Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1317, the body hard, and even breaks three!

On the top of the peak peak, the sword is unparalleled, but everyone is very shocked.

"Scorpio, what is he doing?"

"The robbery is coming, he actually gave the arm armor wearing him? And looked at him, and did not plan to shut down the god! Does this are to die?"

"Is it a self-knowledge that I will die?"

"This sword is unparalleled, is this dead?"

There are no numbers with a horrified sound.

Just under their gaze, the purple gold god thunder, it was so straight, it was so straight, and he was on the sword unparalleled body.


A loud sound, the sound is shocked.

The death of the world, which is outside the peak, and many two heavens are secretly ignited.

Obviously, the power of the purple golden Thunder makes them dare not be smart.

Everyone is agreed to the peak peak peak peak, when the purple gold Thunder can completely dissipate, everyone is in the middle of the top, the top of the peak, and the three meters high is still standing there, tight Hold your hands, still have a faint purple golden Thunder to be jumped.

Next moment, this three-meter high ancient god slammed.


I have a cold, the sword is unparalleled, and those who have also participated in his body meter instantly shock, and even the bones of his body will also make a bursting on this moment.


The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is shocked.

This scene, but the many strong people outside the robbery, all dumbfounded.

"He, he is nothing wrong with it?"

"This, this is impossible!"

"Hard students were hurt by the purple golden gods, did not suffer from slight? Even the breath did not weakened whit, even I feel that his breath is more powerful?"

Everyone is shocked.

One of the two heavenly gods is even more now: "The power of the purple golden god," Although I have to go to the side, I can stop and live hard. ? "

On the distance, the Daxie Palace is also facing the Witch.

"With the body hard to resist, this kid, it is really courageous, domineering!" The big palace didn't endure.

With the gods, it is true that it is true in the chaotic world, but few very few, after all, it will fall to the lower place of smoke.

Today, they see a scene with strong resistance to thunder and thunder.

"I can't be happy too early. After all, this god robber has just begun." The Lord of Dagu said.

The Witch, next to it again.

Those strong people around the robbery are also quiet.

Under normal circumstances, the first heavy robbery of the cultivator, generally only one, a gods came, and the gods were over.

However, there is no less simple, the sword is obviously not so simple. After the first god is unparalleled by the sword, the Lei Yun did not disappear, but quickly began to brew the second god.

The root peak of the peak, the sword is unparalleled, the blood donation has long been completely boiling, he is in a hands like electricity, staring at the sky.

And in that Lei Yun, the core, the second god, brewed a moment, and came directly.

This god, the same purple gold, but its volume, but also doubled than the first God of Just.

Bang! !

The horrible purple golden god, exuded out of the world, far more than the first first, instantly appeared in the sword unparalleled head.

The terrible percentage is oppressed, the sword is unparalleled, but there is still no need to resist the year, the bloody will still be lost by him.

The second god thunder, equally hard to resist! ! !

"The second god thunder, obviously much more powerful than the first, did he still do not resist?"

"This madman!"

The strong people around the world have set off a huge waves.

Under the eyes of everyone, the second god did not hinder the front bombardment of the sword unparalleled ancient gods.


The horrible power broke out, the top of the peak of the Rudited Peak was a huge pothole hole, and the pit hole was black, and the grass was not born.

It can be at the pleasure of the pothole, but there is still a stubborn standing.

At this moment, even if there are many blood, even if there are several skin flesh and blood, it has become a white bone, but he is still Weiran, but the breath is still weak, but Come on!

I saw his pace, step by step from the huge pit, and he walked out while he was broken, and he began to fix it with an amazing speed.

Although there is no recovery ability of Kings, it is enough to fix all these injuries in a short time in a short period of time.

"This second God, he actually slammed it?"

"Although it is injured, there is no first to easily, but it is still to resist."


There are countless people around them.

At the top, the vast thunderstorm, the third god, but has begun to brew.


As the heavens and the earth, the third god is directly coming.

The third god thunder is still a purple gold, but the volume is huge, the first thing to be bigger is ten times!

That destroyed the world, it is also ten times the first one!

Seeing this third god is coming, the sword is unbentered.

"First God, I can easily resist it, but the second God, the strong power is almost reached the limit of my body, this third god, more than the second It is necessary to be several times, and it is difficult to resist it. "

The sword is unparalleled with a hand, the next moment, the bloody will be immediately used by him, and the bloody stream is used as him. The bloody lady has a scarlet armor, and it covers his whole body. It is covered by his whole body.


The third god thunder is still a heavy bombardment in the sword.

The extinguishing energy produced is also far from the previous two gods.

It can be different from the previous two gods. This third god has bombarded the sword unparalleled, and the blood of the sword was weakened more than Jiu Yes.

The remaining only one heavy power is rooted onto the sword unparalleled body, but it is still impossible to bring too much damage to the sword.

"carry on!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, standing there, looking up at the sky, containing endless sorrow and crazy, suddenly echoing in the world.

Many strong people outside the robbery, but I have already shocked.

With your own quite horizontal poppics, even the three gods!


This is the sword is unparalleled! ! !


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