Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1319 is desperate (six more questions!)

Bang! ! !

At the top of the void, after connecting to the three gods, the huge Lei Yun still did not dissipate, and she has begun to slowly accumulate a god.

"It didn't end yet?"

"How could this be?"

"It's impossible, this is impossible!"

Everyone is brought to the heart.

Although it is the big man with the Switch Cang, it is also spread out in an unprecedented shock.

A boundaries, just only the first heavy robbery, but now, it has been successfully lowered to the six terrorist thunder. This lobby has not ended yet?

Still brewing the seventh?

What is this god?


Under the eyes of everyone, Lei Yun was broken again, and a brand new god once again appeared in the sight of everyone.

And see this seventh god, everyone is a sharp way.

The same is the red god of red, but everyone can clearly see that the red god is accompanied by a part of the green flame.

It is a small part of the green flame, but everyone feels creepy.

"It's a fire!"


I slammed and slammed.

The sword is not blessing is also a sink.

The green flames, he also familiar with it, when the East Gate of the East Gate, the original second god was able to resist, but in the end because there is a small clustered green flame, directly to the East Gate Dynasty ash fly off.

And now there is a green flame in the seventh god. Although it is only part, it is far more than the cluster of the east gate.

"Reversible robbery, really terrible place, come?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the sky, even if you feel the creepy power from the seventh God, but he still doesn't have a grievances.

No matter how terrible, this is incredible, he has a psychological preparation!


The sword is unparalleled, the slap is on, and several Dan medicine appears in his hand.

These medicinal herbs are all in the tricks, and every medicinal medicine is extremely precious.

With the power of Dan medicine, he has just been able to recover quickly in the three gods, and it is close to him again, but once again took out two treasures.

These two treasures are the parasites of the Square, respectively.

Bashed to the salad, he borrowed the big Yellow Palace, even when he was fighting the Qingyang Dynasty, he did not find the Dagu Palace mainly came back, but it was more than 20 years ago, the Dagu Palace It has already gave him a parasolite of the paradise, and now I have a certain help in this reverse robbery.

As the sword is unparalleled to open the plug of the paradise, the plummet, the large amount of parasites will be burst with an amazing speed.

The vast parava of the vast paravara is covered with the seventh god of the sea, and as far as possible, the seventh god of the seventh god is the speed and speed.

The other side in his hands, with his control volume instantly skyrocketing for an old and huge cyan big clock.

"Don't move like mountains!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the secrets of Qing Xuanzhong are directly proof.

This cyan big clock immediately broke out a green halo, completely covered the entire body of the sword.


The seventh god is like a broken bamboo, ignoring the obstacles of the paradise, and the moment is bombarded on the cyan, and suddenly an old and low bell sounded.

The cyan big clock crazy trembling, the large bell is even faintly appeared.

This crack appears, but the next moment is to spread in an amazing speed, and finally! The entire cyan big clock is directly burst.

The blue big clock is broken. The seventh gods of the Lei Rei still have a lot of remaining, continue to play the sword without a pair, especially the part of the green flames accompanied by God, actually there is no weakening, and also The sword is not double swept.

The sword has no double-noodles, and the residual spiritual power is also crazy.


The sword has no double mouth, and the whole body is poured into the blood of the sword. The blood peak sword immediately broke out the graceful sword light toward the seventh god thunder.

The two collides, the seventh gods left, most of the power, there are mostly straight to the blocked, only a small part of the power, and even with a small part of the green flame to sweep the sword unparalleled.

The bloody of the sword is unparalleled will cover the whole body instantly.

! ! !

The green flame of the green flame is blinking. Even if the blood is separated, there is still a sting pain in the sword.


The sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the face is full of blood, and the face is also gentle, but the green flame is finally dissipated.

The seventh god thunder, it was unparalleled by the sword, and it was armed.

However, very fast swords have no double, found that on the top Ray Cloud, the eighth god, has begun to slowly brew.

"Do you still have the eighth?"

Seeing the scene above the sky, the strong people around the robbery have fallen into the dead.

And the sword is not double-finished.

"My spirit, the power of the ancient gods, the strength of the soul has been exhausted, can only use the robbery!" The sword didn't have a double slap, and there was another Dan medicine in his hand.

This medicinal medicine is extremely precious!

This is a special purpose for killing the gods, which can restore the peak in a moment of kung fu when you consume the spirit of the lobby.

Dan medicine belonging to the sky.

But unfortunately, such a medicinal medicine, only one can take one when it is affected.

When the sword is unparalleled, it will break the fourth, fifth and sixth gods. He has almost consumed the price. He has strongly enjoys this ferrifier, but now the eighth there is coming soon. He didn't have to choose.

Without hesitation, the sword is unparalleled even to swallow this.

In the case of the body, the spiritual power of the sword is immediately restored immediately, this recovery speed, when the king is in his body, there is still no triple in the body.

"This is robbed to the energetics of the weighing of the thunder, and you must only use it when you have the god robbery." The sword is unparalleled. "

There is auxiliary, the sword is unparalleled, and only a moment is restored to the peak.

Unfortunately, only the spiritual power can be restored, but the power of his ancient gods, the power of the soul can't recover.

And the sword is unparalleled, just a restore, bomb!

On the empty, the eighth god, has come, and this eight god thunder, it is a god that is completely formed by the green flame!


"Complete fire!"


PS: Today is still six! ! !

Ask for the recommendation, ask for everything!

There are not many, there are two thousand recommended tickets every day, I have enough power!

Two thousand recommended tickets, now 24 hours of chasing people have enough six thousand, only one-third of people vote a special ticket every day!

As long as you recommend to force, reward to force, then I will continue to add more tomorrow, after the day, last day! ! !

Everyone is going to be hot!

In addition, thanks to "not" big brothers today's 20,000 books!

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