Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1327 The power of swords is unparalleled!

"Only one heavy day, can you compare the peak?"

Reversive! "

"This is the legendary reverse!"

The Dawei Palace is unfortunately.

Nine-sea borders, although it is the second heaven, but only the second day of the first day, and the sword has no double, but the power has reached the ultimate, and the power of the gods directly hurt the nine borders. .

"Nine Sea God."

The sword is unparalleled, "I have gave you the opportunity," I have gave you the opportunity, but now it seems that you are afraid of your two disciples in this life. "

When I heard the sword, the nine-border gods tightly, and the face was also ugly. He is indeed full of unllows, and more is not helpful in addition to this unwillingness.


He is very clear, today is the only chance to be revenge.

I missed today, he wanted to revenge for his two disciples, then it was not realistic.

Let's not say that the sword is unparalleled for a long time, it will leave the big , even if you don't leave, you can't take a lot of talents, you can't grow up to a place that he can only look up, don't say avenation, sword is unparalleled Don't come to him, it is good.

Thinking of this, the Nine-China God can't help but silence.

The sword has no referendum, and his scorpion continues to come around around, and finally solidified in one person.

"Jinyang Zong Lord!" The sword was unparalleled.

The thin old man of a golden robe looked up, and he also looked at the sword.

"Jin Yangzong, you have to ask me before, about your death, is there a relationship with me, now I can answer you, the death of Jinfeng doesn't think about me, if you want to revenge, you can come to find I. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Sure enough is you!" The main color of Jinyangzong immediately sink, and the scorpion immediately broke a killing.

And the sword is still laughing, "I also give you a chance to give you a chance to revenge."

"It's good!" Jin Yangzong is anger, and his body shape is also out.

The people around saw this scene were secretly amazed.

Just playing a nine-nine-Japanese god, and now the sword is unparalleled and take the initiative to find Jin Yangzong owner!

Jin Yangzong is different from the nine-borders of God. He is the leader of the one-heartion, but it is much stronger than that of the nine routine.

"This sword is unparalleled, what is he thinking?" The strong island of hematitis, including the hematoprost of the island, but also frown.

It was previously looking for the nine royal gods, that is because both sides have long been a huge hatred, they can't avoid it, they can accept it.

But now, take the initiative to find Jin Yangzong owners ...

It is necessary to know that Jin Yangzong is, you can always have a sword where there is no double, no killing Jinfeng, now you can, the sword is not active, and I also gave Jin Yangzong's chance to kill him.

"Is this unbelieving?" Headlot island whisper.

However, he did not know that the sword of the reverse repairs was unparalleled, and the strength has skyrocketed, but the sword is unparalleled, but it doesn't know which step I have reached.

So he wants to fight against the strong to verify your strength.

He found a nine-sea border at first, but unfortunately the strength of the nine rings was too weak, and he could not make him full.

Therefore, he will find Jin Yangzong owner.

"Jin Yangzong, the second day, the peak of the peak, I don't know if I am now, can I have a battle with him!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, but it is flashing.

"The sword is unparalleled, death!" Jin Yangzong did not have any nonsense, and the figure was directly shot, and there was a horrible breath to rise.

If the person has not yet, there is already a strong and stupid stencil that is unparalleled.

"The two main heavenly peaks, with the two main world, etc., it is different." The sword is unparalleled, "Come on!"


The same breath is rising, and it has been exploding with the power of pounds.

The sword is unparalleled, and its body shape is also straight, and it hits the master of Jin Yangzong.

Jinyangzong horses bring a pair of gold-colored boxing, and the power of the gods, the powerful shot, and his big hand fierce.


A tiger screams, and the Jinyangzong owner has appeared a huge golden giant Tiger vain. This golden giant tiger vain waves the huge palm and the sword.

The sword is unbolded, and the five four-faceted star of the eyebrows fell a rich dark gold, his ancient gods moved to the ultimate, with his power ... Boom!

The sword is unparalleled with fists and suddenly beaten.

The horrible power of the horrible will smash the front of the void, and immediately collide with Jin Yangzong.


A loud sound, the sound is low, and after the collision, there is a hoe in the four sides of the eight parties to form an impact wave.


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are suddenly emitted, and they are hidden with their hands.

boom! boom! boom!

Connected three punches, every punch has reached the best of the power and the ancient gods, and every punch carrying horrible temperament and directly.

Jin Yangzong is also shot.


It also collides three times, Jinyang Gong's body is directly detached, and the sword is unparalleled, but it is still in firm standing there.

And the golden Yangzheng, who returned to the body, his eyes, "good power!"

He just did not show what is joined, just relying on his own power and sword without pairs, but the result is obviously the sword is not double occupied absolute upper.

The sword is unparalleled with a heavy heaven, and the power that can be exploded is strong than him. The world is strong!

"Sure enough." The sword is unparalleled at this moment.

"I am reversible, and combined with three strongest swords, a breakthrough, it is more than a heavy day, and the bloody will be the second stage of the second stage, and the power outbreak is no longer two days. In addition, I am still a five-star king ancient god. The power of the ancient gods also broke out, so that I am strong in strength, more powerful than the general two-day peak, simple power hard, this Jinyangzong Not my opponent! "

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the heart is quite excited.

A heavy heaven, the power of outbreak is comparable to the three-day peaks, this is already incredible.

However, the strength of the sword is unbroken, but it is better than ordinary two-day peaks!

"Jin Yangzong owner, come up with all your strength, otherwise, the golden peak, you don't have to report."

The sword is unparalleled, laughing.

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