Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1328 ended!

"Kid, you also force the strength to be a little bit, when this is, why can't you?"

Jin Yangzong is an angry, and the voice is falling. When I saw an old and thick breath, this Jinyang Zong's right hand palm, a rich golden light, Jin Guang's eyes, The right hand is directly taken.

"Jiufang Emperor!"


The endless golden light has formed a huge golden palm in the void. This gold palm carrier is endless, it is like the emperor, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword has no double, his soul has long been swept, and it can be very clear to induce the horror power contained in this golden palm.

"Although I am stronger than him, I can be in the school, but the gap is still very big." The sword was unparalleled.

He breaks through the world, the strength has skyrocketed, whether it is the power or the body, has got a huge transformation.

It can be in the school, but there is no change, he has the strongest scholastic school, that is, the macked, but it is just the second order first.

Now, this Jinyangzong is the scholar, that Wei Neng is second-order peak.

Attachment, the gap is too big.

"Don't stay in school, you can only rely on other means to make up!" The sword has no double eyes, one turned, the golden gourd appeared in his hand.


A large number of parasites were instantly swept, forming a positive sandsee of sand and covered all the battlefields.

That Jin Yangzong, including the hands of the emperor of the emperor, also covered by the field of sand.

The terrible field is oppressed.


Jin Yangzong was suddenly anger. "How is it, my strength is actually compressed 50%?"


Yes, Jinyangzong, the main force, is determined to be more than 50%.

The power of the big handprints he showed, and it was instantly weakened.

This scene, people around the battle were mostly seen.

"The field of Balai Sand, is relied on Shen Li, the stronger the power, and the urgent power is naturally, the more definitely except that this sword is unparalleled, but the power is not more than the two heavenly peak. Weak, with this kind of powerful field, even if I wait for the three heavens, it is estimated that it has been affected, and a two-day peak is suppressed in the field of Baofeng Sand, it is normal. "The big palace is laughing.

Bashed in the field of Basquan, this is very good, otherwise he will not find swords before it is borrowed.

Now, the sword is unparalleled, the Shenli has skyrocketed, once again urged this area, and the power is naturally stronger than before.

On the battlefield, there was a lot of bloody flames from the sword without double, and the blood color flame was formed in the surrounded by the sword. This is the blood color fire. Emperor of the emperor.

Heighs, direct display!

The Bemaganda Sand is used to oppress the opponent, and the orthogonal country is used to greatly enhance their strength.

Two major means, at this moment, the sword is unparalleled perfectly in everything.

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled.


The sound of ice-cold harsh sound is horing.

Announced, attracting all the cold sword light that is noticed.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is the strongest sword he created, and it is capped!

With the assistance of the hematology, this sword broke out the thrilling power, and the next moment was in front of the huge handprint.


A dramatic roaring, the world seems to be shocked.

After the sound is falling, the sword in the bloody sea is unparalleled, the body shape is to take back the rear, and there is a good half of him to steadily.


The sword is unbripped in the eyes, "My strength is stronger than him, and I have just used the Squares of Slasum, and the heritage country is double field. It also shows his strongest swordsman. The result is still in the absolute lower wind? "

Although horror, the sword is unparalleled.

After all, the gap is too big!

"The sword is unparalleled, you have just created the second-order first class, I want to fight with this Jinyangzong's frontal defense or a little bit, waiting for you to create a second-order higher school in the future, you should follow him. And there is no wind. "The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"Second-order higher school?" The sword is unbeded.

Second-order first incense has been created, this second order is not too far from him.

And in the sword, there is no double, and the golden Yangzong is standing there, but the face is very unceinous.

"I am all right, although he shook him out, but he did not wound, even the breath did not weakened it?" Jin Yangzong was in full swing face, but only simple hand, he already understood, he couldn't kill the sword. Unparalleled.

Even if it can be suppressed, you can defeat the sword, but absolutely kill.

"Let's here."

A sound suddenly sounded.


The two stones appeared in the most central, and the sword was unparalleled with Jin Yangzong.

I saw that the Dagu Palace was coming with Witch Cang, and the sword was unparalleled with Jin Yangzong 's naturally stopped.

"Jin Yangzong, the nine-sea border, the old man knows that you have a small grievance between unparalleled with the sword, but the sword is unparalleled. But you can't grasp, then start today, you are two, Including the forces you are, you can't want to find his trouble. Otherwise ... no need for him, the old man will not welcome you. "The old voice of the Dagu Palace was spread.


Jinyangzong is busy with the nine borders.

The two don't have a little wish, and the opposite is quite grateful to the owner.

Because the Dagu Palace is now aware of this, he also helped them. After all, in a sword unparalleled talent, if you have a hat, then the next place will inevitably be quite miserable.

As for the hatred between the swords ...

This world is always strong!

The sword is unparalleled to give the opportunity to revenge, it is that they don't have to kill swords, who can blame?

"Okay, things are already scattered." The main scene of the Dagu Palace waved.

The many people around the world heard the words, and they were brought to the Datun Palace, and then began to leave.

Of course, even if you leave, you can see everything they see today, but you will become the topic of them in the next time, and they believe that the entire Dagu field will soon trigger a piece because of this shock.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, but it has only been an incredible god robbery!


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