Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1329 refuses!

The big palace, one is within the palace.

"The sword is unparalleled, you also sit." Daxie Palace waved.

The sword is not hesitant, sitting directly on a seat.

Now, although the strength is the same as the Dagu Palace, Witch Cang has compared to the three heavens, but also a great gap, but obviously the Daxie Palace is treated by him as the same strength. .

"The sword is unparalleled, before I told you, if you have passed the robbery, I will give you a harmonic, introduce you to the flying snowpower, and now ... no need to give it, wait Time, after I completed the things of Daxie, I personally take you to the snowpower, how? "Wu Cang watched the sword.

"Flying Snow Road?" The sword is unparalleled.

Before the repair, the sword was unparalleled to this snowy road, and it was still quite yearning.

but now……

"The sword is unparalleled, the flying snow road, you don't have to go."

The voice of the King, "Flying Snow Road, although it is a genius concentration camp, but it is impossible to do with the whole dramatic chaotic world, it is not enough to compare with your star, I It is worried that your strength is too weak, can't go to the stars alone, so I want to let you first go to the flying snow farm to practice for a while, etc., and then go to the stars, now ... "

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to have a rebellious robbery, just a heavy heaven, the strength can be strong, now you, as long as you use it a little more, you can follow the second The peak of the sky is rebalance, and with your strong body, you can also save! "

"There is such a strength, there is no need to waste time in the flying snowfield, you can go directly to the stars!"

When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled.

He is also very clear, the Flying Snow Road may be very can't afford to be in the country, there are countless days, but it is more than one or two levels to the stars.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Witch". "

The sword is unparalleled: "Your kindness, I am taught, but the snowpower is still calculated."

"Forget it?" Witch frowned.

The Dawei Palace is also a strange sword.

They didn't expect that swords were unparalleled to refuse the invitation of the snowpower.

Task, before the first day of the Dawei Palace, the first day of Qingyang, but dreaming, I wanted to enter the snowpower, just Witch Co n't see him, do not give him an opportunity, even the recommended governance is not given One, let alone, you must personally lead the sword without double to the snowpower.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can think clear." Witch Cang said: "Although you are very good, but still reversible, but a person blindly explores cultivation, it is always more than the excellent environment, a lot of resources help Nothing to grow up. "

"The sword is unparalleled." The Dawu Palace is also said: "Witch Cang's eyes are extremely high, and the ordinary genius can't see your eyes. But this time he wants you to join the snowpower, this is a rare opportunity. Your talent is only able to truly play the place like a snowfield. You must delay your future because you are too confident. "

These two three heavens are universally persuade the sword.

In their view, the sword is unparalleled to the Flying Snow Road to cultivate, absolutely the best choice.

When I heard the two, the sword was unparalleled and smiled. "Two, I know that you are a good idea, and it is also right, but I have chosen my road, I don't think about it. After leaving the Dawei Domain, I plan to go to the top ten cultivation, where it is the place I really yearn. "

"Ten major cultivation holy land?" The Daxie Palace is a sham, and it is all.

"It turned out to go to the top ten cultivation holy land, no wonder, I can't see the flying snowpower." Wu Cang shook his head smile, but helpless.

"Ten major cultivation holy land, that is the most important thing of the ancient chaos world, and the place where everyone's cultivator is yearning, it is really not a flying snow, and you are reversible, talented high, potential The whole of the snow gods is afraid that no one is gone, and I will choose to practice, I shouldn't. "

The Dawei Palace is secretly nod, but it follows: "But the top ten cultivation holy land, but you can go, don't say anything else, single from Flying Snowland to the Top Ten Top Ten Top Ten Top Road, do you know?"

"I don't know." The sword was unparalleled.

Shortly from his own hometown green fire circles, he was very strange to Flying Snow, and naturally did not know how to change the top ten cultivation.

As for the king ... Although he saw a wide range of knowledge, he did not heard the Snowdom of Flying Snow, and did not know the exact position of the Flying Snowland.

"Two can I know?" The sword didn't ask.

"Do you two?" Daxie Palace looked at the Witch, but laughed.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are too highweed." Witch laughed: "Those two of us are the three heavens and the gods, and they are also strong in the country, but the most important top ten cultural Top Ten cultivation of the chaotic world. For us two, it is only a legend, and I have never been to the legend. I haven't been going to go, I don't know the route nature. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

He wants to go to the star, first of all, I must know how to go, the route doesn't know, how do you get?

"Although I didn't have to go to the top ten cultivation holy land, I don't know how to go, but in the people I know, I have to go to the top ten cultivation, and that person is also a flying snow." Cangchang.

"Oh?" The sword was unparalleled, I saw the witch.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should wait for me, you are still waiting for me for a while, don't have to have been too long, don't have a few decades, wait for me to handle the things with Daxie, I will take you to the snow Dao, I can find a chance to help you ask the person, as for you don't add the snowpower, see you, how do you decide, how? "Witch laughed.

After the sword, there is no double, after a moment, I nodded, "Yes."

"That's this, decades later, I was busy with the big things, I came to you." Witch smiled.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

"The sword is unparalleled. During this time, you can continue to stay in my big palace, the old Luo Xing Bureau will continue to borrow you to crack the research." The big palace owner is laughing.

"Thank you." The sword has no double-sensitive.


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