Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1307, life and death!


The battlefield is roaring, as with the fried thunder, the two body shape is from that distorted space.

Soon, the two re-stationed body shape.

At this moment ... The luxurious robes wearing in the Qingyang Dynasty have been broken, the hair is messy, the breath is more wilting than before, and it is quite wolf.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the whole body has been covered under a heavy blood tag. After the stand is stabilized, he will reveal the face, but at this moment, the face also has a little pale, and the mouth also has a blood donation. The Chinese caravation is extremely strong!

This scene, let the people around the battle met, and I took a breath.

They can see what a fierce is spelling this battle.

But the result, it seems that two people are fighting up.

"The sword is unparalleled, can you fight with Qingyang?"

The Tianshengfu camp, the strongest of the Nine-Casting God and several other Shengfu frowned.

They are very clear that the terrible strength of the Qingyang Dynasty, and in the Dagu City, it is absolutely invincible. But they didn't think of it, the sword was unparalleled, and it could miss this. Path!

Before they thought that the sword was unparalleled.

Many people think so.

But now, no one dares to say this.

This battle, don't say if the Qingyang kings can kill the sword, and if he can win, it has become a suspense.

The center of the battlefield, the sword is not born to the other side.

"Qingyang kingdom, your strongest strength, can you only have this level?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has a great expectation on this battle.

Despite the strength of the Qingyang Dynasty, it is very strong, far more than the church and others, and he has turned over with him.

The strength of the Qingyang Dynasty Shen Show, but it still can't force him to the limit!

"Single strength, not enough!"

"Qing Yangren god, you should have a stronger means, take it out!" The sword didn't have a double.

In the just fierce battle, he saw that the Qingyang Dynasty should also hide the bottom card.

The Qingyang kingdom standing on the void, the breath, the Qing Yang, who has gradually recovered, staring at the sword and unparalleled, and the lively is flashing. "If I have not guess wrong, you should also have a stronger means not to show it! "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, directly admitted.

"In this case, then the next recruitment is the winning and losing, and it is also a decisive life!" Qingyang circle was cold.

"Yes." The sword was unblocked.

The two simple communication, but the weather around the battlefield is hot.

"They two, finally have to share the winning!"

"Not only is the winning and losing, but it is still a life to die, I don't know who can go to the end?"

"They have already showed so horrible strength, what else does not show?"

Countless excitement sounds.

If it is before, there is no one to see the sword and unparalleled, and it is not doubt that the sword is unparalleled, and it is undoubtedly.

But this fierce war continued until now, but no one dares to say this.

"Is there any means?"

The Dawei Palace on the void is also narrowed by Witch Cang, and the gods look at God.

The center of the battlefield.

"The sword is unparalleled, I will follow this trick, I have passed the last thousand years of experience, and then the closure of the two dozens of four years, it is created, its name is nine days!" Qingyang circle cooled .

"Nine days of blood month?" The sword was unparalleled, and then held the blood peak sword in handshake, low Shen said: "My sword is in the past year, through digestion and crack the play of the game, Come out, its name, called Eternal Light! "

"Oh, let's take a look, it is my nine-day bloody, or your eternal light is even better!" The Qingyang industry smiled coldly, but the next moment was a step.

This Qingyang kingdom shot under all people's breath.

He waved his hands while waving black sickle, the vast power of the madness flooded into the sickle.

The original dark sickle, it was actually a scarlet, and the blood mist is even more than the surroundings.

This play of the battlefield has not killed anyone, but after the blood fog is filled, there is a horrible bloody flavor to spread, this bloody taste is a strong disgusting.

In the most central, Qingyang Dynasty, the Qingyang Community, also completely became scarlet, and the face is also completely distorted, and it has accumulated the ultimate black sickle ... Earth.


A scarlet, the blade of the knife is instantaneous.

This knife rushed across the horizon, and there was a singular radiability in an instant, as if the moon hanging in nine days in the evening.

Just this moon, is the blood month!

Blood fog rushing, the blood month is empty, the murder is unlimited!

This is the first day of the Dagu City, the first day of Qingyang, spent millennium accumulation, plus the strongest trick to create for forty years ... Nine days of blood months! !

When this shot was released, the Dagu Palace on the voids and the two people were shocked at the same time.

"That is ... The strongest scholastic school?" The first opening of the big palace master.

"It is indeed the strongest school, although it is just a first order, it can be found, but it is not bad." Witch also nodded.

In the world of chaotic world, the boundary of the world, one to threeth order, and only the first, higher and peaks in each step.

Just take the first order of school, most of the top of the sky, all the first-order peaks, and can only create this level of school.

However, there are a very small number of people, some kind of understanding, real genius, can try to create a first-order strongest school.

Just create the most powerful school, the threshold is extremely high, but also need great understanding of the championship, but he is in the level of the road, the at least one is also open, it is likely that it can be respectful. Hierarchy, how much is it possible to open up the strongest cultivation?

Everything is all, it is hard to see it.

It can now come from the knife from the Qingyang Community, it is obviously the strongest university!

And after the Qingyang Dynasty, the knife method was displayed, the sword of the sword standing quietly over the void, and the blood peaks that have never been unprecedented. Wave.

call out!

The sword is moving, the sword light is together.

In an instant driven the world, the horror horror broke out.

A beautiful, beautiful, indulgent can't pull it with empty light.

In this moment, the Dagu Palace is still a shrinkage.

"This sword ... is also the strongest university !!!"


PS: Today's four is more!

Thanks to "Emperor" "Network Management" two big brothers today's alliance reward.

In order to celebrate the birth of two new governments, add two chapters tomorrow, which is six chapters, and will be added to the next week!

There are already three allies, and the brothers come to the oil, but the New Mende is born, and it will add a drop!

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