Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1321 Shen Lei Nine, three robbers!

Bang! ! !

Under the attention, the ninth God in the Lei Yun is finally brewed.

This is the last god, and it is also a god that determines the sword.

And this god, also slowly exposed its front.

~~~ The dark clouds have been calendered from the middle, and the two glare are like two huge sun, shining the world.

These two lights have a darkness, and the other is presented in a green.

"Two, two gods?"

Many strong people present in the scene saw two rays that slowly slowed by the dark clouds, but they exposed the color of the horror.

They look very clear, the two are light, the distinct is two gods!

And these two gods, where the darkness of the gods, carrying out the world's power, and it is the strongest darkness of the thunder.

And the other fluid is green, and it is a complete fire robbery, and it is still a green fire!

"Thunder, fire ... At the same time?"

Shock, dull!

Everyone is incredible.

Three kinds of robbery are generally separated.

Occasionally there will be some thunder robbery, but this is just a silk, part of it.

Now, from the void, it is a complete dark thunder, with a complete fire robbery, these two kinds of robbery, even at the same time, come to the sword.

And not only this, it is the most in the air, the two gods come at the same time, standing in the peak of the peak peak, but suddenly I feel that I am bothering my heart.

This annoyance is like, there is no sign!

It is important to know that the sword has no double all the way, and the mood has long been very strong and strong, the more the crisis, he has always been cold.

Now he is at the edge of life and death, in this way, his inner heart has always been empty, and it is absolutely irritating.

But now ... he is inherently irritated, and this kind of irritation has more intensified, directly affecting his emotions, and even affects his strength to its own strength!

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled. I want to control the spiritual power.


The sword is unparalleled, and the drama will make his mind clearer.

But his face is still twisted, and it is terrible, and the eyes also have never had never had never had never had unprecedented killings.

In his body surface, there is a heavy black fog slowly, this black fog contains mysterious power, so that the violent improvement in his body is continuously improved, and slowly covered with him.

This scene also makes many strong people outside the robbery look at the eyes.

"He, what are he doing?"

"what happened?"

"what happened to him?"

Many practitioners have some doubts.

However, a few have a high sense of knowledge, such as the Lord of the Dagu Palace, the two people, but the bottom of the heart is turning over the sky.


"It's a heartbeat !!!"

The Dagu Palace, the truth of the Tang Dynasty, but also the real supreme existence of this big domain, but it can still be suppressed in the heart, and directly exclaimed.


Other strong people heard exclaimed exclaimed, all of them, the next moment everyone was.

Be robbed!

The three kinds of robbery are the most terrible, and it is also the most difficult to see!

The legend, only the kind of slaughter, the true sin, the truly sin, there is a certain chance to encounter the most terrible heartbeat, but this probability is still very low.

It is also born in the long-term born in the Dagu City, but the gods of these bounds have never seen the existence of the heartbeat.

Because of this, the Dagu Palace will have a lot of money to the heart, before the lecture, it is only a little mention of some information about the robbery.

And now, the sword has no double acting in a heartbeat?

And not only this, he is in the face of the robbery, but also to deal with the thunder and fire!

Three kinds of god robbery, thunder, fire robbery, and robbery are actually at this moment, while coming to a person! ! !


"This is impossible!!!"

The Witch Coades to the indifference, but at this moment he can't help but roar directly.

"Just just the first heavy robbery, how terrible, I can never be terrible to get rid of this place!"

"Thunder robbery, burning, heartbeat, three kinds of robbery, even in the same person, this kind of thing, I have heard it!"

"Under normal circumstances, how to get a day, kill more, and it is impossible to usher in such a horrible gratitude!"


The Witch is shameful, raising his head, he thought of a possibility.

Or, he thought of a legend.

"Mo, this sword is unparalleled, it is reversible? He is in the current, not a god robbery, and the legendary reverse repair?" Witch was shocked.

"Reverse repair?" Dawei Palace Lord heard Witch Cang, and immediately saw it, and it was full of shock.

Reverse repair?

That is the most terrible god robbery in the world, there is no one!

Reversible, is also an existence of the most unique and most counter-day in the ever chaotic world.

Just because I am too counter-sky, I will be spurred by the heavens, the level of the world is the ghost gate of the reversal.

Instead of whether the Dagu Palace is still a Witch, although they are very sensible, they have heard the existence of reversal, knowing some legendary legends, but never really met the reversal, let alone reverse the robbery.

But now ... The horror of the sword is unparalleled, and the two will be associated with the sword.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is rumored in the trick, then this shocking spirit of the robbery is also said.

"This sword is unparalleled, it is actually a legendary reverse!"

The Daxie Palace is holding hands with Witch Cang.

They have already determined that the sword is unparalleled.

On the top of the peak of the robbery, the heavy black fog from the heavy sword is not doubled, has covered the sword unparalleled whole body, and the sword is unparalleled. The breath has become more and more violent.

"Ah, ah !!!!!"

The sword is unparalleled, the whole person is terrible, and his mouth is also sent to a while.

In this case, it is a unlucky, shocking the world, and swept the mountains!

He, is not willing!

Not willing to stop this!

If you are not willing to die, you will die!

After all, there are still many things to do!

He hasn't seen the cream yet, and he has not really figured out his identity of his master. He must not die! ! !


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