Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1322 is life?

In addition to robbery, countless strong people have breathed breathing, and deadly stare at all of the robbery.

They can clearly induce the violent violent enthusiasm in the sword, and can you think that the sword is unparalleled.

But at this moment, that's unparalleled sword was unparalleled, but suddenly looked up, the scarlet eyes stared at the empty.

In the scarlet eyes, there is a killing and crazy, but more is a tough!

"My sword has no double practice so far, I have been in accordance with my own heart, although I killer countless, but what you kill is the people who have killed!"

"I am worthy of my mind!"

"It is worthy of anyone!"

"More than Tiandao!"

"Now, Light is the district of the district, I want to affect me? Dream !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and when the moment, his palm is holding his own chest.


A big mouth blood donation is sprayed from the sword. However, through this hapage pain, he stimulates his consciousness. It is actually a birthplace of the rising heart, followed by the sword, no double, in his body, The power of the stars that have been re-condensed in this more than 100 years!

Star secret, direct display.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled with a double big hand, and a pair of paintings appeared in the sky.

"Give me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the stars suddenly broke out, and even the remaining spiritual power in his body, he did not have some of the reserved directions to the mountains and river society.

The spiritual force drives, the mountain river social map is opened directly.

Next moment ...! ! !

A black and two extreme power is perfectly combined, a huge black and white vortex appears out.

This black white whirlpool appears, and it covers more than one million miles in an instant, and is still expanding at an amazing speed, and the sword is unparalleled in this black and white vortex.

Don't go into the big battle!

This is the sword unparalleled master, in the middle of the heil, and forcibly pulling the end of the mountains and rivers and refining to the mountains and rivers.

This big array is refined, and it has become a means that Mountain River Society can be used!

Unlike Kyushu Yin, this is not going to return to the big array to attack, the sword is unparalleled, and only all the cost can be displayed. In combination with the stars, the secret is the strongest winning card.

Now, he uses this stronger film, to resist the thunder and fire of the sky from the sky!

"come on!"

The sword is unhappy, but the whole body and mind have fallen into the struggle of robbery.

In the outside world, under all cultivatics, the two gods from the void, with the huge black and white vortex, positive contact.

boom! ! !

Heaven and earth are blowing.

The terrible roar spread, and many strong people around the robbery have a painful pain.

Endless black Thunder with the folk flames full of corners of the robbery peak.

! !

The creepy scene has appeared.

I saw that the root peak-robbery peak set specifically for the robbery, and at this moment, the speed of the naked eye will be disappeared.

Yes, it is disappearing.

From the top, the entire peak begins to be embarrassed by the ink green flame.

And the sword in the peak is unparalleled is also in the range of being swallowed.

This swallowed, just continued to work hard, and when everything sailed, everyone saw that the peak of the Rudited Peak has completely disappeared, even more than just the peak, even the mountainside is swallowed. Only the lower half of the robbery leaves left.


The whole world is falling into the dead!

Everyone was shocked and said.

The horrible god robbery, has never seen the god robbery, which has been deeply scared.

Until for a long time, these strong people have returned to God.

I went over, the eyes of these people were immediately smashed with the destroyed songs that were destroyed.

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled?"

Everyone is dead, staring at a huge no-hole in the peak, and the pit hole is deeply visible. It can be found in the bottom of the pit.

They can only feel a sense of consciousness by oneself.

This feeling ...

"No sound!"

"There is no such voice."

"Is it dead?"

Everyone has been silent.

They can't induce the slight sound from the peak of the Rudget, which means that the sword is unparalleled ... fallen.


The top of hematitis is high, and the emotions are abnormal.

After the blooditis island, the gods from the top of the hematitis is looked at each other and secretly shook his head.

God robbery, this is the nine deaths and life, and they have been prepared before they have been psychologically.

However, when the sword is unparalleled in the killing process, they are all looking forward to the sword unparalleled.

Because once it is, it represents a true enchanting birth.

Focus on ... but fail.


The Nine-sea borders of the Shengfu were all spit.

"Fortunately, the last step failed, or ..." The Nine-China God praised, and I thought of the process of robbery, he couldn't help but be frightened.

He can't imagine it at all. If the sword is unparalleled, what should I do?

At that time, he still had courage to find a sword without double revenge?

But fortunately, the sword is unparalleled, and later things will naturally happen.

On the empty, the Dagu Palace is standing in parallel with Witch Cang.

"Unfortunately." Daxie Palace was sighful.

"It is a pity." Witch Cang also nodded, "a real peerless demon, even in my flying snow, maybe no one can be able to have a peerless demon, if he can spend reversal, it will be destined Become a real peak, far from me, but he failed! "

"Of course, this is no wonder, it is really reversible, it is terrible!"

I think that the sword is unparalleled, and Witch also shocked.

This reverse robbery is definitely a nightmare.

A sigh!

Also a sigh of admiration.

But more, but there is no difference in sword.

And in the depths below the bottom of the bottom, Kings are also dead and staring at the peak.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

"No, impossible!"

"If you are really dead, I will have a react as your parasites, and I will have a react, but the result is not!"

"You still have a touch between there is a touch, which means that you are not dead!"

The king is very excited, the body and mind are also crazy, and his sense of sensing is released, and it is desperate to find a sword unparalleled breath.

And only a moment, the King king in the huge pothole in the peak, induced a weak to the ultimate, and it was possible to completely annihilapidize the breath.

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