The most central, swords and unparalleled swords, and the Qingyang Dynasty.

It is quiet in the world.

Everyone who is watching around, is all covered.

The blood peak sword has appeared in the hands of the sword, and the Qingyang Dynasty gods also had a black sickle in the hand, and the two have a war.

"This battle, I look forward to have been long." The sword didn't have a double long Jianjian Feng Dynasty pointed out, "Qingyang Dynasty, I hope you don't let me down."

"Will make you wish." Qingyang Dynasty's mouth with a sneer, but the mind is electric rotation, "this battle, I have to show all the best to all, I will never give this sword without double. Kill, you have come slowly. "

Thinking of this, the Qingyang Dynasty deliberately converges some of the power, then under the eyes of everyone, this Qingyang kingdom shot.

Distance from the distant distance, this Qingyang kingshop in the hands of the paint flavored.


The moment of huge shadow, spurting in the role of the power, is mighty, actually forming a beautiful knife river.

This knife river presents a blood color, which appears in the void, and it is very incomparable.

"Strong knife!"

"Good exquisite!"

"So exciting knife, he actually applied it?"

The surrounding people saw this bloody river, they were shocked.

They can see that this knife in Qingyang Dynasty is very disadvantageous.

It can be seen that this bloody knife river is filled, but the sword is not frown.

"I actually deliberately suppress my own power, I want to rely on the perspective to win me?" The sword was unparalleled.

Regardless of this knife river gorgeous, the power in the sword is unparalleled but Pin Tutong, obviously the Qingyang kings can suppress its own powerful power.


The sword is unbolded indifferent, and the mouth is gently spit out, and the sword in the hands is very casual.

Just like this casual, the sword has no swordsmanship, but the sword is swaying, but the beautiful knife river that sweeps in front of him will be separated from it, and it is divided into two, the power of They went around and went around.

"Well?" Qingyang Dynasty God color micro-change.

He didn't expect that the sword would be so easy to make this knife to break down.

"Qingyang Dynasty God." The sword is unparalleled, "" Don't hide, take your strength all, otherwise I will defeat you, I don't mean. "

"In just a year, do you have a lot more than before?" Qingyang kings smiled indifferent. "In this case, then I will wish."

The voice falls, the rumble ~~~ The vastness of breath has brought it from the god of Qingyang, which is significantly better than just stronger.

Subsequently, this Qingyang kingdom once again shot.


It is still that the vast blood river swept, but the difference is that the power of this bloody river is significantly better than before.

"Long flash!"

I sent a low drink in the Qingyang Dynasty, and the sickle waves in the hands of the sickle. In the bloody knife river, a lot of power was crazy, and a huge blood dragon was formed in an instant. This blood dragon was huge by five claws. After the formation, the bloody stream light is shocked by the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, the pace is indeed a cross, and the blood peak sword in his hand is also a thorn.

This thorn is just a stabbed blood dragon throat, the terrible strand force, this blood dragon instantly four minutes.

Seeing the blood dragon was defeated, the Qingyang Dynasty God didn't care, his scorpion is cold, and the power is swaying, and the mouth once again broke out.

"Thousands of dragons flash!"

Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

I saw that countless roar sounded ruthless world, in the huge bloody knife river, countless power formed a bloody dragon at this moment, these blood color dragons have five claws, and the volume is also huge, the power is slightly Not weaker than just that blood dragons.

At a glance, this bloody knife river appeared in hundreds of blood dragons.

These blood dragons carry a sharp breath, from the madness of the four sides from all sides.

This scene, the people around the battle, they have exposed the color.

They can see that the blood dragons in the knife river, every one is full of hits, and now the sword is unparalleled, but there are hundreds of thousands. Ah, it is equivalent to the attack of hundreds of thousands of heavenly peak.

Such a horrible trick, in a heavy heaven, it is estimated that there are no few people can live in front.

It can be seen that these blood dragons have been attacked from all sides. The sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't see it. He holds the sword to stand in that, the soul is already venting, and the attack around the surrounding is in the eye. In the next moment, he shot.

" " " " " "

I saw a cold and ruthless sword light, and every sword is very casual. After the blood peak sword is played, these swords will be comparable to the full strength of the world. One hit, even more bidding.

His swordsmanship is very fast, and it is easy to attack a blood dragon.

A blood dragon collapsed, and the dissatisfied power formed an impact wave, crazy and swept around.


The most central sword of the battlefield is unparalleled, and suddenly sigh, followed by a cold.


There is an endless appearance with the sword of the hometown and the hope of the hopes, and it is a sword unparalleled.

This year's refreshment, the understanding of swords and unparalleled swords has long reached a new bottom, 'Nirvana Newborn' this trick, and it has been strengthened again. Nowadays, in the first-order peak, it should be the top sharp. of.

The horrible sword light, broke out of the world, and immediately smashed the many blood dragons hit in front of it, and even took the bloody river that was filled with voids, it was opened for a huge channel.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, the eyes are full of flaming, and the body is very strange, along the passage of the clearance, in an instant, in front of the Qingyang contest.

"Feng wave!"

The sword is unparalleled.

A swager rebounded between the world, this swager is extremely harsh.

The sword light affected the time and space to kill the Qingyang kings, and the moment of the sword sounded, and a horrible soul attack has been bombarded on the god of Qingyang.

Although Qingyang Community is strong, it can be attacked by this sudden soul, and the face has also changed.

Under the soul attack, terrible swordsmanship!


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