Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1308 You are looking for yourself! !

Horror blood month!

Beautiful beautiful, like eternal light!

The two major first order strongest schools, under the eyes of countless shock, the front is in contact.


Land shake.

The sky is eclipsed in these two major schools.

The whole of the Mozi's Warm, is also completely covered by the blood month, beautiful and eternal rays.

Booming ~~~ a burst of roarness.

The battlefield is around, everyone is a stunned look.

Although they are still a distance from the core of the battlefield, they can still feel the terrible of the two major schools.

The two of the fierce battle, one is a heavy day, and the other is more only a ride, but now the collision between the two, the power of the single, and the power of Single, it is enough to make many heavy heavens Warthlings, even if the two heaven, I don't dare to have slightly.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The void is bursting, the core of the battlefield, the horror blood month and the beautiful and eternal ray crazy collision squeezed, the power of the two has once achieved the ultimate.

"These two people, they have to show the strongest tricks, and they will fight for the kummer!"

"It is quite the kummer, and they create the school, the power is very similar!"

"Good guy, this is more than endurance!"

Everyone around the battlefield was amazed.

They saw that the two major positive impacts, although there was a horrible and horrible power of the earth, but the two major offensive did not divide the winning and negative, but in a state of stalemate.


It is deadlocked.

The sword has no double eyes, the power of the power is constantly moving in the sword. His bloody sword is also crazy, and the wind is thrown.

As for the Qingyang Dynasty, it was also biting his teeth, and the face was twisted. He was crazy to pour.

The two have all been fully, and the strongest trick is displayed. But no one can defeat the other party directly. Now the two are more resistant!

Who is more durable, more vast.

A world is a vastness of a heavy strength, which is better than lasting, that is obvious.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but he is reversible!

Reversible power is much stronger than the same order, and the most important thing is that the sword has the existence of Kings, and the king has been recovering with his spiritual power.

Respond to endurance, he is not afraid!

boom! boom! boom!

The two powerful power shocked at a time, the longer the impact, the greater the consumption, the Qingyang circle of God spills blood, but the madness of the face.

"How can it be?"

"I have a heavy peak in the peak, than consumption, it will be more than him?"

"It's impossible, I will never believe it!"

The Qingyang Trendy is incomparable, like an angered beast, his scorpion is also a strong anger.

He is not willing to believe, but now it is in front of his eyes, so crazy consumption, his power consumption is too big, it can't continue, and the sword opposite him is unparalleled, but the breath is still very strong, obviously Not reached the limit.

In this way, this battle, he defeated!

"This battle, I want to see the witch adult!"

"I have to get the recognition of Wuxians, I want to go to the snow farm, and this sword is unparalleled, he should be the stepping stone I used to prove strength!"

"My Qingyang, can you be defeated in the hands of a stepping stone?"

"Can't lose!"

"I will never defeat!"

The Qingyang Communist God flashed in an unprecedented crazy, his heart is also crazy, and the next moment, his mind, the palm of the empty, a red Dan medicine appeared in his hand.

Looking at this red Dan medicine, the Qingyang Dynasty's gods flashed a cold, followed by swallowing the Dan medicine without hesitation.

At this point, everyone who watched the battle was in the eyes, and the complexes were changed.

"He, swallowed Dan medicine?"

"Swallowing medicinal herbs in this one of the decisions?"

"Just Na Dan medicine, it seems to be blood Dan!"

Blood Dan?

The name of this medicinal medicine came out, and the battlefield was in a moment.

Blood Coagidan, that is the cost of consumption of fine blood, which can make people with great improvement in a short period of time.

A heavy heaven, if it is swalloweding blood Dan, the strength can generally be increased by about 30% in a short period of time.

The cost is not big, and the strength of the improvement will not be too much.

If it is a normal killing, the Qingyang king swallowed this blood and condensed Dan naturally, but now, this is a pair of people in the face of all people, in the donation of this kind of medicine, even if they win It is also the power of Dan medicine, but not your own strength!

"Actually swallowed the blood Dan? Despicable!"

"This Qingyang kingdom, should not face!"

I can't help but anger around.

In the forefront, the big-eyed Dagui is also a wrinkle.

The Qingyang Dynasty, who swallowed the blood, and his body suddenly skyrocket, the huge blood month that had not been persisted quickly, and the power also increased.

"The sword is unparalleled, go to death!"

I sent a roar in the god of Qingyang, echoing in the world.

That huge blood month is rumbling ~~~ The magnificent power is crushing, and the brilliant eternal light festival of the sword is lost.

Feel the violent pressure, the sword is unbolded.

"Qing Yangren god, you are looking for yourself!"

The sword has also burst into the sky and killing. In the moment of eating anger, hiding the stars in his body, but it is a moment of exploding.

Star secret surgery, sudden out!

This star secret surgery has always been a sword unparalleled killer, and because it is just the relationship between the first volume of Stars, his stars can be re-accumulated for ten years.

The last time he showed the stamping secrets to kill the golden peak of the Golden Guo, and now have been in the past many years. His stars have long been able to show again, but they don't want to take this trick easily. Stop.

But now, this Qingyang kingdom bulld blood Dan, trying to kill him with the power of Dan medicine, this is completely irritated.

Star secret surgery, the power of the stars integrated into the swordsman, let the gorgeous eternal radiance of the festival, and the Wenell is suddenly ten times!

Task, before the sword is unparalleled with Qing Yang, the goddess is quite right.

Qingyang Dynasty gods with Hemo Dan, so that the bloody moon is only 30%.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the stars secret surgery, but it is directly incremented by ten times!

30% and ten times?

What is a great gap.


That huge bloody moon is directly rushing.

There is no room for struggling, it is completely destroyed.

And the beautiful and eternal light is the size of the volume, and the whole body shape of Qing Yang is completely overwhelmed!

"Do not!!!"

The Qingyang Community made a scientific roaring, and the next moment was completely dissipated.


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