Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1316 Reversal Robbery, First God!

The peak of the peak, the sword is unparalleled, and the eye is sitting there, as if the old man is in general.

In the surrounding robbery, a large number of strong people gathered, if these strong people were talking to each other, the atmosphere was quite lively, then now, the whole world is dead.

Death is a common silence.

There is no sound regeneration.

The reason is not because those strong people are not willing to communicate in the opening, but it is scared to be scared by Lei Yun, who has been accumulated by the upper void.

Ten days, foot ten days!

The empty Lei Yun in the top of the way has been crazy, and the power is constantly accumulated.

The scope of the thundering clouds also covered only a ferriforn peak from the very beginning, but now it has spread to the coverage of more than ten thousand miles.

These originally tempered in the surrounding peaks have long been retired to ten thousand miles, and they are afraid that they are also covered by this horrible god.

The most important thing is that with the reunion of Thunder, the stress in Lei Yun is constantly strengthening!

Ten days, the power in the Lei Yun is strong, has reached an incredible point!

That is really too strong, even if it is in Lei Yun covered, even if the pressure is not targeted, it can still be a bold, and the whole body pores are all inverted.

They all in their eyes one by one, even if it is halfword, I can't say it.

"Too too strong!"

Even if it is the two three-day gods of the Dagu Palace, the gods of Wuxiao, and there is an unprecedented horror.

"Wu Cang, when you first cross the third heavy robbery, the thunder cloud was broadcast, is there a strong force?" Dawei Palace asked.

"No." Witch shook his head, "What about you?"

"My third god robbery is a fire, that is horrible, but it can feel more than this sword is not a double first heavy robbery." The Lord of Dagu.

Speaking of this, the Daxie Palace is unable to pick up a cold air with Witch Cang.

God robbery, a heavy power.

The third heavy robbery is the last heavy robbery, and the power is naturally more outrageous.

Now, they feel that when they pass the third heavy robbery, the pressure of the Thunder Cloud spread, but also more than the sword.

What is this concept?

at this time……


In that, there were more than ten thousand miles of huge Lei Yun, but he suddenly came out of a dramatic roar.

This roar sounds, and many strong incense in the peak is a shock.

"To start!"

Everyone slammed breathing, and the tight dynasty robbed peak.

In the top of the peak, the sword is sitting in the panic, and the sword that is completely isolated completely, and finally opened his eyes.

"Is it coming?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the sky, even if the power in the Lei Yun is shocked, but he is very calm.

"The sword is unparalleled." I am parasitic in you, I have thousands of years. For thousands of years, you can meet the crisis. I can give you some suggestions, give you the greatest help, but This time, everything can only rely on yourself. "

"Well." The sword has no double nodded, "Go."

As the sword is unparalleled, a red stream is shot, it is really a "mini" of the king.

This reverse robbery, can only be derived from the sword without a pair of one person, if he will fly to the smoke, and the king is still in him, it will inevitably follow him, so you must leave in advance.

"Dynasty, if I die in this reverse robbery, you will leave to the ancient chaotic world, find new ancient gods, if you can't find ancient gods in a short time, you can also choose to return to the fire world, return to the green To the stars in the sea, at least you can keep your life, waiting for the new ancient god. "The sword said without a double opening.

"I know." The king deeply saw the sword unparalleled, and immediately said, "The sword is unparalleled, even if it is finally closed, don't give up, I must have to pass this level!"

The voice falls, and the king drilled into the ground below, so soon disappeared.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is slight smile, and I immediately re-raise my head.

"Reversal robbery!"

"The most terrible god robbery in the world, in addition, I am also a royal god of the four-star peak, this ferry, the ancient god robbery will come at the same time!"

"Haha, old days can really see me, but, I am not a parallel life, but who wants to accept it!"

"Even if you are old, you can't!!!"

"Reversal robbery, ancient god robbery ... Come!"

The sword has no endless golden light. At this moment, his body has skyrocketed completely three meters high dark golden gods, in his eyebrow, four stars, shackles, crazy exploding.


A roar, from the sword, there is no double mouth, trembled world.

And above, that is filled with thousands of thousands of miles of Lei Yun, as if it is a sword unparalleled provocation, this horrible Lei Yun also angry.



A loud noise, the most important thing of the Thunder, the most central, a foot, a buzzard, the thunder of the purple gold, broke through the heavy thunder cloud, and instantly came into the world.

This purple golden thunder appeared, in an instant, a horrible to explore the world.

In addition to robbery, gathered in the many strong people, see this purple golden Thunder, one feels that the scalp must be fell.

"Purple gold !!!"

Some disciples of some big palaces also can't help it.

The most common thing is thunder, and now the purple golden thunder is clearly thunder.

However, thunder robbery is also weak, and like the first East Gate of the East Gate, the second gods encountered is the bronzing.

Now, the thunder of the sword is unparalleled, but it is purple gold!

Purple golden god thunder, wheelwell, compared to the bronzed god, but also strong in a grade!

The top of the peak, the sword of the dark golden god is already unparalleled, and the dead is staring at the purple golden thunder above the top, but the eyes flashed a crazy!

"Purple Golden God Lead?"

"Single Single God Lei, even if I don't have the qualifications of me!"

The sword is unparalleled, but at this moment, it is a big hand to put it directly to take the blood of his body. He is red, naked half-body, huge ancient gods, the body of the ancient gods, , With electric light, watching the purple golden thunder, but there is no meaning to resist!

He, actually wants to rely on his own body, to harder this, all people feel the treteled purple gold god!

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