Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1325 The only chance!

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Many cultivators outside the peaks, many of the monks have died, staring at the movement from the pit, but they have not been out for a long time.

For these contests, today is absolutely their most shocking day!

They saw the most horrible gratiance in the world of chaotic world!

They witnessed a peerless monster!

And this monster, now stand in front of them.

Above the void, the sword is unparalleled, the body has been completely repaired. If you don't see a scar, the previous wolf is more exclusive. At this moment, he is taking a faint smile around everyone.


A red stream is taken out from the ground, and the lightning is in front of the sword.

The rays dissipated, it is the thousand feet of the king.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The red eyes of King said with a ribbon excitement.

"The king, can see you again, it is so good." The sword is unparalleled.

"I am also." The King also nodded again.

"Come on, you are not in my body, I am still uncomfortable now." The sword is unparalleled, and the king will be gently waved.

Kings immediately turned into a red stream to drill into the sword unparalleled body.

Re-enter the sword unparalleled body, the king immediately found great change that the sword did not have a double body.

"The sword is unparalleled, your changes are really big." Yu Wang did not help but admire.

"OK." The sword was unhappy smiled.

"The body is rising to this point, and the power is more strong, your strength, is definitely very strong!" Said the King said.

"It's very strong." The sword has no double heart, laughing: "I can feel it, now I am very strong, far more powerful than before, but in the end, I also engage Unclear, it seems to have to find someone to verify it. "

"Verify it?" King said as strange.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no more, and the body shape is moving forward.

The crowd is a big palace master, Switch, and the hematitis is waiting.

"The sword is unparalleled." The main thing of the Daxie Palace shines with the sword and watches, the first opening: "Admire, so horrible gratitude, you can cross the past, when it is very powerful."

I heard this, many of the surroundings were dark.

What is the identity of the owner of the Dawei Palace, I actually be present in the face of so many people, saying that the sword is unparalleled?

However, the strength of the sword has just been revealed in the god robbery and the toughness, and it is indeed admirable.

"The sword is unparalleled." Witch also looked over, his scorpion seems to be a sense of enthusiasm, "I am very glad to see you, if you don't have anything, I want to find a place, talk to you. talk."

"Yes." The sword nodded.

The sword is unparalleled and then viewed to the people of hematitis.

"The sword is unparalleled, congratulations!"

The bloody island is standing with the sword without having a long time, and he went to spit five words.

These five words, but the sword is unparalleled to show a smile.

It is indeed a big happiness.

Congratulations! "

Congratulations! "

There are many trends next to them. Whether it is with swords, there is no passion, there is no double trip to the sword at this moment, and a look is very humble, some are even awe, even those two heavens, Whether the sword is unparalleled is very humble.

Very normal, although they are two heavens, they can ask themselves, if they are encountered with swords and unparalleled gods, they are afraid that they can't spend the past.

The sword is unparalleled in this robbery, and a means have made them completely convinced.

For these people, the sword is unparalleled, and after a cold, the sword is unparalleled, but the scorpion is suddenly seen.

This direction is the place where the Tiansheng government is!

The eyes of the swords and unparalleled eyes have become ugly, especially for the first nine royal gods. The mood of this moment is complex to the extreme.

He thought that it could not take his hand, this horrible god robbery can have a sword.

And in fact, this god robber also indeed gave him a competition, its horror, than he thought, there was still noverage.

It can make him play, there is no thing that is not thinking about, in the face of this horrible can't be terrible, the sword is not born, but also live!

It is now possible to have a heavy heaven, and now the sword is unparalleled now. It is really not good to deal with it.

"Nine-sea borders!" The sword shouted.

The nine rigs gods are slightly smashed, and the sword is unparalpted.

"Delicious? Indeed, if the sword is not diverse, if you have a hard time, I don't know how many times died, but because of this, I can only cross the crisis once again." The sword has no double smile, continue: "Nine-sea borders, soon I will leave the Dawei field."

"Leave?" The nine royal shouted head wrinkled.

The surroundings of the world are facing each other, and they are not accidentally unexpected.

Like the sword is unparalleled, if it has been staying in a small Dawei area, it is definitely a talent, leaving the big border field, go to the snow farm, or go to the legendary Ten major cultivation holy land. That is where you can make the sword unparalleled.

"What do you want to say?" The nine rigs wanted to see the sword.

"I just want to tell you, if I leave, you have not given you two disciples to revenge the opportunity, so if you want to revenge, it is best to hurry." The sword is unparalleled.

"Grasping time? Hey, you think I will let you have this?" The nine royal god shed.

"Of course, I didn't think about it. So now I am going to give you a chance to kill me once." The sword didn't have a double, continue to say: "Choosing the day does not hit the day, today Let's here, you can kill me, I will guarantee that my strong island is not shot, and I will ask the Dagu Palace to do not care about this. ""

I heard the sword unparalleled, and I immediately sounded a champion.

"Sword is not double?"

The world of hematitis is frowned.

The nine-borders of the nine borders are secretly laid, € € , do you say that you want to kill with me? "

"Yes." The sword nodded. "This is the only chance you can revenge for your two disciples. As soon as you can't catch, you will see yourself."

The nine-border of God has become cloudy and uncertain, and the bottom is also hesitant.

The surroundings around them are interested in watching, waiting for the Jiuhai God to answer.


PS: Today is still six! !

Like yesterday, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for reward, ask for recommendations, ask everything!

As long as everyone is awesome, they will die tomorrow!


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