang.

He also wants to look at it, the first person in the Dagu City is a heavy heaven, there is much better.

"The sword is unparalleled, and I will go to the downtown. Before you fight, you will go to the Dagua Palace, let the Dagu Palace will return the parasour of the Booth Sand, the Dagu Palace should not refuse, and There are parasites in the hand, your strength can be more stronger, facing the grasp of the Qingyang contest will be even greater. "Said hematitis Island.

"Squares of Sanda Hulu?" The sword didn't shake his head. "This parasites will not need it for the time being."

"Don't you need? This is confident?" Said hematology is the main frown.

"Look, it is." The sword is unparalleled but laughs.

And the two are on the way to talk, but they have come to the play of the field.

As soon as I arrived at the military field, I immediately had countless eyes of the sword.

"It's sword!"

"I am finally here!"

"He dared to come? I thought he escaped?"

The disciples of the Dagu Palace immediately snapped up.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Jin Yangzong and the gods of Jinyangzong gathered together, and the golden Yangzong mainly colored and cold stared at the sword.

Although he can't completely determine the sword unparalleled, he killed his son Jinfeng, but he had 70% of the death of the sword without double with Jinfeng.

"It was originally wanted to find a chance to hold the little child, and forced to ask the death because of the peak, but now, it is afraid that it is no chance." Jin Yangzong was sigh.

In the other corner, the world of the Shengfu, seeing the sword, there is no double arrival, and the eyes are also overcast, especially the nine royal god.

"This kid, is the sword is unparalleled?"

"Dare to kill this disciple, today, you will see how you die!"

The nine borders kill the sky.

And quietly stood in the center of Qingyang, the center of Qingyang, who saw the sword, and his eyes were not cold.

"Is it finally here?"

The Qingyang Communist Tights is tight, but he suddenly looked up and saw it in front of it. It was there.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

"You are very fortunate, although you are not good, but you are fortunate, becoming the stepping stone that I entered the snowfield!"

"This battle, the old man is actually used as the role of stepping stone, perfectly played ..."

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