Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1324 is translucent!


This transformation is the transformation of the body, but also the transformation of spirituality into the metaphum!

It is the transformation of the world!

It is also the transformation of four star ancient gods and transforming into five-star ancient gods!

At the same time, it is also the weakness of the weak!


In an ordinary domain, it is indeed a strong person.

At this level, it is already true God!

"This feeling ... so comfortable!"

The sword is unparalleled from sitting, he closed his eyes, his face with a smile, enjoy the comfort of this transformation.

At the same time, he also enjoys the joy that the transformation is accompanied by strength.

This kind of transformation is too big!

The sword is unparalleled to feel the bones, muscles and even cells, almost every moment in every moment.

His body, the speed of incredibility is raised in madness.


The sword is unparalleled, and it has also begun to change.

The spiritual transformation is transformed into the power. This step is that it takes a certain time. It is like a lot of the gods. It has just been transformed into a part of the robbery. It takes a while to slowly transform, and finally Can all be transformed into real bounds.

However, this step is unparalleled to the sword, but it is completely omitted.

At this moment, the sword can be clearly induced to the amazing conversion speed, just instantly, the time of breathing, this kind of breath has been transformed, every time, the power of his body is completely transformed. .

"God, is this my power?"

The sword is unparalleled to feel the power that is flooded in their own body.

The symbol of the power and the world.

The strength of the power, a large extent, also represents a real strength of a world.

And swords are unparalleled now, you can feel clearly in your own strength, what is a strong horizontal.

"Before the king said, the strength of the power, including the strength of the body, depends on the strength of the integration road, and some people are highly integrated, so a breakthrough spirit, the power level is a heavy day It is a peak level, so when they come up with the graduation, they can easily become a heavy heavens or peak! "

"You can also have a breeze because of the integration of the road, so the gods will reach the threshold of the primary contest. Even if they rely on the school, they will continue to improve the power, but they want to become a top peak. The world is still very difficult, as for the two heavy heavens and robbery is extravagant! "

"And I am ... but I fused three strongest swords, and I still renemn, this breakthrough, my skill is strong, I have a feeling, my spiritual strength, compared to average heavenly peak The world is coming, but it is necessary to have a hundred times! "

The sword is unparalleled.

This is the advantage of integrating three strongest swords, and the benefits of future cultivation.

If he is the same as normal cultivator, the integrated road is not too strong, or simply only blended a strongest sword, there is two are the level of the campaign, then he now breaks the world, the strength of the power is not necessarily possible It can be better than the top of the sky, even if the relationship between the reversal, his strength is just average than the general heavenly peak.

But now, three strongest swords are integrated, a breakthrough, his strength is a hundred times that is a heavy world!

What a huge advantage is this!

After the transformation of the sword unparalleled, a dark golden ray suddenly lit up, this dark golden ray is completely composed of pure ancient gods, and it is actually directly in the sword. .

The body of his ancient gods naturally revealed. In his eyebrows, there were four four-square star pattern. Now, with the dark golden rays, the fifth Tsang star is beginning to condense, only for a moment, Condensation.

Five-star ancient god, arrived!

"Five Stars!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, feel the power of ancient gods in the body, and the bottom is more joy.

It is at this time ...


The sword is unparalleled in the heart.

Just after he reached the five-star ancient god, his mind was more than a part of the memory.

This memory does not have any signs, it will appear directly in his mind.

"Inheritance Memory!"

The sword is unparalleled.

He is not strange to this scene.

After all, he just wakes up the blood of the ancient gods, and the same scene has also occurred, and also got a part of the inheritance, thus controlling the ancient gods three fingers!

This ancient god three fingertips is the ancient god of the family, and the help of the sword unparalleled these years is not small, and now he has become a five-star ancient god, and a part of the mind will have a part of the inheritance memory.

And this inherited memory content, the same is a cross, and still three fingers!

"The ancient gods of the ancient gods are not only only three fingers!" The sword is unanimous.

He got a new three-norm in the inheritance memory.

The fourth refers to ... God robbery!

The fifth refers to ... Duyu!

The sixth refers to ... Wash the day!

These three fingers are more stringent, and of course the exhibition conditions are also more demanding than the breakthrough, fragments and three fingers of the sword.

"With this new three fingertips, I have a big sign in my hand." The sword smiled, and then closed his eyes and continued to enjoy this transformation.

His spirit, the power of the ancient gods has become.

But his body is still rising crazy.

And outside of the robbery, a large number of cultivars waited quietly.

When I saw God's light, they already knew that the sword was not dead, but it could not stand, and didn't you how long they reappeared the sword unparalleled sound.

The reason why it can be inherently, that is because God light is restoring the sword unparalleled injury, so that the sword is unparalleled again.

With the unparalleled breath of the priest, it is more and more harmful, and the speed of this improvement is even more extremely horrible.

This kind of transformation, there is a lot of time, and I finally stagnated.

At the top of the void, the Lei Yun, which covers the Niang Tiandi, finally started slowly dissipating, only the film was completely dissatisfactory.

The huge pothole, the huge pothole, and the nine gods also played it completely, and now it is completely dissipated.

Everything sailed.

Tiandi is restored to calm.

Under this calm, there is a slow body shape from the pothole, and eventually reappear between this world.

And this figure appeared, and instantly became the focus of the audience.

Countless eyes, all in an instant gathered in it.


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