Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1309 Sign!


The two horrible power of the battlefield in the battlefield finally dissipated.

The whole world has finally recovered calm, everything is calm.

The crowd around the battlefield is a silence!

The chop is silent!

Almost everyone is full of eyes, full of horror, obviously has not returned to God from the scene.

I saw that the Qingyang Dynasty God was swallowed on the way to the battle. Everyone thought that the sword was unparalleled. Even the bloody island owner wanted to save, but they didn't have any arrival. Who would think about it, the next sentence The situation happened in the earth.

I originally used the Qingyang contest from the power of the Dan Medicine, I was killed by the sword without double.

There is no room for struggling, instantly being killed!

"He, what do he just used to use?" Everyone stared at the sword.

To now, they all know how the sword is unparalleled, just how to kill the Qingyang kings.

When they are in a horror, they have a figure, but they are rising!

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

It contains the roaring roaring roaring in the sky and the killing, and the moment of roaring, a shadow is now instantly rushing.

This Cang's old shadow exudes the horrible breath. It is obvious than the sword. The Qing Yangren will have to force a big cut. He directly frankly without a double kill, but unfortunately, it is still a sword, but it has been given to another. Stop.


The old figure appeared, and it was in the nine-sea gods that were furious.

The nine-nine nobody must be exhausted, there is no endless sense, and death will stop him.

"Nine sea, what do you want to do?"

The Jiuhai Shen is orthodontically, the height island, the main eyes of the bloody island are also cooled, and the body is suffering from the sky. The breath is completely suppressed.

Nine-sea borders, although it is one of the government of the Shengfu, but the Shengfu has a total of four houses, the strongest first house owner is eligible to compete with hematitis Island, as for him, just two In the first day of the world, it is still not enough to see in front of the top of Heaven.

"Nine-sea borders, this is the big Yaroya Palace, the palace master personally here, you can do it attention to the size." The voal of the indifference sounded, the Dagu Palace's white gods came to the front of the nine borders.

The nine-sea life is changing, and the Lord of the Dawei Palace who immediately saw a void in the distance, respecting the road: "The palace master, Qingyang is my disciple, but now he is killed by this sword, but also hopes the palace Can be a master for me! "

"Be the Lord, do your Lord for you?" Daxie Palace greeted the nine royal gods, smiled: "What is the old man is a blind?"

Nine royal gods.


"The two people have dangerous, and there is a difficulty in the death and injuries. Moreover, this is that this is the Qingyang kings, and in the past, the clearing is the Qingyang Kingdom, the Qingyang Dynasty Want to set the sword is nothing pair of death, if so, the sword is unparalleled to kill him, why not? "The Daxie Palace is cold.

Everyone around, also got a taunt from the nine royal gods.

Obviously, the situation just happened.

Qingyang Dynasty God does not care, swallowing Dan medicine, killing swords, swords, is there, shouldn't you kill him?

It is a blind man when everyone is all, is it a fool?

When I heard this, the gods of the nine borders were trembled, although they were unrelenting, but he also known that this big loss today, his Shengfu absolutely only shattered into the stomach.

Because of the truth, all are in the sword.

And here is a big honey palace, there is a big sea palace master, and he can't display any metered again to deal with the sword.

He can only press your anger to suppress his anger.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

The nine-border god bite, the ice is cold with endless killing scorpion.

However, this, the nine royal gods have moved.

Not he is, there are people who are present but nothing to look at the swords, and the expressions become stunned.

Because they found that the sword at this moment is unparalleled, there is no one to see the meaning of the Nine-China gods at all.

He has even had completely regardless of the Nine-China God, and now the sword is unparalleled. It is actually looked up at the air, but the completion is an unprecedented dignhip.

And in the void of the sword, the uppermost void, you ~~~ faintly bombed, and the roar is faintly accompanied by a mighty power!

This scene, made someone in the field widened his eyes.

"That, that is ..."

"This breath, this universal energy ..."

"God robbery !!!"

"It is a robbery !!!"


Everyone is shocked.

No one thought, just after a tuning battle, the sword of the Qingyang Dynasty killed the killing of the Qingyang Dynasty, and he immediately ushered in his gratitude!

"Just experienced the war, immediately ushered in the robbery? This is not too happening?" The Dawei Palace on the void also frowned.

God robbery, generally induced it earlier, this induction is very clear, which day can be specifically to.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, this gods are obviously sudden.

There is no previous signs, or there is no way to choose to fight at this time with Qingyang.


Suddenly in the world, the black clouds of the large block were gathered in the sky, and in the deepest place in your dark cloud, there was a faintness of the Thunder to be jumped.

Everyone can feel the terrorist power of the clouds spread in the dark clouds.

That kind of power, suffocating!

"This prestant ..."

Feel this percentage, the Daxie Palace has a change in the face of Witch.

"No, this is not a gratitude!" The Lord of the Dagu Palace.

"It's not, although there is a pressure in gathering, but there is no meaning to come immediately!" Witch Cang frowned.

These two high-inspiring three heavenly gods face each other, and the two words were spit out in the next moment.


The Daxie Palace is revealing a shock on the face of Wushu.

"Will n't be wrong, this is indeed a sign of gratum!" The big palace was deeply smoked, solemnly said: "But when a cultivator, when the robbery is coming, it will appear in advance, this sign It is equivalent to a suggestion of the heaven, suggesting that he will arrive! "

"However, the ever chaotic world, countless cultivators, they ushered in the gods, generally have an induction of the robbery, which can make the cultivator induced the gods!"

"But this sword is unparalleled ... His gratuer is coming, and this sign, even directly formed Lei Yun !!!"

"Or is it a strong thunder !!"


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