Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1320 Last!


Still finish full of fire!

When there is, it will make the inner heart in the place!

The sword is unparalleled.

Seeing that the fire is slowly coming, he is in the long spring.


The horrible bloody flames were joined from the sword without double body, and in an instant formed a huge blood color fire.

The sword is unparalleled to stand in this bloody fire sea, the bloody flames, he is the emperor of this blood color.

"That is ... Hezhong Country?"

"It is the state of hematitis, the mental motion of hematitis island!"

"Heath island, actually passed the hematology country to him?"

Many people who recognize the strong in the bloody sea can't help but send out.

The hematology is still very popular in the Dagu world.

The Hezhi Island is the same with this secret, and the large-scale field is invincible in the two heavens.

Now, this secret appears in the hands of swords, under this lobby, the sword is unparalleled, with the horror of the voids in the sky!

"come on!"

The blood peak sword in the sword is tight, and the mouth is also a shock of the sky, which is filled with the bloody sea around him. It seems that it is crazy to scream, and venting the unyielding.

At the next moment, he held the blood peak sword sword at the same time.

A shake, a sword that surrounded everyone's breath is spread out from the sword.

The blood peak sword is also crazy.

"This sword, I have been closed for a hundred years. By cracking that Xiao Lu Xingshi is accumulating the vast swordsmanship, it takes a few years to continue to digest, and finally create!"

"This sword is that I specialize in this reverse repair!"

"It should be robbed, existed for the robbery!"

"It's name ... you will be called !!!"

The sword is unparalleled and muttered. At that moment in the voice, a unprecedented variety is also fierce.

The blood peak swords he held in his hands were unsitious.


Icy harsh sound explosion sounds through the world.

This sound is screaming, just like a hysterical roaring roar.

Announced, attracting all the cold sword light that is noticed.

"That is……"

"Second-order learning?"

The strong people outside the ferry peak are standing.

This sword has appeared, and the surrounding is immediately formed a heavy dark vortex, with an unprecedented anger and decay, with the sword unparalleled and the sky!

In the surrounding day, the bloody sea of ​​blood, and the time coming to the sky is coming on the sky.


There is no imagination to hit the sound of the sound, and there is no thrilling horror horror.

One contact is in contact with the amazing speed.

The endless green flame is ruthless, and the sword is unparalleled. This sword is strong, but it is the strongest sword that he can show now, and it is also auxiliary with hematology. A sword!

However, after all, he is a genuine fire robbery.

Among the three kinds of robbery, the fire is in the second, and the horror level is far from the thunder.

I saw that the ice-cold sword was melted at an amazing speed. After a long time, this sword light disappeared completely, and the gods made entirely from the green flames from the sky, but the remaining power, The sword has no double body.


The green flame touched the bloody will burn it in an instant.

Even if the bloody will be bored, the sword is still feeling your whole body blood, and the five organs are being burned in a madness.


A cold, the spiritual power of the sword is crazy, the green flames of the vitro table go.

! ! !

A lot of spiritual power is ruthlessly burning, but the green flame is gradually extinguished.


The sword has no double throat, but it is a blood donation. His face is also unbeatable, and the body has also begun to tremble, and a slap is like.

But the next moment, he fierce.

He can clearly induce, the void, the vast thunder, has begun to make it again.

And this time, the movement is more than the past eight gods.

"The last one?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood donation of the mouth is swaying directly.

Even if his body has been hit hard under the eighth god, it has been shaken, but he is still proud of this world.

He, from birth to this day, no matter any crisis, any hardship, he ... never refund!

This kind of unyielding and toughness, this is the sword! ! !

I saw the change of Lei Yun, and everyone outside the peak, but they had encountered the throat.

"Is there a ninth road?"

"There is still the last!"

"This is the final test!"

Everyone can't help but hold their hands at this moment, and a low drink and cry.

They are very glad, fortunately, they have not encountered such horrible gratitude.

At the same time, they are also looking forward to, looking forward to the creation of many miracles in this gods, once again created new miracles, put this last step.

"The last God thunder, it should be the strongest!" The Dawei Palace is also holding hands, and it has a strong ** light.

"The first heavy robbery, actually met the footsteps of nine gods, which is simple, if he is dead in this last God, but if it is over, then his future achievements, when you really don't know What levels will you reach !!! "Witch Cang also bite his teeth and secretly looking forward.

"The sword is unparalleled, only the last step, this is the last step, how is it, be sure to go!" The King of the hidden in the depths of the ground has been paying attention to the sword. He is also ignorant.


"The last step, don't give up!"

"Come on!"

Many strong people around the robbery peak, the hearts of the souls are unparalleled.

Today's gratitude has completely lived all the people on the court.

And the sword is unparalleled in this lobby, and it is also deeply convincing that everyone has deeply convinced that there is no one with swords with no doubles, and the kingdom of Jin Yangzhong, although the two people do not have swords. Among this god robbery, the sword is unparalleled in this gratitude, and there is no two to admire them.

The top of the peak, the sword is unparalleled, and his shape is slightly shaking. At this moment he feels all things, everything seems to be told for him.

"The last god!"

"Life and death, look at this step!"


PS: Recommended a new book, hot new fantasy "universe", the rise of the earth, billionaire, countless race, universe hegemony, background grand book, everyone can go see.

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